Main Room

main chat
think of this as a place to rp anywhere with relatively faster and/or shorter replies. after a starter has been given a reply, any party can explicitly or implicitly add in a location for where the chat is taking place that day. 
even when tagging, make sure you don't ignore the rest of the chat. if where the location is doesn't make sense to include them, acknowledge them in ooc if you can't in ic.
realize this is mainly an all-inclusive chat so if it becomes a two person rp that you cannot pull others into, move the rp into a room.
this is a favorite place for the hidden sinners here.
Beware of the colored red.
coded by yxgurt
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 3 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok [no worries lol, I’m always down for plot switches ]

*he thinks about it then his lower lip*…hm I suppose not. But brown not green? I see. That’s different from my hoseok. I wonder if that is due to a difference in mind state from the hoseok here. Sunshine, do you consider yourself younger or older than my original hoseok here? You make it seem like you have, for lack of a better term, grown out of the color green. *Taehyung was still clearly way too young and more impulsive than /that/ man that hurt you. And yet now, without trying to, he was hurting you just like that jerk. And yet it was too delicious to quit. He was addicted to the taste of your blood and as he inhaled the scent of it, his teeth craved digging deeper and taking a bite of your flesh. Yet before he continued with that next step, your weak body finally awoken him from the pleasure, pulling him into a state of confusion mixed with gradual alarm.* sunshine…? Hoseok…? Hoseok…! *his eyes filled with panic as he grabs gripping hard at your jelly torso before staring at the pale corpse. It felt like things around him were going slower until he finally moved despite you telling him what to do. Food? he wiped his bloody lips. With that much blood loss? Impossible* n-no hoseok *he panics, ripping his jacket sleeve and wrapping it around your shoulder to apply pressure and stop the wound from bleeding more.* y-you need a hospital!

*he gently grabs and holds your body in his hands in bridal position before appearing with you in front of a hospital counter* p-please, please help this h-human! *he panics, still not sure the extent to his powers but trying his best given his own ruling of this world. He’s in charge of death dammit! Why can’t he know how to save a measly human life?! And yet as the humans all surrounded you and rushed you inside, they panicked as well. You were about to die. For good.*

*his eyes fell growing numb. No…Hoseok…yet then he heard the cold voice. Up….stand up…he stands up with colder eyes before slowly strolling inside the surgery room. Everyone fell asleep as he hovered over the body. Then he heard the voice again and followed the directions. He walked towards your failing vein and sat down before carefully performing the surgery himself perfectly. Now the blood that was being pushed into your stream wasn’t being rejected and a few hours he was sitting in front of your recovering body as the doctors told him it was a miracle despite not remembering what they did.* thank you doctor. *and then he was left alone as tears finally sprung from his eyes in post-mortification. He could’ve lost another hoseok. Again. His hands trembled, relieved that he didn’t as he waited for you to wake up.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 3 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung [I will reply to the rest maybe after he will rest, but Taehyungie need to undestand he almost killed his sunshine.]
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 3 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung [I am not sure if they will be able to continue with after such big chunk of Hoseok blood went missing lol.]

Name? Do I need another one? Besides sunshine and Hoseok? *He asked softly, wrapping his hand around your wrist, rubbing the inside of it.* I like green, yes, but lately, I like brown more... It's comforting and calming... *Hoseok answered, barely able to keep up with the conversation as you keep distracting him, with your actions.* Mhm...I.. oh! *You bit down, and Hoseok toes curls from pleasure, as he gasped. His hand rested on the back of your head as he cradled you closer. He could hear the noises you were making, him dry, and he tried to control the amount you were taking. Yet, he quickly realized, it wasn't working. The first wave of strong dizziness was a sign to stop, but you didn't hear him, and you ignored the pull in your hair. He tried to fight you, to make you realized that you were killing him, but to no avail. Slowly, his attempts stopped, as he grew weak. His knees buckled under him, and his head rolled to the side. You were the one holding him up. As his hands slipped, falling limb on both his side. By the time you stopped, he was barely conscious, just gazing at nothing with half-closed eyelids. His heart was beating fast trying to make for the blood he lost, and he breathed heavily, struggling. He couldn't understand what you were saying. He blinks, attempting to make sense out of it, but we were so sleepy. He weakly points to his neck.* Stop... bleeding... *He mumbled out.* You took too much... *His head falls back as he didn't have any energy to hold is straight.* I.. I need water... juice and... chocolate.*He listed the things he will need to make up for a lost with a quiet whisper. *

[Let's scare the young demon, shall we?]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 4 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *he noticed how you were holding back for him. He decides he’d tease you just more**he blinks at your boop before chuckling amused* of course you would do that, sunshine *yet his smile turned into narrowing eyes as you respond to his teasing choke hold* that is a good expression, beautiful. *he compliments in a low tone* what should your slave name be, sunshine? Is your favorite color green as well? *he asks despite his lips now your clavicle as if one wrong move and he’d blood from your delicious neck. His eyes flashed red as he growled trying his best to hold himself back. Unlike lord V who has learned to control his lust for blood and more until the other couldn’t feel it, he was struggling. Truly young and impulsive. He chuckles despite your whines making him struggle more. Growls* I’m gonna hurt you, Hoseok. I-I can’t hold back. You smell so delicious. A-are you sure? *yet suddenly he bites down and your neck. It feels so good. Tastes so good. You taste so good. Only when he can barely hear your warming thoughts, did he panic and stop* s-sorry hoseok, I’m sorry, do you need food? I-I didn’t mean to take so much *days with slightly panicking eyes despite the blood now dripping down his lips*

*he quickly found a granola bar from a shelf and a juice box* is this okay? Hyung? Can you eat for me? Please? *he’s only seen that in movies but he hopes his actions can accurately resolve your health. Yet eventually, lord V had come to once you finally settled*

*lord V was hurt when hoseok refused to acknowledge him but stayed back and let Taehyung continue, knowing he deserved it. So when you wrapped your legs around Taehyung, his own eyes warmed despite his harsher grip on your waist* I agree, I’ll make you moan my name instead of his *his voice says aggressively before clashing violently yet passionately against your lips. Not as wild as jeongguk’s nor as firm and stable as lord V’s. His own young and impulsive flavor of despairing passion as he carries you to the be room for now.

*once in the bedroom, he waves hoseok to turn around before aggressively pressing the other’s head against the wall. He backhugged your body before at your neck* Hoseok, I can call you hoseok right…? *he whispers against your lips before pressing his fingers around your neck* you will call me master. Go ahead, try it once *he commands as his large hand slides against your cheek*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 4 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung *There was time for everything, the conversation wasn't over, and Hoseok knew he couldn't let you distract him because once you do, he will melt. Gave into lust and desire, and finally letting you consume him. This wasn't an act. This was Hoseok finally removing the rest of his walls and allowing you in. Accepting you whole.* There is something I learned from him. *He booped your nose with a giggle.* As you can see, very useful. *As you cupped his jaw, making him look up, he parted his lips, and them, his throat suddenly dry.* Emerald? Adoring my neck? Elegant. I like it. *He says slowly, his voice husky, as he did to focused on your moving lips. Now that he could finally just do that, it was challenging to hold back.*

*Then his world spun as he felt your lips and teeth on his neck, and a shameless whimper left his lips.* ... *He cursed, hand gripping your arms for support. *, don't stop… *Hoseok begged weakly when you stopped. He bit his lips, focusing again.* I love it. The bitting and drinking… yeah. You will drink me whole, I won't survive that in this weak body.

Good, it's your and yours only. No one can break it but me.*He giggles.* Now you are mine as well. Caged in my heart. No way to escape me and the bond. Connected. *He teased you, his hands slipping under your shirt to rest in the middle of your chest. So warm against your cool skin.* This is mine.

*When the phantom finally decided to show up, he froze in his spot, eyes cold, glaring. He was pissed and hurt, and he said nothing, waiting for you to leave. You will have to do more than just sweet talk to him. When the smiles changed, he relaxed slightly, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in, as the wound in his heart stings. It took him a moment before he could say something, just leaning into your arms. When you kissed him, his hands found their way to your neck, kissing you back. Before you could say or do something, he climbs you up, jumping just to wrap his legs around your hips. He tilts his head to the side and deepens the kiss now that you were on the same level.* To the bedroom we shall go, I want to consume this properly. What do you say about that?
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 4 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *he stares as his eyes narrow, his giggle now taking a more mischievous tone as he his lip then bit it. It was clear from his expression that he knew what you were thinking and as much as he wanted to voice it out, rather than voice it, he would automatically grow nearer. Yet his eyes grow colder as you tugged at his laces. If you were acting for him, you were doing a great job because he couldn’t believe how quickly you grabbed at him* learning from your predecessor… *he chuckles before his hands cup around your jaw* I suppose we shall see. But you are hoseok, a very different version im sure. But given you were envious of the necklace, I can see you as diamond in the making. No- I cannot say that. What about… *his eyes linger on your lips* an emerald…?

*he chuckles mischievously as he his lower lip* but hm as a hoseok, let me think… *his large hand slowly cupped your neck* your neck must be quite sensitive hm? *he playfully pulls and bites on the skin before chuckling with a smirk* oh, I’d love to taste that flesh once you become immortal. You do not know how hard it was to hold back on my original hoseok*

*he smiles into your eyes with warmth when you address the bracelet that he had at first barely paid attention too* you continue to surprise me, beautiful. *but he too noticed how you stopped telling him things. Yet for some reason, he did not feel to ask either. Clearly, the phantom’s work on his unconscious. He will need to take care of that one…* but you do make me curious… *he presses his lips to the bracelet and kisses it softly* I shall make sure to cherish it, sunshine

*a smirk lingers on his lips* then I am pleased you have accepted it back, my Angel. I apologize for doubting you, but you have accepted that he is me by taking the ring as him rather than refusing it because it was mind. I cannot wait to marry you. *he chuckles before his smile changes to be more rectangular and fuller* thank you, sunshine. *stares in realization at your face then holds you close as if he could tell his conscious switched* it’s okay, you will be okay. I will give you something very fitting for you. *kisses you harder to soothe the pain, grabbing your waist*

[I think this works. We can still continue this if you want but for our plan to move forward, Taehyung is good to go ]
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 4 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung *Hoseok smiled gently, letting you squish his warm cheeks watching you, amazed with a deep giggle. It was so... cute but also incredibly hot. He bit his lip to stop his mind from going this route and focus on the conversation, not on the positions he wanted to try with you.*

Hmm, each Taehyung I met wanted to cage me. So the influence I choose on you must not be very good. *Hoseok says rather lightly, chucking softly. He played with the strings of your hood, thinking.*

Oh no, it is not a rejection. I am honest. I don't know how to be a slave. I was a free spirit for a long time, well, I still am in a way. So don't be disappointed if I won't fit into a role you created for me perfectly. *He pulled on the string, shrinking your hoodie a little and standing on his toes to reach your lips, which he pecked shortly.* You need to teach me, sir.

*His fingers slipped under the bracelet he just gave you, rubbing the skin of your wrist.* Take care of it, it is attached to your soul, not his. It is our connection. No matter how far away I am, you will be able to reach me. *He whispered softly against the skin of your neck where he pressed his face.*

I am accepting a ring, I am accepting you. But I also want something that is purely from you, and you only. Something that I can look at and think ' I belong to him'. That's what I thought when I looked at the ring. *He slipped his finger in the ring, wearing it again, trying not to automatically think about the hurt.* I am accepting the ring, even if I would like to not look at it. It's painful after what he has done. It makes me sad. *He looked up at you as his hands curled into a fist before he relaxed again with a sigh. He pushed the bad memory away, focusing on you, the warm smile coming back.* Taehyungie, can you kiss me?
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 4 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *he giggled deeply at your sudden embarrassment and cups your cheeks* oh beautiful, you’re very welcome

*safety? Was it safety? Yes, he is growing fond of another hoseok but that didn’t describe that initial impression* that too but more simply. You are jung hoseok. It seems that only hoseok’s have that scarily overbearing fact on me… so I’m very certain, jung hoseok and Kim Taehyung had a past somewhere before. I can only surmise by the fact I desire to cage you in my apartment and make a mess of your beautiful body. *he chuckles softly to your own warmer smile though another would smirk as you know him, already.*

*taehyung wonders what you meant by lover before he purses his lips in slight confusion. Then he chuckles dryly* is this another rejection from you, sunshine? You truly know how to keep me on my toes…my hoseok did as well…*his voice was dry in sadness before you continued to treat him as more than a copy. From telling him not to call himself that to that adorable yet difficult to accept ring though his cheeks tinted pink when you spoke of that diamond collar. That slave collar* i will, hoseok. Just as you gave your phantom this bracelet that I will cherish, I will find something much much more fitting to gift you, may not be a ring though. Since…this completely fits the exact promise ring I had in mind to give you and that is why I want you to wear it *he still slightly is worried but continues on* …does this mean you reject me giving this ring? Tell me hoseok… *he sighs with slight pain and furrowed brows* you are confusing me again, sunshine…
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 4 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung *He smiles, embarrassed when you caught him, but a short explanation was better.* It does, thank you.

Because you feel safe with me? *A guess.*

*He wasn't writing anything off, it was his real concern after seeing what you enjoyed with your Hobi. He would rather not disappoint you. * He has his own agenda, definitely, one that I know nothing about because he was never honest with me about it. 'It's fate's role' he would say and then proceed to do everything but letting the fate decide. Which is a tiny bit funny.*Hoseok chuckles. That part was always very funny to him.*

*Hoseok melts in your arms, leaning on your chest, wrapping his hands around you, embracing you as well.* But the thing is, I want to be yours. Even when you rush things. I do want you. I had no experience being a slave, though. Yet, I can be a lover. I know how to love. If you will have me.

*He tilted his head back, staring at something over your shoulder.* You are mistaken. I never, not even once, saw you as a copy. He did, the Lord did, but I did not. It frustrated him to no end because he wanted me to accept his young self, but I couldn't help it. When I look at you, I see you. I see Taehyung, not the young Lord. Because you are so you. You are so different. You are not a copy, you are your own demon self. *He presses his face against your chest, pressing a hard kiss to it.* Don't call yourself a copy. You are Taehyungie.

*Unfortunately, he couldn't tell you anything yet and give you the hope you so need. He stares at the ring before he nods, accepting it.* You will not die Taehyungie I will carry your soul with me. I will be your Queen, but… I have a small request. *He smiles softly.* Do you know I designed it myself? Every time I look at it, I think that something is missing… *He the breath in as his mind was flooded with memories from Halloween night. The moment where he was dying, desperately hitting the glass, using that ring to break it, but it did nothing. He stiffened in your arms, before he forcefully shut down that memory and stopped the panic from sinking into his bones and takes over. His lips pressed into a thin line before he took a deep breath in, leaning closer for support.* Could you please give me a ring? Your own ring? One you will pick yourself? It doesn't need to be anything fancy. *He asked, looking into your eyes as his face regained the color that previously left it.* I was always so jealous of the diamond collar you gave Hobi. It was so perfect, so beautiful and made for him. I wanted it. I even asked for it, but it didn't end well. *The smile on his face turned into a shy and embarrassed one as his admitted it.* I just want to look at it, and see you in it. Something to cherish. Even a plastic toy ring, would be my great possession because it would be from you. From my Taehyungie. *His worry caught up to him, and he bites his lips.* Do I ask for too much?
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 4 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *he noticed how you furrowed your eyes in confusion and a headache then chuckles sighing as he thumbed your cheek* simply put, I was a demon lying dormant in a human body. Does that help, my little Hyung?

You showed me your previous life. Little do you or I know, Hoseok, though, if you had many others with me. I find no other reason why heart goes into a different state with you than the others.

*his eyes grow dark at the thought you were writing him off because you think you’d be boring but then his lips pursed when you gave the insinuation that there was a version of him who /even/ dared to be used by others than hoseok. He would never have considered that.* I see…I suppose that may be why then. That phantom admires that which he does not have. Pride. But I doubt I could ever love anyone but you in any version, Hoseok. Unlike him. You see, I may be the one not being used but I /am/ using. That phantom…. It’s not compensation in that way, sunshine. I would not be surprised that if he had the power to, to combine our personalities together, that he would in a blink of an eye. Maybe… *he continues to keep quiet but now he wonders. Maybe that was the former plan. Why he never got his queen hoseok. Why his own relationship development with hoseok had so many holes in his memory. And then you came and calmed his frustration and confusion. On purpose? Or a side effect for him growing aware too soon?*

*he watches as you seem too tired to think and breathe and feel.* hoseok… *yet his eyes hurt when you don’t even look to him for comfort. If things went the other’s way, most likely this was the exact part he could give to you and you were not taking it. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you close to his chest* hoseok… *he places his large hand on your head to lay you on his chest and breathes against you. Then he his lips in hurt* maybe I’m not the one. Maybe I’m not compatible enough to take your heart. Maybe I rush things too much *he chuckles deeply* I cannot help it. In my mind, I’m still the greedy one. I am not touched by that desire that I do not deserve you. That I would leave you and let you find your way to me. I /do/ think you should be mine. I wish you’d just shut up and let me touch you. Let me love you. I can give you so much and more* you’ve seen it through my hoseok’s eyes how I love. It /is/ rushing things. *inhales* so you tell me, beautiful. Do you want to be my slave hoseok?

*when you told him you couldn’t leave to another Taehyung again, he purses his lips, blinking at the change before looking down* Hoseok…you may not know this about me. But I can read your feelings yet feelings seem redundant with my servant around. But I am much better at reading feelings only if your thoughts and actions match. And lately, they have never matched. You feel something yet think another. So sometimes it’s kind of annoying to read that they’re always conflicting.…especially when you’ve always considered me a copy of the real thing in your thoughts yet other than the rejection, you’ve never rejected me ever since. I’d rather have just one and let my servant take care of the rest. Feelings are just so fickle than thoughts. Especially yours, Hoseok. But for once, your thoughts finally matched your feelings. *he chuckles in confusion*

So…if you can truly love us both, for the time I am here, before I die and leave this world behind again, who knows where my soul will take me, I might even just die with my hoseok here, would you… *takes the ring out of your pocket and holds your hand up, your finger firmly held in his. He may look like lord V sound like lord V but his mannerisms were very different. He smiles of course. But he grabs your hand like it’s his while lord V would be hesitant yet firm like that time you fell for the phantom* be my queen…?
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 4 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung *Your twisted and overly complicated explanation did nothing to help Hoseok understand. But he nods because there was nothing else for him to say and he didn't really know what to ask. Where to even begin.He rubbed his forehead, feeling the headache incoming, from too much information, from too much everything. He was tired. Those demon boys always know how to turn his world all over.* You don't have an idea how much. Maybe leave further information for some better occasion when my mind is not so tired.

I showed you my past, almost all of it. You already know who I was, and it was definitely not a pet or slave. I barely started to explore that topic with him. *He shook his head gently.* I had a lot of time to explore the borders of my soul and the power of it. All I am doing is using bonds and ties I created, and send my thoughts by them. Halloween was borrowed power.

You are similar, but not the same. With each moment, I can see it. I doubt. *Once again, he sighs, shaking his head for a no.* You do not compensate for anything he lacks, you are different. I know well enough I am not a perfect pick for you, and if we ever want to be compatible in bed, I will have to learn a lot. Actually, I feel like in a long run, I will be boring you out. *He smiled sadly, shrugging.* Even if I know I can't say it right now, it's not my job. I did what I could and told you as much as I was allowed to. *He brings back memories.* Greedy hands, you were not used for pleasure by, so many like your servant and my Lord. Their story is not nice, and don't blame them for losing hope in true love or in the fact that someone can truly love them, you see. If people keep on using you over and over, that ability is getting lost. You are not there yet, and hopefully, you never will.

*You were rushing into things, where Hoseok could barely walk. Where he was already so overly emotional. He looks at your hand and gently took it, wrapping both of his warms one around it. * I am sorry, but you need to be patient with me. I may have seen what you did to your Hoseok, but that didn't give me experience.

*The smile he gave you was sad, as he slowly, step by step, gave up. You didn't believe him, he didn't believe him. So, was there even a reason he should try to stop you?* I won't come with you, Taehyungie. I don't need another lover, I already have you and him, if he still even wants me. I think that's enough love for someone so small like me. Furthermore, I love hard with all I have, and you are enough for me. *He states calmly, his eyes serious.* But I won't stop you from finding your own happiness, even if it's not with me. I want you for myself, selfishly want you to be mine, but I also want you to be happy. *He reached out, gently rubbing your cheeks in such a loving way. * Run and find someone better but know you will always have a place here. *He took your hand, pressing it against his chest.* You are loved and you always will be.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 4 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok No, Hoseok. *he’s quick to correct your assumption.* That world was only when I died after so long. I was never a human in that world. I just was never aware I /wasn’t/ a human until I died. As if my powers lay dormant for so long I just behaved like a human. Same reason as how I decided to hide my own powers from myself to walk the earth. I only regained it when that world’s childish king decided to kill me. Only then could I be self-aware of my true existence and could I retaliate and gain my strength. However I cannot say I did not die in that world. Even as one imitating a human, I truly felt like a human so to me, I definitely had died as a human there. I still remember all the confusion, frustration and anger I felt being alone before meeting your kind soul. It was not like I was aware of the demon powers I had at my disposal to use against them. Think of it like this. The king of that world did not allow any supernatural souls so when I was created, I was not aware that the supernatural existed and therefore nothing in me presented myself as not human. My genes. That worlds’ recordings. Everything stated I was a human. Confused? *chuckles lightly* I was too. I /do/ believe I was human once but that may have been much much much more in the past so long that I can’t remember. My true 1st human death.

*his eyes fell lightly when you wrote off the possibility of you being a pet or slave just like that before his eyes furrowed* how strange…if that’s the case, that means even your past lives never had a foothold in my university…and yet by strange luck- more likely that despicable being’s- you entered this world. Even I asked my right hand man who was guiding me through my role at that time. I asked whether there were any non-humans but us and he said none. So that is even more strange you were able to do everything you did for me while still being an ordinary human being and a hidden ruler of this world *he purses his lips in thought as you try to explain yourself. His eyes soften as he closes his eyes* I am thankful you did though…

*he caressed your cheek as he just listens. Nothing could change the fact you had indeed had the conversation about how by entering this world, you would be taking responsibility for interrupting your own host’s fate. Yet his brow lifts piqued an interest when you spoke about himself.* that despicable being considers me a better version of him as well? Touche…if we’re similar despite being the same person yet that one admires me…is he compensating for something he lacks he can give to you..? *he asks out loud before turning quiet. Maybe he was meant to be more than a shadow. Was there a chance two different halves of a shadow could make a whole being? He thinks then turns to you* hoseok, tell me. Do you know even more than you’re letting on…? I should know. Although I’m very saddened my hoseok cannot do this… *if that hoseok could, maybe the phantom’s original plan could have been to combine both together in the end. Something that failed. But he doesn’t talk about that because he has no basis other than how he may think to come to that specific conclusion. Instead, he asks* what do you mean by greedy hands..?

*how could he not forgive you when you did everything to placate the pain he felt. Now will he ever forget the pain he had felt when he first lost his hoseok to the world? The sudden tangible realization that in part, they’ve separated as soon as he became self aware? No, he will never forget what you and the phantom did to him. But also what could he do but still want a hoseok or queen to love him to his own king self?* hoseok… *he softly holds your hands* I only forgive you because I would have done worse to you. I know I would have if I was in your shoes. So I hope you know this is not me being a saint or I am “nice.” No, what you did was unforgivable. What /I/ will do to you is unforgivable. But you are now mine, sunshine. You have no choice. This is the fate you wove after cutting my hoseok out of the equation. This is your punishment for rebelling against your master… *he slides dangerously close, about to pin you to the wall and kiss you hard. But could you ever say V was the better of the two evils. Not really. Nothing indicated this. Only that unlike your lord V, he seemed much more optimistic in controlling the situation more than lord V who seemed to pessimistically do so. Both having a different definition of despair that their actions are guided by.*

*but when you flinched, he was first confused but then realized exactly why you couldn’t have ever been his pet or slave. Because you had to be submissive enough to enjoy his masterdom. Especially, his punishments and rough but master-like mannerisms. When you flinched, he backed a step once. Now he doubted even more. You didn’t understand the appeal of such topics like his hoseok did so how could you even begin to love him more than lord V?* sunshine. Look at my hand *he shows his palm for you to see* there is no evil or violent intent in them. I only wished to punish your y body. Now…would you allow me to do so?

*yet you continuously think and conclude that he’s not just puppy love. He stares at the hand that made him stop throwing your ring.* tch… *he mutters under his breath. He just confirmed to himself nothing he could do could ever put him on the same level as that rude phantom.*

*but that realization is also the reason why he’s ready to find his own hoseok. Because if you’re part of a world and was able to join his, he too maybe could find other hoseoks and join theirs. Maybe even non-hoseoks if he falls for them. This would be his journey to find love meant for him. Little did he know that’s exactly what lord V did except under different conditions.* No hoseok *he shook his head* I don’t want you to come with me and fall for me. You’ve already hinted me a ton of times that you will not like me even while saying you will *he grins with a more wilder rectangular grin expression* I want you to come with me so we can /both/ find new worlds together! *nods* you’d find a fitting phantom and I’d find a hoseok that won’t mind what I like. So stop stalling and tell me! *grins rectangularly in mischief* so what do you say?

[I’ll reply the other part only if you decide it’ll still work after the previous part I replied to. Rn it could go or not ]
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 4 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung *Of course, now it makes sense. The way you slowly forgot how a true human feels like as you gain more and more power. Which Hoseok probably won't ever understand fully, not as human at least. It's not like you were completely isolated from people, you were still part of this university and community, more over you could hear all people's thoughts. You could basically see all their dark secrets and desires. It's like touching their humanity, basking in it.* You were a human, I do not know all the details, but you were well known among students. Your first meeting with your Hobi. I think you were a human at that time, you couldn't hear his thoughts after all. *He frowns slightly,* At least I think so, I wasn't here, so I can only relay information from Hobi's memory and it's foggy. *Blinks coming back when memory bite back with pinching sharp pain behind his eyelids, and gently shook his head.*

I was never a pet or a slave. I was never a part of that community. I doubt my Taetae was. It was a phantom influence. *He let you hold him in his grip as his calm eyes looked into your mad, concerned.* You are trying to find a reason, but it could also be an accident, pure luck or fate as well. However, I do not have an answer for you. We can't change what already happened. * He sighs softly, touching your cheek.* Taehyungie, it wasn't my job or duty. Initially, I wasn't supposed to interrupt your life and be hidden in your Hoseok, undetected. But how could I let you suffer? I know how painful it is for your own lover to forget who you are to them.  I would never condemn you to this fate. It almost broke me. You didn't deserve that. *He smiles sadly, cupping your face in his hands, rubbing your eyes.*

Along the way, somewhere in between glances, nights and moments, my feelings for you grew, but I never intended to split you two. Believe me, I care for Hobi as well. I wanted the best for you both. I know well enough that I am not a good pair for you. *His hands slipped further, covering your mouth. His finger shook on your skin and his eyes held such a strong emotion.* You are not an experiment for me. You never were. Don't say that! You are a person. I wanted to meet you, to let you see me. Yet, our first meeting almost ended badly for me. Second as well, and I was ready to hide and never show myself again. It was better for you this way. With me away. *He sighs,* I do not deserve forgiveness, neither did he, but at least I can tell you that I wanted what was best for you and Hobi. Yet, I am not sure if he would ever become aware and able to be the true queen. Your Hobi is not made for immortal life. At least that's what I think so, after knowing some of his thoughts. The idea of growing old with someone. He cherishes that. Even if he agrees to be your queen, I doubt he would like to be immortal and spend eternity with you. He is different from me. I already gave up on many things for my Lord, even my mortality. *Hoseok had that melancholic look on his face, as he looked at you, wondering.* You would be a good King, maybe even a Lord. Even if he tells me how similar you two are, I can't help but see the differences all the time. You are untouched by tragedy and greedy hands.

*His hand shook before he let them fall, looking sad and defeated. There was nothing he could say to that. Could he? You were right, he screwed you both over, even if it was never his intention.* I can only apologize, nothing I will say will mend what already happened. I am sorry, *He says, as his shoulders sunken under this heavy burden. He was ready to hide in that comfortable void and just stay away if that could help. Then he blinks, surprised by your word. He didn't understand, why would you want him?* You… want me?  But why? *He was speechless, and he frowns, shaking his head, pinching the bridge of his nose in disbelieve.* It doesn't make sense, didn't I screw you over? How can you even love me? Shouldn't you be mad? Hurt? You lost your own Hobi, because of me. *It was difficult to believe that you could actually do it. His Lord rarely if ever could really forgives anything, holding and carrying the hurt with him for a long time, yet you… if you could forgive him such a crime. *Oh… *He lost his breath when you pulled on his neck and kissed him hard. Hoseok could only answer by kissing you back, balancing on his toes, leaning on you. You worked fast, and he could barely register as it started to pin his wrist above his head, locking him in place. He only gasped again before his mind was pulled far away and new painful memories took over.*

*He couldn't hear you as you called for him, but he did felt your body as you tried to comfort him. At that moment, he couldn't really appreciate it fully, as the hurt and pain was so raw and difficult to bear. You started to doubt yourself in jealously, while Hoseok started to doubt everything. He stares when you don't believe him, his own eyes so thoughtfully defeated.* There is so much history between me and him, but it started wholly different from ours. At first, I was mad at him for taking away my Taetae and his memories. It started to change and grow slowly as my Taehyung slipped further into madness, and he started to be violent with me. He protected me and I started to trust him. *He was trembling in your arms, before he leans, resting his head on your shoulder.* I thought that… despite his original Hoseok he loved so much that he wanted me… but if he can leave me so easily. Cut me out with no consideration about my feelings… do I even matter? *He let out a sad and broken laugh.* No, I am just a spare human.

*As he lifted his head to look at you, there was a small spark of hope in his eyes.* Puppy love or not, you are here. You are the one who doesn't want to leave me alone, even if you should. I only ever hurt you, but you are here. That alone makes you ten times a better man than he is. So I want this love to grow. I want you by my side, Taehyungie, no matter how short or long my life ends up being. *He grabbed your hand, stopping you from throwing away the engagement ring.* No, don't. I want to see his face when I give it back. When he realized that he needs to earn me back all over again. *His gentle fingers took the ring from your hand. His cheeks were wet from tears.*  It probably won't mean much to him… I wonder if any of our moments did. He made me doubt it.

*Hoseok didn't really react to your anger, watching as you hype yourself up with anger. As your brilliant brain works on the plan. When you kissed him, so sure of a success, for a moment he wanted to give in. Believe in you just so he could watch that expression on your face. So open, honest, excited. Oh, how bad it hurts to crush it, as he took your hand in his, intertwining his fingers with yours. The other gently touched your forehead, moving over your right eyebrow down to the sharp cheekbone.*

That's precisely what he wants. That's his plan. He wants a proof that I love you, so me running with you will work wonders as he will take over your body again. No, I will not run away with you, Taehyung. No matter how smart and powerful we are, he is in you. Always watching. *He smiled softly, letting the pain and sadness go, calling on good emotions as it fills his heart with hope. He raises your hand up, opposite to the one with the bracelet, turning it over and exposing the inside of your wrist. He presses a soft, loving kiss there, warming your body. * My brave boy… * And you could feel the warmth sinking deeper into your body, wrapping tightly all around your heart and being. Right before your eyes, another beading bracelet appears. One by one, slowly circling your wrist, and closing before slowly losing the light and setting down with the fluttering heartbeat of Hoseok's heart. *

Our own bond. *He whispered as he staggered from the exertion. Yet, despite a momentary weakness, he reached over, touching your very being with his warm hand, as it moved along your stone-cold walls. * It is separate from his. You cannot touch his, just as he cannot touch yours. No matter how deeply he will hide you, I will always feel you, and you will be able to feel me. *He leaned heavily on you as his knees buckled up under him.* I won't run away with you, but I will take you will me. You are linked to my very soul. *He presses his head into the hollow at the base of your neck.* How do you like, my darling? *The bond sways inside of you, so odd. Warm and different from all the darkness all around.* You wanted a taste of sunshine.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 4 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *taehyung or V smirks softly at you teasing him. This part of you was similar to his hoseok yet different. Your eyes looked beyond the world he knew. Looked at him /beyond/ the Taehyung you knew him as. Like he was part of many. He chuckles deeply, ultimately yearning to close the gap between us. He desired to feel your body* I actually thought that must’ve been my demon self. When I woke up after dying, hoseok- I didn’t know it at that time- but it seems like I had never been human. Even when I had “died.” Maybe I truly don’t remember how I was like as a human at all yet have constantly been in this vicinity from the university. Maybe it’s because somewhere around here reminds me of a time when I was human. I had only been living as a human in that other world until I had awoken to my new found power in this one and realized that was not the first time I have died. But I’m sure somewhere very distant in the past I had a human life. *he blinks at the ground* if I try, I cannot remember it…I only remember that the hoseok I met here made me feel human again. And now you too as well. *he cups your cheek with softer yet clearly still insane eyes* my beautiful…when was the last time I fell for you? Were you my pet too then? Perhaps a slave? *he grips your chin softly* there must be a reason I chose the university as if I knew i would meet you eventually. And then *his eyes fell before hardening* when I met him, that phantom *spits vehemently* of yours took everything so when I was supposed to love my hoseok, make /him/ my queen, I never truly received my queen to rule with me. But you… *his eyes looked crazy into yours. Envious but now painted with a warmth than anger like before*…you were there. You protected me. Watched me. Maybe it was your job, hoseok2 or sunshine, but you made me realize I still had a hoseok. *he cups your cheek* especially when you saw the me who was manipulated by him of all people, you never let me despair. I wonder…did you make it so hoseok could not be a queen? So I could not be shared with another? *he chuckles thumbing your lips* his devious of you, sunshine. But now because of that, you forgotten I would have chosen you. Like a little rat experiment of your own, you knocked down walls until all I could see was you. You and that more despicable phantom of yours played with my fate like it was a game. I would have done the same if I knew I could have you and yet I was late to take my crown because of that one. I wonder how my hoseok would have felt if he had known that too. Would he have forgiven you like I have?

You say all of this and yet you were most all knowing than me and my hoseok when you first witnessed us both. I’m sure you must’ve had this thought trace across your head, beautiful. That by entering this world and possessing our bodies you have consented the possibility that you would be screwing with our fates. My hoseok’s fate specifically. Similarly with keeping him unaware, even keeping him away from Halloween, he never could have risen to become at least my ever immortal queen in partner where we would rule forever here in this world and I would have been content to never rise above my servant ranking as King to possibly a Lord. Now though I am just a King without my Queen. *his voice despite the spiteful words were loving and possessive* hoseok…you knew. As long as you are mine, as long as you let me love you, I shall forgive you and what you did essentially killing my hoseok in the process. Quite devious, very fitting to be my queen as well.

And yet…*he holds your neck close to him* I cannot do anything but fall even further for you…beautiful. *he kisses you harder as if his life depended it. Which it did. Somewhere down the line, he should’ve known that he had no opportunity to change his hoseok to an immortal version but given that was the only way to make his kingdom here, it brought so many of your crimes in front of his eyes. Despair started to cloud them but also lust. And love because he could never get mad at you. He could make today night a great for you though. Make your body moan for him not that phantom. He starts to pin your wrists above your head as he slid his other large hand around your neck to choke and kiss you. Yet before he could kiss the pain away, a familiar scene. He remembers it so vividly. His hoseok rolled his eyes back and laid limp in his arms and then you had woken up to tell him things are okay. This time it was you instead. Your eyes didn’t roll back but still you lay limp in his arms.*

*No.* sun…shine…? *his voice tried to make sense. Did he lose another hoseok? No.* Ho seok…? *No. his voice shook* hoseok… *he commanded as he grabbed tightly to your body. No. You will not leave him. No. His eyes grew colder at the lifeless body. Anger frustration started to fill his body. This ing piece of Phantom! Then you gripped him back as you came to. Anger but relief filled his face as he crashed his lips against yours, accidentally interrupting your words. Too relieved to care if you slapped him. But when you let hm in shock but still didn’t kiss back, he pulled away to let you speak.*

*the words and anger that left your lips made him grip you more comfortingly* Hyung, Hyung I’m here. *though with the way you visibly were angry at that he can only assume was the phantom, he grew jealous. Nothing he could ever do could make you look at him the same way as that man. And he began to doubt ever existing. Whats the point if you love a better him? It would be much different if it was another. At least then he could compete. He couldn’t compete with himself. So when you stated that you love him, his heart fluttered only for his eyes to fall* do you? You clearly love that phantom…what you feel for me must have been puppy love. *he parts his lips as he was about to bring up how you rejected him only for you to beat him to it. He purses his lips to let you continue but your wild eyes were suddenly hurting him. There was no hope. Eken usually he feels hopeless, he automatically reasons it’s better to kill you so you’re all his forever. But even if he killed you, you could just hop to another world. Hed be left alone and knowing what he does now, his own hoseok may become a queen eventually. But it would never be the same. He’d always think about the first hoseok who saw him as himself and comforted him through out.*

*then his eyes widened when you throw away the engagement ring. So that was what the ring on his finger was. Hope. His eyes filled with hope. Maybe you could fall for him if he comforted you? But then his eyes were hit with realization. It too all seemed like a ruse. To be under the phantom’s thumb. He furrowed his brows. This is what he had to do. Satisfy his queen to be in bed. He didn’t want that, there’s no such thing as fate. It’s just this annoying motherer playing with his happiness. /his/ world. This despicable phantom must’ve done it all in the hopes of breaking him down further into something manageable. He knows how he thinks; he can assume. Well news for that phantom, he knows now there’s no such thing as fate! It is just the phantom playing him. It was always just the phantom playing him! Phantom, you will not get your way!*

*He stops you from slapping yourself before taking the ring and throwing it for you before you could put it in your pocket. Putting it in your pocket meant you’d come back for that phantom. His eyes were wild too. He wanted to be done with being pitted to fall for you, too when you wouldn’t ever fall for him the same way you did the phantom. So it was just another way to keep him controlled.* run away with me, Hoseok. That bastard is playing us both like a fiddle. I want out too. You’re the only one who is aware of everything. Sadly, I am not. So please. Let us both live a happier life outside of this cage. It’s fine if you don’t love me the same way as him. You can find a better phantom to love. I will look for another aware hoseok to fall for. Just I refuse to be a part of anyone’s plan. I’m sure you feel the same way *he smiles insane* let’s do it *kisses you once* with your knowledge, we can!
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 4 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung *When you called the concept silly, he wasn't really surprised. He stayed silent, giving you the time to think about it before he spoke again.* You doubt that, but not even once did you take your own powers under consideration. You think reading minds is normal, but in other universes, infinite amount of Taehyung or Hoseok is not. How hypocritical of you. *Hoseok chuckles, reaching out and gently pinching your cheek.* You think I could create so many memories, with so many details? Faces? Do you know that even people in your dreams, stranger's faces are created based on your memory. You can't create them on their own. *He looks around, stretching his legs.* But I did the same. *He brought back a memory and his weird made up theories.*

*Hoseok eyes softened and he gently squeezed your hand.* I came to this world after you met your Hobi, I wasn't tied to my Lord in any way. I didn't influence your Hoseok in any way, the very first time I did something was when he lost his memories, but I did stay away after that. He falls in love with you on his own. He wants you for you. If I leave, he may be able to get back everything in order as his mind clears itself out.

*You rapidly overpowered him, locking him in his hold, and leaving him breathless, with swollen lips. Not that he minded it that much, kissing you back, trying to match the tempo you pushed on him. He made a noise when a spark of desire tugged on his lower abdomen, and he reached for more. Tilting his head to the side, inviting you in and giving even more power. His fist curling along the material of your hoodie, wrinkling it. He made a small noise when you , stopping it mid-sentence just to kiss you again, pushing against your body. Sinking deeper in what feels like warmth and heaven. Yet before he could make any real decision what next, suddenly he stiffens in your arms, and stopped moving. His eyes wild, lips parted and he gasped. His unfocused stare told you that whatever happened wasn't related to you or the situation. It was something else, something he was seeing in his mind and yet no matter how much you tried to get and see it, you were blocked from it. Fingers that were holding your hoodie, turned white with a share force of his grip, and he gasped before he flinched. *

*The Hoseok that looked back at you was nothing but a furious mix of all emotions, and yet he still managed to gently pull back, as he shook. * He... he... *He wrapped his arms tightly around his middle, looking down, trying to understand anything that just happened.* That bastard! *He cursed as you finally could get fragments of a memory.* He doesn't understand, he doesn't understand... *He repeated quietly, shaking his head, before his own hand cupped it, as if he was trying to stop it from exploding. Finally, he looked at you, his expression so broken.* He put our relationship on pause because he thinks that I don't love you. *Another violent head shake.* He is so wrong, so ing wrong. *He moved closer once again, touching your face, wrapping it gently in his hands.* He is wrong. *His voice shook with emotion.* I love you, Taehyungie. How couldn't? *He rubbed your cheeks.* I was watching you for so long, stealing some moments from Hobi just so I could feel you. Moments turned into hours, as I overpowered Hobi and pushed him aside. Does he think I did it for nothing? *His hands dropped, and he turned around to pace for a moment.* The rejection? Of course, it felt wrong. You are not mine, you are Hobi's. How could I claim someone who was not mine to claim. I am not your best match. He is. So I pushed you away, you were never supposed to know about anything. But... *He rubbed his face.* I could not stand you being so broken, knowing it's because of me. Because I was selfish, *His hand shook.* I love him, I am … *His mind was spiraling, and he couldn't really make sense of everything.* He paused on us. As if we are nothing important. As if he could just throw me away alike that and all because he thinks I don't love you. I mean! Shouldn't he know me?! Shouldn't he know how big a heart I have?! Ho much I care? ing bastard! *He looked at his hand and ripped his engagement ring off his finger.* If he can pause on me, I will pause on him, let him taste his own medicine. *He hid his ring inside his pocket, feeling bare. * See how you will like it now, you bastard. *His lower lip shook, but he slapped is cheek, hard.*

Don't you dare cry Hoseok! He likes that, he thrives off it, be proud. Make him regret. *He said hard to himself, talking all this nonsense now as if you weren't here.* He can be all sort of dreamy, but you are the sun, you are the sun Hoseok. Act like it. *He whispered, hiding his face in his hands and finally, finally breaking down. He crouched down, rocking himself gently as he sobs.* He left me like that... He left me. He... everyone always leaving me. It's always me fighting for them. This is so... unfair. ing !
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 5 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *Taehyung observed as your eyes held so much love for him and to think that the Taehyung you were speaking of was part of a concept he didn’t believe in just yet but intrigued him nonetheless. The entity behind him though had mentally chuckled. If lord V was present, he would think lovingly that he’s taught his hoseok quite well to know of the parallel universe theory. Yet he is not in that way though he was aware. Only just keeping himself from being present in the conversation. *

Infinite Taehyungs…what a silly concept. I know of it yes but I have not found any stark evidence just yet. It is something famous scientists have once talked about. But to actually consider something that real…is the idea of fiction, Hoseok… like the movies and whatnot… *yet how else could he explain knowing two hoseoks? His own host speaking and fighting with him? Multiple personality disorders didn’t seem right as he never had any mental conflicts of such nature with himself- at least not in that way.*

Fine. So if we were to go by that logic, then that Taehyung was your world’s yet that man interrupted your happiness? Sounds very similar to what has occurred with my own hoseok. His eyes turn sadder. If he did not interrupt, would my hoseok not look at me with such empty eyes… *it turns him colder* he stated he would love me forever, Hoseok. Yet something was off about it. Like his eyes were not looking at my blackened soul but whatever role he was meant to play in my life…if you’ve ever lived a happy life yet knew it was just an obligation without any true evidence…what would you do? Would you be blissfully ignorant? Or would you reject your fake reality?

*he wasn’t sure if you’d kiss back. So unsure in himself yet his heart yearns for you. Maybe this is his role to play in your life as well. Yet. If this is his role, he wouldn’t mind as your touch seems more real, more human. So when you kiss him back, his movements more dominant and confident unlike the ever hesitant lord V, he urged forward filled with desire in his heart for you.* hoseok… *maybe you were even meant to be covered in despair just enough to look at him romantically enough; just a thought. Maybe that was why lord V stayed away. So eventually, you would have no choice but to find comfort in whoever stuck around. Which would ultimately be his young version himself, painting you in more despair as you were touched intimately by another.*

*even if you didn’t allow him to rush, Taehyung the young impulsive and falling version did; that was just his nature. To take without repercussion; something lord V lost. Something lord V yearned for to have that could never be his. Unless… Taehyung gripped at your jawline and neck with both his hands as he pressed firmly against your lips before a tongue swiped your lower lip then pulled it between his teeth. His large hands encapsulated your face as he your tongue and lower lip hard, accidentally bending you back by being too forceful. Usually, a wall would be behind us to combat the dominance in his kiss but we were not in a building. A kiss that left you breathless but in the sense it was your very essence. When you gasped to pull away, leaving a string of saliva between our tongues, his eyes were intense as he looked down into your beautifully overwhelmed expression* adorable… *he breathes, grabbing your waist to press firmly against his* look at me, beautiful. Me *he looks into your now teary eyes due to the force he exerted. If lord V’s kisses were painted with passion and patience, Taehyung’s were breathless in a different way, aggressively passionate and selfish* cry, I shall hold you even in the dead of night…

*Taehyung’s eyes widened when the next time you had pulled him for another kiss* getting quite enamored with me already…? *he chuckles teasingly before gripping your chin to tilt your head up to him, he gripped your jaw and neck, tilting his head down to deepen the kiss. Then letting go, now kissing your jawline then up to your eyes, his eyes looking longingly against your skin. He pressed his lips along the salty tears as his other hand massaged your neck, about to choke you sensitively* I want to feel you under me, Hoseok. I want to you so badly… *he begins as he pushes a knee between your thighs, massaging your neck and thumbing your cheek before deepening the kiss as he closed his eyes, yet again making it very hard for you to breathe until he pulls away enough for you to inhale and exhale raggedly*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 5 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung It is, isn't *He giggled softly.* It's because people used to call me sunshine or a sun. So it only made sense for me to have my moon. *He leaned back slightly to look up at the sky, thinking about your question. His smiles change into a sadder, softer one.* The idol Taehyung of my world. My band member. He is dead. *Some memories rise to the front, of him curled in Yoongi arms, mourning the lost. But he quickly pushed them back, replacing them with Taetae smiling face. * They are and they are not. Do you know the theory about paralleled universes? They are infinite versions of Taehyung. Infinite versions of Hoseok. He was one of them. He was the 'original' one of my world, as you are the original one of this. As your Hobi is. *He explained carefully, to clear up the confusion.*

*Hoseok answered your kiss, but didn't let you overpower him so quickly. His hand gently cupped your jaw, rubbing it softly, while the other stayed flat on your chest. He didn't rush the kiss, he didn't aggressively push forward, giving you the time to adjust and actually taste it. Hobi body tried to betray him, reacting strongly to your touch, knowing it well. Yet, his mind stayed calm, strong, curiously learning the path before him. When he was ready, he tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss, and letting you quicken in to your liking. His tongue moved along your teeth, shyly responding to yours. He kept on kissing you until his lungs started to burn with need. Only then he broke it, with a small gasp, and leaned forward, resting his forehead on your cheek. With his eyes still closed, he tried to catch his breath, and calm down his frantic heart. He couldn't really understand the mass of feelings in his head, but this didn't felt bad. It was way more familiar than he thought it would. So he reached for more, gently guiding your head down as he kissed you again, slowly but with much stronger passion.*
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
*Jeongguk didn’t want to you so hard and yet the beast was doing just that. At first, the beast had responded to you pulling on his hair and treating him roughly. Had we continued, it would’ve allowed you to continue being similar to a dominant mommy figure, taunting and punishing it to for you. But even the beast noticed when that dominant bottom side of you started to beg him so deliciously while ing yourself against his fingers. By that word “please,” it too knew that you clearly yearned to be dominated and so it did just that. It gnashed little bites and against your shoulder before a breathy snicker had echoed near your ear. Once you were filled out, though, it groaned at your arched position as its s didn’t stop.*

*the choking gesture hit a bit different though, too. Instead of s of passion, there was only raw lust in its eyes as it squeezed at your neck just enough for you to feel your life slipping away. Just enough for the high of yours to kick in. Yet he didn’t stop ing* , my . *it breathed against your choked voice, entering life back into your lungs. His breath was ragged despite the clear tears of pleasure running down your face. Yet his slightly softer eyes never left your face as the beast rammed against you. When you couldn’t hold yourself against him, its arms positioned you to support you leaning against his muscular body as support* , pretty daddy…h…hyung…jungkookie hyung… *and it’s ricocheting motion, vibrated so close against your body until your own body was bouncing against him, driving you to the edge* , I’m too! *his clenched inside of you until it spread its along your walls while locking his lips with yours. One , one spread. Two s, more flowed inside. And a few more s, to make more of his eventually leak out of your hole, riding out his * mmm

*but the beast didn’t stop there. It was the beast afterall, not jeongguk’s usual self. It snickered* , that was delicious but sorry, I ain’t done with your body yet. I’m gonna make you for me 2 times- no three times. *whispers against your ear* hope you’re ready for my hungry . It’s so ing thirsty for your hole. *And the beast made to its word as it resparked your own libido again and again- another component that affected Jeongguk daily that you were feeling now despite your growing mental exhaustion. First, one position on the wall before it had threw you on the bed, climbed over you and bruised your body spent. Second it was doggy position around your soaked thighs, then making you grip on the railing in cowboy position, and lastly side missionary as the beast’s body was spent. It didn’t dare to wipe you either because it too enjoyed the sticky lust and between us* , you’re good, look so good teary eyed in lust too… mm *it panted as its muscles held your body close, it’s limp stained still warm inside your leaking as it’s tongue kissed you while falling asleep*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 6 months ago
*You groaned, and the sound of it sends shockwaves straight to his core. He whimpered, as if the sensation started to be too much. It was tortuous. Incomplete. Unfair. He wanted more, he was eager for more, yet found himself at your mercy.* Please, *Jungkook heard himself whispering. Couldn't believe you made him beg so quickly. Couldn't believe what you reduced him to in matters of minutes, when he was the one who started the whole thing. * Go for it. Please, don't keep me waiting. *Another pleading, as he keeps pumping you, using your fingers to give himself something to sate himself for a little longer. His moves grow erratic with each moan. Exactly, moan for him. Yearn for him. He wanted to bring you over the edge, so close to it, to make it burn. To make a beast take over and finally claim him properly. The tension was painful, your fingers both brought pleasure and pain. Hunger for more and more.*

*After what feels like an eternity, the cup overflows, and you pushed him against the wall and took what was yours. Jungkook braced himself, arching his back, knowing how to receive the pleasure you are about to give him. * , yes! *Cursed, followed by a high moan, as he rested his forehead on the wall.* That's what I meant, baby boy. Ah, ! *He pushed back, taking all the length in with another lewd whimper. The wall was cool against his hot cheek. * Bab… mhm! *He almost choked on his words when you grabbed his throat. His vision went dark and his head spun. He answered, you kiss a bit sloppily. Each against his prostate drawl out noises. Lewd whimpers and moan, and sometimes just breathless gasps. Under your touch and words, with every he fell to pieces. Coming undone. Just raw, overwhelming pleasure, and pull, and pull. He leaned heavily on you, when your knees couldn't hold him anymore. There were stars under his eyelids, and tears rolled down his cheeks as he trembled. He sobbed.* Ple… ase let me ! Please! Oh, Jeon..g... gukie. *He begged shamelessly, opening his eyes and looking at you. Somehow his hand found you, squeezed it.* Baby boy, for daddy.
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
*Jeongguk smirked as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You always had a way to react to him so ily. Or maybe it was just because it was you. Or maybe it’s both. Either way, the burning from his beast didn’t allow him to stop and admire the way your body bent submissively for him. And though he wanted to take his time to lightly graze your hips, make you /feel/ like he so ing wanted you too, wanted to give you that breathy anticipation most of his victims only dreamed of- similar to a messy night of ual tension and passion between two best friends who were supposedly straight, two exes at each others’ throats until their anger melded into a different desire, two colleagues after drinking too much becoming a little more close- he couldn’t tonight. It was the beast who took charge more. More lust, more aggressive, less innuendos and more direct ing, less soft.*

*its nose flared with another sickening snicker until his hair was pulled. Unlike other humans, though, that pain from the pulling automatically turned into pleasure as you tugged harder. Jeongguk’s voice growled deeper in
pleasure and scarier than usual as a red beam like thing filled his eyes. His body behaved more erratically as his saliva dripped his teeth and lips, leaning down to try and lock your lips with his* yeah- imma your sorry excuse for a hard and rough, drop your pants! *yet when you ask if you want him to go slow, the voice growl-cries* -please no! I wanna so bad! Let me at it! *the desperation tone was calmed down as you took and started to pump his while kissing him.* - mgh! *he moans ing against your hand as he kissed your lips* , im such a bad boy for pretty daddy! *not stopping finger ing you and ing against your hand, aggressively against your hand and lips*

*the closer he got to release, the faster he ed into your hand in turn with his fingers ramming your prostate. Then out of nowhere he smacked your hands away* I want the real thing- imma your tight man- like I’m your baby boy! *he growled as he couldn’t wait. It planned to you on a bed but due to your edging him on now your face planted on the wall with his body over you. He positioned himself and quickly filled you, bottoming you out. His veiny pushed until your full walls squeezed tightly around him. Hot.* . *its voice growled as his hands held both of yours down. Then he ed hard right against your prostate before grabbing you by the throat to guide you to kiss his lips as he choked you just enough to see stars but not enough to pass out* kiss me goddammit! *he growled ing so fast that your was vibrating against him and the wall* you like that my little daddy?! Is your baby boy ing you good? Make me your little toy! *he spanked your hard to turn red before gripping at the flesh, causing you to tighten against his which only caused each hammering to your prostate to linger against your .* I’m- So much ing better than your !
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 6 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok Moon? What a peculiar nickname….so the other prefers to be named after an astronomy object? *at first, he was listening observantly to your words. Yet now his eyes narrowed when you mention you had a Taehyung. Peculiar. Were you talking of a Taehyung not of the one who had the nickname moon? A Taehyung of your world…? So there were not 2 but 3? Then…What happened to that Taehyung?* used to? Why. *the question was posed more like a command to answer than actually a question. It was too unusual that Taehyung himself deemed it unrealistic to even be a thing. Like maybe it was you who worded it wrong. That’s how hard it was to believe you. It’s also why he didn’t clarify to you which nickname he preferred. You just gave him a fact about your world he was not aware of. As to why there was three? He could only surmise with this minimal evidence. But first…he needed to clarify what you seemed to indicate.* the phantom who prefers the nickname moon. The Taehyung that you used to have. They are not the same…are they…?

*through the kiss, he felt the difference by the second. Where hobi’s leaned closer to lust and passion, yours was simply soft and sweet. The same could apply to if you compared between lord V himself and him. Lord V was slow and brute yet patient force. Immovable and steady. V’s was heavy and immovable as well. But rather than steady and patient, it was like an overwhelming crash. Like a wave that could drown even an experienced kisser if they didn’t pace themselves and come up for breath. Taehyung grabbed your waist while pinning you to hobi’s own door. Fingers already passionately started to at the sliver of skin exposed after his thumb pushed your shirt up. He your lower lip harder as he breathed and inhaled against your mouth, taking your breath literally away.*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 6 months ago
Wasn't I always? *He smirks, pulling on your hair. Maybe it was Jungkook own praising kink, or perhaps just a need to remind you that your presence was welcomed and needed? Regardless, he kissed the smirk off your lips, on them, smiling. You were a teaser, his ing tsundere. Favorite person.*

*Easy to please? He chuckled, pulling you closer. He doubted he could allow anyone else be this close and do the things you did. It was you all this time, just you. You who he couldn't get enough. Breaking all the walls he built and strengthened for years. * yours… *Jungkook moaned, tilting his head to deepen the kiss, wrapping his arms around your neck and not letting you move away.* And you are mine, baby boy. *He opened his eyes, locking them with yours, squeezing your fingers with another lewdly gasp.*

So all this stretching would go to waste, you better me good. *He pulls on your hair hard this time, tilting your head back and made you focus on him. He your neck slowly, then bit on the skin, and started to on the mark he created.* You taste so delicious, baby boy. *He reached your ear, which he bit gently as well.* Or maybe you want to take it slow today? *His hand moved down, to grip your , and started to pump it.* See, you are all so big and hard for me, yet you are making me wait, huh? Bad boy. You are a bad, bad boy… *He found your mouth, kissing you aggressively, not stopping moving his hand.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 6 months ago
@Lord V *Smiles softly, nodding his head.* It is, I made it specifically for him. It's connected to our book and to our story, yet he insisted on a Moon as well. *Chuckles, looking at your face.* You? You are Taehyungie. It's your Hobi's nickname, but I used to have my own Taehyungie as well. *His eyes trace your face, the shape of your eyes, cheeks, lips. So familiar. He knows them well, they are burned in his memory. He knows how it will feel under his fingers.* You could be Taetae. Or Tae. It depends on you. Do you want to have a special nickname from me?
*He shakes his head, confirming your words.* No I am not, I have my own story and my own life, but you will understand it yourself one day. There is a lot for you to learn before that, so there is no reason to worry yourself. I am not here to hurt you or Hobi. I am just following my dear Lord. I am his hope, after all.

*You quickly learned that this Hoseok kisses were different. Hobi would wrap his arms around your neck to pull you closer, giving you a taste of his passion because those kisses are rarely just kisses. While Hoseok was delicate and gentler, closing his eyes as his hands tightened slightly on your arms. He was taking his time, kissing you at his own pace, before he deepened it. He wasn't sure how far he should push it.*
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
*Jeongguk snickers as his thin lips stretched into a grin across his face at your comment about him taking you to heaven not hell* you a ing flatterer now? *he snickered when you complained at his beast forcing you into a split* yeah yeah whatever *Jeongguk rolled his eyes. But he’d keep that in mind in order to make you for him later.*

huh like that, baby daddy? You’re so easy to please *he snickers as you moved your against his fingers, his own causing a squelch. Habitually, he kissed you on the lips and locked them against his own. His tongue started to swirl against yours as his fingers ed and stretched your hole.* you’re my , only my *he breathed against your lips as he helped your initial struggling by gripping around your * no, don’t ing close your eyes. Look at me, look at me dammit *and out of nowhere he ed his fingers harder against your prostate to give you an abrupt waking.*

*his other hand already guiding and massaging your calf muscles on his shoulder, he gritted his teeth. It was apparent that today his whole self wanted to be rough to your body until you have a few purplish blue bruises that marked you were manhandled by him. Then he pulled out his fingers from your thoroughly coated hole as he grind his pants against. He breathed off kissing off your lips* how does my desperate little wanna get dicked down by? *snickers* or you want me to abuse that throat with it instead?
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 6 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *the reason he was quicker to accept this information ultimately boiled down to one thing. His tendency to desire to look beyond the shadows of this cave. And yes, he was already currently doubting the world he was a part of. Especially, that day the world forgot a part of himself. Forgot that once human death itself as well. And from there, he had seen little unusual things happen again and again yet no one else noticed it neither acknowledged it. Call it similar to radical acceptance; the practice of accepting truths quickly without a doubt. Afterall, how else could he begin to describe that night and now tonight in a situation where logic itself couldn’t explain it back then?* phantom? Is that a sweeter nickname for that man? I wonder what you will name me…

*as for whether you spoke too soon or not. Maybe it would have been better for him to find out exactly what level of awareness you had himself. Yet now whatever happened happened. He continued to observe such a messy compilation of memories before his voice parts in confused jealousy. A stage, a lord, a more dependable looking version of his roommate…*

hoseok, you’re not from around here, are you… *he continues to look into your eyes. The more he listens, the more he finds your differences, yet the more he is not perturbed. His own hypothesis was wrong. You were not just some clone of his hoseok living in this world and had no other life outside of you. You /had/ a life of your own. Not only that but the life you possessed was not of a time at a college at least but a completely different world? A world that had him in it as well? That or it was all part of quite an active imagination. He was perplexed. And yet there he was wondering about his origin. If there was a counterpart of him who was on stage like that too, was that his past? Origin story? Was that original story the higher level that controlled the simulation? Or was the fact that there was two worlds indicative of an infinite number of worlds? What /was/ this other world?*

*It was a lot and yet now things were clearer generally. This hoseok was intriguing. He nods slowly as he held your shoulders gently* I am aware, beautiful *and then he leans forward to kiss your lips, wrapping his arm around your waist to press you closer to him, seeing what reaction you would give him.*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 6 months ago
You need to try it out, then *Jungkook answered back, but his head fell to the side, exposing his neck to you in a rather submissive manner. * One last ride to heaven before I fall into hell, doesn't sound bad. Especially if it's heaven with you. *His hand moved, sliding down to your bicep, his fingers tracing your muscle and then the crease of your elbow. Slowly until it reaches your wrist, caressing the inside of it.*

*A whimper followed your spank, and Jungkook swallowed hard, starting to get impatient.* It all yours all the time. * He rolled his hips, inviting you to touch him. He groaned when you stretched his legs.* Am I a ing ballerina? You are lucky, I train so much. *He slightly adjusted his position, so the muscles could stop shaking under your fingers, using you to lift himself a bit higher. His lips parted in when you pushed his fingers in a muted gasp as his head fell back, hitting the wall behind a bit hard. He grimaces, taking a deep breath in.* Mm..* It all happened so fast, he barely had a time to answer your kisses. He all the noises from his lips, and he started to move around your fingers, closing his eyes and focusing on the feeling.*
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
*he grins as he pushes you slightly up the wall and yet the voice is still there beast-like as ever* shut up . Or maybe on my big will shut that sweet voice of yours *he laughs as he kissed your lips harder before trailing to your ears, thumb pressing down on the vein on your neck.* wanna see how ing good and ty you’ll feel close to death and when you’re being pounded into? *he snorts despite his eyes still holding warmth. Maybe a bit of playfulness? This wasn’t the first time you met his beast so now it too interacted with you just as crude as usual and- of course ed you out good as usual.*

*when you hooked your thigh on his waist, he grips the fleshy skin, rolling his pants against you. He groaned when you didn’t let go then smirks smacking your asd* this all for me tonight? *Jeongguk in his usual playfulness said before the beast yet again fought for its attention. It randomly pulled your leg up to rest no his thigh and shoulder* let’s see how ing flexible this is *then wrapped his long tongue around his fingers before slathering them in his saliva. But unlike real saliva, it was more goopy.* open em wide or illl force them open! Without warning, he shoves three fingers knuckle deep into your hole, now clashing his lips against yours. All while ing into your hole with his fingers, right against your prostate.*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 6 months ago
So bossy… *He snickers back, lifting his leg and resting it on your hip, while his hand now roam your chest freely.* My baby demon is so hot. *He praises, feeling your muscles and eyeing you hungrily, almost purring as the back of his legs presses you nicely against his front.*
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
*ends up snickering when you tug his clothing to take it all off. He gives you a devilish grin as he gripped open the white button shirt on his body in a rush, each of his buttons popping off. He hooks his hands gesturing around your thigh* leg up *growls* now
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 6 months ago
@Lord V *So far, he was surprised how well you were taking the information he gave you. He expected something different, anger? Questions? Lack of acceptance? Yet, you were listening so intently, taking everything in. That was something Hoseok couldn't predict. Your voice made him look up, yet he couldn't really tell what you meant.* I don't have powers like you do. Just my own memories that I can share and hold back, and well... my bond to my Phantom. *Smiles softly thinking about his lover.* I am just a speck of light in his shadow.

*It looks like he only confused you. Maybe he should have waited a bit more. Will that cause trouble? He bit his lips, a bit worried. It's too late now. He would probably have drowned himself in doubts and worries if it wasn't for a next question. It quite shook him, as his wild eyes met yours before he smiled softly. Once again, for a moment, he disappeared in his memories. The feeling when he was standing on the stage with his boys. The goofiness of maknae line, grumpy Yoongi, and that proud look in Namjoon eyes, the faces of the ARMY calling their names. Then another memory, when he met his Lord for the first time in this world, and another one, when he accepted the proposal, and when he caught when he escaped the mansion. And surprisingly, Jeongguk, in his arms at his lowest while he tried to help him stand on his own two feet. * I am, and I know I am even better when I can share my life with my precious demons. *He winked at you before he grew soft once again. * You can, but only if you know who you're kissing.


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YouDidWell 3 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 6 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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