--hyunjin j.

hyunjin h.
please knock before entering
coded byΒ yxgurt
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. Tipping his head back he let it rest on Tao's shoulder, his eyes closing as quiet moans finally started to slip from his mouth. He was still holding himself back, but he was opening up a little at a time. Allowing himself to be more vocal, letting himself experience the moment and accept that everything was okay. He was already worked up, his body not used to a hand that wasn't his own. It didn't take long, a few more of Tao's hand and it all built up until it finally burst and he came with a choked back cry. His whole body tensing before it released and he slumped back against Tao, blinking to clear his vision and pouting slightly at the mess he made of himself. Turning his head he pressed a grateful kiss to Tao's cheek. "Thank you, you're so good to me."
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. "That's it, my good boy." Tao praised, their teeth lightly nipping at Hyunjin's shoulder when he sank into them. It was slight, his weight barely even pressing on the dancer, but it was something. They had the pleasure of luxuriating in the skin-to-skin contact, being able to trace delicate lines of limber muscle and pebbled s as they hummed out their acquiescence. The hand wrapped around Hyunjin picked up pace, using his slick precum to aid with the friction. The easiest part about this position was how they felt more comfortable moving- it was like touching themselves, which gave Yetao the confidence to twist their wrist, shifting their grip here and there to learn what worked best for their partner.
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. "We're both learning." He repeats that to himself, focusing on his breathing as he allows himself to be stripped of his shirt. He isn't self-conscious of his body, at least not in the physical way that it looks. His problems are all mental, all internal, a storm of emotions that make it hard to focus on what feels good. This wasn't supposed to be difficult, he doesn't understand why he's struggling so much. Letting out a slow breath he allowed himself to lean backwards, slowly, in infinitesimal degrees he's starting to relax. It's easier when he can't see Tao's face, when he can't read the emotion there and trick himself into seeing hints of disgust or anger. When all he can do is listen to their sweet words and feel the delicious friction of their hand again. It's good. He thinks maybe he can like this. "C-can you...a little faster?"
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. "No 'sorry', my love." The dancer kept their tone soft and their words sweet for their precious partner, their hand gently caressing his jaw. "We'll go as fast or as slow as you need. We're both learning." They wanted to keep reiterating this as much as they could; they knew this was a learning curve, and they both had far to go together. Yetao didn't ask; they didn't need to know any more than what Hyunjin had already shared. They had an inkling anyways, and wouldn't like the conversation that it would have started. Instead, they pulled away from Hyunjin with a coy smile, reaching for the hem of their own shirt. It felt silly to be , but Tao didn't waste their time, moving to tug at Hyunjin's next. Having their partner bare-chested as well, Yetao moved the way they were sitting: they slid behind Hyunjin, pressing their chest to his back, chin on his shoulder, and a hand lightly stroking his abdomen and chest. The position felt more intimate with the extra contact, and they hoped it would help Hyunjin a little since they wouldn't be face-to-face with each other. Yetao brought their hand back down to their partner again, kissing the side of his neck lovingly, and whispering soft encouragements to him.
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. It was hard to fight through the fog in his head to acknowledge what Yetao was asking him, a shudder going through him brush of their thumb. He felt too sensitive, anxious, worried he was messing things up. He didn't want to be a problem, he didn't want Tao to have to deal with him and his messy emotions. "It's--" He stopped, trying to gather himself and what he wanted to say. "I'm not used to being touched." He explained in an almost shameful whisper. ? Sure. But intimacy? Not at all. "It's a lot, I'm sorry." He felt so stupid for wanting to admit that it was too much for him to be touched and praised at the same time. How pathetic was that? He was ashamed of himself, maybe this was why his ex rarely touched him.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. Yetao pulled back slightly, surveying Hyunjin and tilting their head to the side, trying to make sure if he really was okay or not. They almost weren't sure, but they wanted to be very sure that this was what Hyunjin wanted. "Darling, tell me that you're okay?" They asked softly, cupping his jaw with their free and pulling him close for a kiss. Their hand slowed for the moment - they didn't break contact just yet, not wanting to undo anything or break any spells - letting the pad of their thumb rub against the underside of the crown. "I want all of you, Hyunjin. Don't hold back." Their words were warm, pressed between their lips like a secret for Hyunjin's ears only.
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. 'Relax'. It was a simple command but he wasn't sure that he could. Every time he tried he tensed up again, little hiccups escaping instead of the moans that tried to bubble up past his lips. He was holding everything back, his movements, his sounds, his ridiculous tears. He shouldn't want to cry, something as simple as praise and petting shouldn't be enough to overwhelm him but it did because it was new. His treacherous romantic little heart had always wanted a relationship like this, where he was loved and wanted, now that he had it he didn't know what to do with himself. Every of Yetao's hand was bordering on too much, especially combined with the kisses and praise. His head was starting to feel foggy, he couldn't think straight, he could barely think at all. He knew he wouldn't last very long, it was impossible with how good, how much, he felt.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. "My baobei..." Tao crooned, their voice low and sweet. It was all they could do not to pounce and press more on him, wanting to express just how much they loved and adored him in every way possible. Instead, they settled for stroking his length, their thumb circling the tip and spreading the sticky precum that gathered there across his velvety-soft skin; taking that opportunity to pay attention to the way his body moved. Each stuttered, held-back , the sweet little sounds that he let slip, the way his breath hitched and sighed. Yetao purred and praised every bit of it, peppering kisses across one side of Hyunjin's neck and cheek between their words. "Relax, my love. You're doing so well for me. My good boy~"
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. "I-- it's more than enough." Hyunjin whispered, because he was still surprised it was happening at all. The first touch of Tao's fingers around him sent a shock through him and he whimpered. It was such a small thing, but Hyunjin almost wanted to cry because Tao was touching, willingly, and not like he was annoyed or angry. Hyunjin didn't even have to ask for the attention, it was just given to him and he sniffled a little at how overwhelming that was. The hand around him felt so good, his hips stuttering in little aborted motions as he struggled to keep them rocking into Tao's hand. It felt like a dream, a fairytale, like it couldn't be real but it felt too intense to be anything but reality.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. Yetao watched Hyunjin freeze and take the time to process, and in any other setting, any other discussion, his reaction would have pulled a round of giggles from the dancer. This one, however, left a twisted, disgusting feeling in the pit of their stomach. Hyunjin deserved so much more. So much better. Everything and anything he could imagine, he should get. "Is this really all you want, my love?" They asked, leaning in to trail their lips along his neck, painting his body in their scent, their fingers shifting cloth around to free Hyunjin's length from his underwear. Their soft hand wrapped around his shaft, moving in slow, deliberate . "You're practically my mate... I want to take care of you like a good mate should.
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. Hyunjin in a sharp breath at the first touch, he had rarely ever been touched in such a way and it left him dizzy and breathless just from the light contact. He was afraid he could just from thinking about Tao's words, he didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think. This was entirely new territory for him. "Um..." Came his eloquent response, staring almost dumbly at Tao, blinking once. Then twice. That left so many possibilities. Their mouth, their hand, possibly even inside them but he wasn't sure if they were there yet, and condoms were probably a good idea. "Y-your hand is fine." He finally settled on saying, he didn't want to be greedy when he was already being offered so much.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. "Jini..." Yetao purred their partner's name, wiggling just far enough that they could slide off the bed, putting them nose-to-nose with Hyunjin without having to keep bending down. Still riding out their almost drunken high, there was no shame in the way Yetao reached out, palming Hyunjin through his pants. They shared a few more kisses as their hands quickly opened his button and fly, reaching down to slide soft fingertips across his rock-hard shaft over his underwear. Normally, being so bold might have caused Yetao to pass out, but this was different. This was Hyunjin, and they needed to know their partner was taken care of, too. "Baby... I can't leave you like this. My beautiful boyfriend needs to feel good too. Just tell me where you want your to end up and I'll take care of you."
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. Hyunjin melted into the kiss, sighing happily and nearly whining when Yetao pulled away. However their words caused more heat to flame in their cheeks, he was starting to worry he would be permanently blushing at this rate but he found he didn't mind so much if it was Tao. "I'm glad," he whispered, and he meant it, he was glad that he'd done well. His eyes widened slightly in shock at their last words though and he looked genuinely confused. "What, me? Why would you do that?" He asked, not quite understanding. He figured he would finish himself off later, if he was even still hard by the time they snuggled down to sleep. was never about him, the point was to make his partner feel good and he was happy he accomplished that.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. The rush that came with this was better than any solo one Yetao had experienced, and the come down left them riding a pink cloud of bliss. Everything felt like slow motion as they disentangled their digits from Hyunjin's hair, cupping his cheeks to bring his face closer as they leaned in - disregarding the mess that Hyunjin had made of himself - to kiss him. Slow, long, and deep, Yetao savored the way they tasted across his tongue, marveling at the difference in sensation for the way Hyunjin's mouth felt against their tongue compared to the warm, wet velvet that it felt like wrapped around their . "You're so ing good Jini. That was amazing." Tao moaned, catching a breath as they nuzzled their noses together, grinning ear to ear. "I can't wait to make you feel just as good, my love."
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. Despite knowing it was coming, Hyunjin was still surprised when his mouth was flooded with the same bitter flavor but more intense this time, and the texture was less than pleasant but he swallowed it down quickly, trying not to make more of a mess of himself but some still managed to slip down his chin. As he pulled away he self-consciously wiped his hand across his mouth, flushed and but inexplicably shy over what he'd just done. "Was it, was I good?" He asked, his eyes shining and hopefully as he looked back up at his partner. Yetao looked so beautiful, and Hyunjin felt so unworthy of them in every way. He wanted to please them as much as possible, he wanted to worship their body, he wanted... he really wanted. It almost made him dizzy from how intense it was.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. Biting their lips together, Yetao nodded. It was all they could manage to do without feeling like they were going to lose their mind - Their partner. Their beautiful, sweet Jini, looking utterly debauched, asking for them to do something they'd only seen in . How they had ever gotten this lucky - Well, it didn't matter right now. Not with the way Hyunjin teased them, the tiny kitten not enough suddenly. They tugged at his hair, pulling Hyunjin close by it; guiding his lips back to their . "You're so perfect, baby. So good for me. Making me like this." They groaned softly as they allowed themselves to his soft, wet mouth until they could hold back no longer. Yetao cried out loud, forgetting to hold back their voice as they reached their peak, throbbing between Hyunjin's lips as they pumped his mouth full of their .
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. Hyunjin hummed to show they head, pulling back to let Tao's slip out of their mouth so they could speak. "I want you to ... inside my mouth." He said, barely speaking the words above a mumble as his cheeks flushed with heat again and he squirmed where he was sitting. He was hard, it was uncomfortable but he knew what he wanted and he looked up at Tao with pleading eyes. "Can you? Please?" He begged, leaning closer to kitten the tip of Tao's , lightly stroking the shaft with his hand. He was a mess and he knew it, his hair askew and there was saliva dripping down his chin but he didn't care how awful he looked as long as Tao felt good. He was enjoying it more than he thought he would, and he wanted to know what it would taste like if Tao came on his tongue.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. Yetao had no problem continuing to spill their praises for Hyunjin; each new bob of his head earning a new moan, and more little tugs at his hair. Yetao's hips rolled to match the way their partner took them into his mouth, one hand abandoning its grip on his hair to rest back on the bed for better leverage. It was embarrassing, just how easily Hyunjin brought them to their knees - figuratively - but they could feel the tug in the pit of their stomach as he seemed to move with more confidence. Had they been with anybody else, Tao felt that this might not be a losing battle, but they could only focus on Hyunjin - Their personal beauty, on his knees and taking such good care of them. It was enough to put any sane person at their wit's end. Their words took on a note of apology as they whimpered for him. "Jini, you're going to make me come already..."
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. A quiet whimper escaped when he felt the tug at his hair. It should have hurt, it kind of did but it sent a shock through him that went straight to his own hardening . He didn't expect to get just servicing with his mouth, but he was undeniably filling out and straining against his own pants. Slowly, aware of his own inexperience, he took Tao deeper into his mouth, closing his eyes as he focused on repressing his gag reflex, relaxing his throat to take them inch by inch. His jaw was already aching, and tears were gathering in his eyes but he didn't want to stop. Swallowing around their length he started to bob his head, slow at first but steadily going faster as his confidence built.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. The first touch of hot, slick muscle against their length was almost enough to make Yetao lose themselves. Between the actual sensation and the visual of Hyunjin on their knees for him, their fingers tightened up in his hair before they could stop themselves. Tao loosened them again as soon as they realized, but they couldn't help the moans that fell from their lips as Hyunjin continued to work their length. "Jini, baby... Your mouth is so hot, it feels so good." They whined quietly, trying as hard as possible to keep their voice down and just between them, just in case Hyunjin's dorm neighbors could hear anything. Still, it didn't silence them entirely, Yetao murmuring their soft praises down to their partner as their hips began to rock into his touches.
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. He was nervous, of course he was nervous. This was the first time he was trying something like this with no references outside of novels to go off of. his lips he reached out to curl his fingers around Tao's length again, giving it another as he leaned closer to drag his tongue across the slit. There was more pre- there and the taste was heavy on his tongue but he didn't mine it. So he did it again, swirling his tongue along the head before he took it into his mouth, applying suction as his hand d the shaft. He hoped this was right, he hoped he was doing an okay job. He wanted Tao to feel good, he wanted to hear them moan and to watch them fall apart from the pleasure he gave then. He wanted to be good.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. Those two little words could have made Tao cry; their body so on edge as it was, and their nerves frayed ever so slightly with the anticipation Hyunjin's judgement of their body. They knew everything was different compared to his ex-girlfriend, and just wanted so desperately for that to be okay. Yetao let out a quiet sound as their eyes closed, just wanting to indulge in the way that Hyunjin's hand felt on them; foreign but not unpleasant, his grip different from when they touched themselves. A shiver ran through their body but they moaned in spite of that, letting their eyes open just in time to see the flash of pink tongue that they wanted to feel against their body again. "You may, my love." The proper questions and the way Hyunjin got consent for every step was endearing, putting the dancer at ease. Ease enough to test out something they'd always imagined doing in this situation: they reached up, running their hands through Hyunjin's hair, brushing his bangs back and holding his hair in a light grip.
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. "You're so beautiful." Were the first words Hyunjin whispered, almost reverently when he finally saw Yetao's body. Hyunjin had never really considered his uality before this, love was love in his eyes and it didn't have a or a gender. He'd never considered male bodies before but he knew he'd never seen anyone more beautiful than Yetao. A shy smile curled his lips as he reached out, hesitating for only a moment to wrap his fingers around their . It was a new experience, the silky hard flesh under his hand felt both the same and different than his own. Experimentally he d it, his thumb gliding over the glistening tip and spreading the pre- there. He pulled his hand away then, bring his thumb to his lips to it, curious about the taste. It was bitter on his tongue but not unpleasant. "May I?"
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. Yetao's hands shook slightly as they cupped Hyunjin's smooth cheeks, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips; their tongue gently pressing against the seam of his soft pair to steal another taste of him. "I'll be as gentle as I want to be." They promised, a teasing lilt to their words. They had no doubts at all that Hyunjin would be able to handle whatever they gave him, but that didn't change how they wanted to treasure Hyunjin above everything else. They only took their hands back to offer help getting their pants off, shifting their weight to slide the heavy material down past their hips and fighting every urge that came to cover their bare skin and obvious , flushed from the tips of their ears down their chest now.
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. 'Kneel for me.' That was easy, that was something Hyunjin could do. He was grateful for the pillow as he sank down onto his knees obediently. He felt the way Tao's length twitched under his hand, and how such a simple touch pulled a reaction from them and he couldn't wait to taste them. He could already feel the ache in his jaw in anticipation, because he knew it would be uncomfortable but he was ready to try it anyway. Sliding down the zipper of their pants they looked up at them, searching their expression. "You don't have to be too gentle with me, I know I can take it." He would do anything, endure anything, if it gave Tao pleasure, if it made them happy.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. The sentiment made Tao bite their lips together; surely, they'd enjoy anything that involved Hyunjin touching them. They were fairly confident at this point that he was going to be their lifelong partner, and the idea of sharing so much with him was well worth the learning curve they'd face together. But was that going to be enough to ensure their partner enjoyed himself too?
Their concerns were washed away under the wash of his soft plea, and the gentle touch of his artistic hand against their length. "Oh, ... Jini, baby..." Yetao purred out, their length twitching into his hand as though begging for more attention; Tao reaching back for a pillow to toss onto the floor for their partner's knees. "Kneel for me," They whispered, the breathy tone half begging and half demanding of him.
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. "I'll have fun as long as you're enjoying it." Hyunjin said, because that was true. He was a people pleaser at heart, soft and filled with too many emotions. He'd been taught well to ignore his own needs when it came to and he didn't even think about getting off himself as he stolen another kiss. His hands dropping down to Tao's pants to fiddle with the button before he unfastened them. He was hesitating, this was a big step, he wanted it though. He wanted to please them more than anything, he wanted to be good. He was almost dizzy with the need to please them. "Please," he whispered, almost pleading. He wanted, he needed. Slipping his hand into their pants he palmed along their length, wanting to feel the size and shape of them before he sank lower.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. Sitting down primly on the edge of the bed, Yetao kept a hold of Hyunjin's hand, not wanting to let him go right now. This was a big step for them and they wanted to reassure him as much as possible. Even if they could feel themselves getting dizzy as they couldn't figure out where most of the blood in their body was rushing - to their cheeks or below their belt. They let out a quiet laugh, nodding their head a few times when Hyunjin's words came out, suddenly sheepish about their desire. "I want to be able to see you, baobei. Make sure you're okay, and having fun too." Yetao spread their legs, wrapping their other arm around Hyunjin's waist to pull him to them again, placing kisses to his clothed abdomen and sternum. "But you don't have to if it makes you that uncomfortable, my love. We should both have fun."
hyunjin h. 7 months ago
@yetao h. "I think you're right," Hyunjin agreed with a shy nod as he took Tao's hand and stood up. He had never been with a partner who had a male body before but he knew the things he liked, so he hoped that would translate into things that Tao would like too. Not that he had ever been on the receiving end of a , but he was sure he would like it if it happened. It was something he'd always wanted to try, but his ex was never in the mood for it, so he learned to stop asking. He knew very well how to make other people feel good though, and he wanted to use all of his acquired skills to make Tao feel as good as possible. Gently coaxing them back onto the bed he smiled and leaned in for another chaste kiss. "Just lay down and let me do all the work, unless you want me on my knees?" He asked, realizing that position might be easier, even if it made his face flame red again just thinking about it.
yetao h. 7 months ago
@hyunjin h. Yetao's lips parted, chasing Hyunjin's when he moved back, a soft sound rolling in their throat; caught somewhere between curious and disappointed that they no longer had Hyunjin's lips on their own. "Want... Want you... Too." They whispered, processing the words only as they were repeated; the realization making their cheeks and ears flush up. Tao quickly nodded their head, leaning in to steal another kiss and calm their partner, who had to be even redder than they were. "I've never, either, it's okay. But I want to-- With you! I..." They huffed out a breath and shook their head, trying to be more calm - hopefully, if they took charge it would make it easier for the both of them. Tao wiggled back, sliding off Hyunjin's lap to stand in front of him, holding out a hand with their ever adoring smile tugged across their lips. "Switch spots with me, darling. I think that will make it easier..."


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gotohellu 8 months ago
Can i get byun baekhyun?
PMR501 8 months ago
Hello, could I reserve Luhan?
zeriri 8 months ago
could I reserve zhang yixing?
DamnDaehyun 8 months ago
Could I reserve Lucas wong?
lovestay 8 months ago
Can I get Hwang Hyunjin added?
smoothbrainediggy 8 months ago
could i please have kim namjoon?
KUSHPANDA182 8 months ago
I'm interested....

Can I get a Aaron Liebregts please?
DreamlessMaiden 8 months ago
can I have dove cameron please
Ashley23 9 months ago
ashæey vee for me please
8c5e28106187b50f1b19 9 months ago
song mingi please
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