



Ic — Whip it out

be free my darlings. this chat is for of all types, tagging is acceptable here. we only ask if you are writing anything that can be triggering please make sure your partner has consented and leave a trigger warning {TW} at the beginning or end of your message.


Choi Chanhee ⚸ [A] 2 months ago
Anyone wanna make out with me?
Choi Chanhee ⚸ [A] 2 months ago
/sprawls out/
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
@Choi San The stress and concern lifts off of Baekhyun’s shoulders when San expresses he’s fine. San’s way of rubbing the vampire’s hips is soothing, it brings him into a more relaxed state. It’s at this point he adverts his gaze, knowing he needed to be more forward about his feeding needs.
“I know, I’m trying to get better.. It would be better to ask than go into hysteria.” Baekhyun shudders at the thought, remembering a few moments in his life that weren’t considered his best.
“I’m glad you’re alright, maybe I should always have a bag with snacks and water in it. I wouldn’t mind carrying it around for you.” Baekhyun finds that he is trailing off on his own thought and shakes his head.
“Anyways, I’d love to cuddle, I’ll need to wash my face first. I can feel some dried blood on it…” He climbs off of San. “I’ll be right back, don’t fall asleep on me, okay?”
Choi San 2 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ San could notice the small concern in Baekhyun's eyes as he reassures his lover with another gentle smile, bringing his own hand to rub the sides of Baekhyun's hips in a calming manner.
"Its okay, my love. You know you should tell me when you are needing a thirst, okay? Its what I am here for and I want to be able to assist as for my situation....I'm alright. Just a little sleepy now and would love to cuddle with you." He expresses himself as he offers a eye smile while he awaits for his lovers response.
Choi Chanhee ⚸ [A] 2 months ago
Oh~ /beams/ thanks! I figured if he thought I was mad at him he’d come quicker and then I’d switch it around and be like take your shirt off~
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
No, it’s okay! Haha, I just love the way you told him to get in here ~
Choi Chanhee ⚸ [A] 2 months ago
/whines/ What~~ I’m and I just wanna him real quick. Just his abs.. and his neck.. and chest.. maybe his thighs too..
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
Choi Chanhee ⚸ [A] 2 months ago
Tim! Get your in here!
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
@Choi San Baekhyun lifts his head to meet San’s gaze. Crimson orbs showing a tinge of worriment as his response is delayed. A soft sigh leaving the vampire’s lips once San confirms he’s okay.
“I’m relieved,” he whispers back, bringing himself to sit back up fully.
“I was.. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make you feel unwell.” Baekhyun explains, reaching for one of San’s hands and interlacing their fingers. Nodding slowly at his love.
“I’m feeling better, thank you.” He simply presses his forehead against their joined hands, knowing he couldn’t kiss them at the moment.
“How are you feeling.. down there?”
Choi San 2 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ Crap. Is what San is thinking in the moment while he could feel himself grow a little lightheaded. He slowly parted his eyes open when Baekhyun began to grip at his shirt.
San's words are mumbled while he feels Baekhyun finally pull away slowly, he emits a small groan from within his chest while he meets Baekhyun's reddish tint eyes.
"I'm... okay..."
He finally whispers out after a moment of silence, San is trying to release his fog mindset of being in a small trance.
He finally clears his throat once again as he is able to speak more words now.
"You were really thirsty, my love. I'm happy I was able to help in some way. Do you feel better at least?"
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
@Choi San Baekhyun continues his small frenzy of partaking in San’s sweet blood. Eyelids closing as he savors the metallic taste and memorizes the way the human’s heart is beating. Through this sort of connection he can sense what San is experiencing, sharing this euphoric moment with him on a deeper level. The fingernails that creep up and down his back are almost like a coercing sign to keep him going.
“Mm-“ It’s when Baekhyun hears his name broken up by San, however, that he senses conflict in his mind. To let go, or keep going? He didn’t need anymore, he was fine now…but this crimson substance was such a delight. Fingers grip even tighter onto the fabric of San’s shirt as he forces himself to pull away. Sure to gingerly clean up with his tongue. It presses flat against the wound and drags itself upward over the puncture holes. Body shifting back and forth faintly, though enough to be noticed. Those crimson orbs opening just enough for him to peer through his lashes in a dazed state of mind. Baekhyun observes the wounded area, sure to lap up any sort of left over droplets. He didn’t even notice the thin streaks of blood that had escaped through the corners of his lips. As Baekhyun’s coming down, he simply rests his head against San’s chest, fingers loosening their grip. Attentively listening to his boyfriend’s heartbeat.
“Are you okay?” His voice calls out softly
Choi San 2 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ San could feel the familiar feeling of his body temperature rising, he felt the suctioning of Baekhyun's lips taking his blood so sweetly. He always felt so vulnerable in this state but it also sent his body into a pit of ual needs, it didn't help that he was already in a mood to begin with.
His nails began to glide up Baekhyun's back before dragging down slowly, a low exhale escaping San's lips as he tries to calm himself down. He felt a pleasant way though.
"Baek...hyun..." the words manage to leave his lips, but rather different than normal as if he hit a state of mind where he gave in to his darker thoughts.
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
@Choi San Hearing San pant and feeling the way his fingers dug into his lower back put the vampire in a small frenzy. He knew he promised not to move, but damn, San was making it difficult. A low hum of satisfaction leaves his throat as he bites a little harder. A near growl escaping the vampire as he wants more of San’s reactions. He did know that he needed to be careful, that he couldn’t go overboard. He only needed a little. Though there was just something about having your partner’s blood that made it all the sweeter.
Choi San 2 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ San is sure to rest his hands on Baekhyun's lower back for support while he prepared himself for whats to come.
Hearing Baekhyun's words brought a smile to San's lips, knowing that Baekhyun truly loved him and meant what he said.
As Baekhyun got settled into place, the small kiss to San's neck emits a pleasing hum from him before his eyes flutter shut as the piercing of fangs break through his epidermis of his skin. He could feel the blood rushing madly, while his nails slightly dug into Baekhyun's back but not in a painful manner.
San's lips parted slightly as he felt himself panting slightly as its been awhile since he felt the euphoric feeling.
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
@Choi San “Makes me hopeful, too.” He replies softly, making an apologetic expression when San groans at him for having moved.
“Um, I’ll do my best but no promises. You know what happens when vampires feed.” He warns, pressing another kiss against San’s lips before he has time to turn his head. Once his neck is exposed, Baekhyun tucks his own arms beneath his love’s upper back. Leaning in to kiss the spot he’s about to sink his fangs into it before doing just that. Beautiful brown eyes dip into a crimson color as his fangs pierce the flesh. The familiar metallic flavor hitting his tastebuds. Excitement floods his system and his fingers curl into San’s shirt. Tongue pushing against the skin to help push out more of that sweet sustenance.
Choi San 2 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ San responds with a loving smile to his lover at their words while he watches how affectionate Baekhyun is being.
"It is very exciting. I am happy for the both of them and wish nothing but the best for them ~ makes me a little hopeful too..." he whispers softly while San watched Baekhyun lean against his hand only to groan lowly when his lover moves their body upon his. Still being aroused he has no control but try not to get blue balls in the moment. Baekhyun's question earning a slow nod from him. "Now is not a bad time love. There is no such thing as a bad time for you...just...try not to move lower your half hm? You are killin me.." He teases softly before leaning forward to steal a kiss before San turns his head to expose more of his neck for Baekhyun.
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
@Choi San “Thank you, San…” Baekhyun is thankful to have San in his life, patient and loving. He sighs out of happiness, resting his forehead upon their conjoined hands.
“Mhm! It is exciting, isn’t it?” Baekhyun smiles in a hopeful manner. He was sure San had already been thinking the same as him. The elder leans into his love’s hand, eyes briefly closing at the warmth. They only open when asked about needing to feed.
“I probably should, it’s been a minute…” he speaks softer, relinquishing San’s hand so he could climb up the human’s body, hands pressed into either side of the cushion near San’s head. “Would now be a bad time?”
Choi San 2 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ "Its okay, my sweet sakura. I'll reassure you over and over again ~" San states clearly while he rubs his thumb over Baekhyun's hand lovingly.
He smiles as he continues to listen to his lover speak so happily about the individuals he has interacted with lately. He quirks a brow at the mentioning of a baby boy.
"A baby boy huh? How exciting ! I bet they are beyond joyful...thats too cute ~" San feels a huge sense of happiness at the thought, while he brings his free hand up to gently caress Baekhyun's cheek with his eyes curved into an eye smile.
"My sweet vampire. I've been meaning to you need to feed?"
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
@Choi San Baekhyun can feel himself flushing as San is clearly affected by the elder just sitting back down on his lap. The groan bringing a sheepish smile about the vampire’s lips.
“Okay, I’m sorry for needing assurance so often.” Baekhyun hums, bringing one of San’s hands close and kissing the back of it.
“I think so, oh, I told you about Dylan. Unfortunately, we haven’t spoken much since the first time. I think he is really missing Paing. I should try and find him again sometime. Kyungsoo is good! From what I knew last. He is ready to pop at any moment. I can’t remember what the name was he chose. They are having a boy!”
Choi San 2 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ San chuckles when Baekhyun raises himself but is soon groaning when his lover plants himself back down on San's growing situation downstairs.
He continued to listen though while smiling softly.
"Hmm~ I'm always happy to see you handsome. You can bug me whenever and however. You are my lover after all.~ " He explains, returning the squeeze to Baekhyun's hand while delighted eyes gaze up at his future husband.
"Mmm~ Have you at least ran into some more good people? Talk it up with anyone recently you really enjoy? Kyungsoo doing good?"
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
@Choi San Baekhyun can tell that San is struggling, but is proud of him for being able to hold back. He lifts himself as San adjusts, making sure the other is comfortable before sitting back down.
“I’ve been roaming around a lot these days. Just seeing who I can run into. Ideally, I always hope to run into you, but I know you’re busy from time to time. So I know I can’t always expect it to happen. I hope there aren’t times you don’t want me to pop up in front of you.” He chimes, squeezing San’s hands in his.
Choi San 2 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ San was definitely fighting back any urges while he slowly nods his head to his lover.
"Mhm..." he manages to let out, clearing his throat as he shifts his lower half a bit to find a more comfortable placing for himself.
"What are you up to roaming around sakura?"
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
@Choi San “Mhm, I bet you look and sound so y when you’re really worked up like that.” Baekhyun visibly shivers at the idea, his own head coming up with a few images he would love to make a reality.
“Not in the right head space to…? Have me sitting on you like this?” He asks, not daring to move about too much. He wouldn’t want to cause any more excitement than there was, right? That was a lie.
Choi San 2 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ San follows Baekhyun's movements with his eyes, once Baekhyun sat down on San. His brows raising as he notices Baekhyun just straddles him. "Is that so?" He questions curiously, happily intertwining his fingers with his lover while he felt like he is defeated in this moment.
"My mind is not in the right head space...."
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
@Choi San Baekhyun smiles brightly when San flips over on the couch, the squinting only making him laugh.
“Okay, okay. I’m coming.” He walks around the couch and climbs onto San, straddling his lap and intertwining their hands together.
“But~ I think I’d like that rough side of you when you’ve had enough of the teasing.”
Choi San 2 months ago
San flips over on his back while he gazes up at Baekhyun, playfully squinting his eyes to his lover while snickering.
"Tease....well what are you doing? Come on and spend time with me." He expresses, holding his arms open for his lover.
"Teasing me is torture...." he mumbles, a low groan emitting from his chest.
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
"Well, I may not be helping, but I'm liking that I'm getting to hear some of your fantasies." He explains, inhaling a deep breath and sighing softly. "I'm liking everything I'm hearing. I bet you have some nice images in your head." He taps his other hand's fingers against the soft fabric of the couch. "Don't go for a run, I wanna spend time with you. Maybe I'll tease you by brushing up against you, bending over~" He coos in a mischievous tone.
Choi San 2 months ago
"Hm." San tries to think again, unsure why Baekhyun kept asking before mumbling. "You aren't helping me..I'm trying to not think these things. I also want to restrain you, tease you until you cry out for my in you...ugh...I'm going for a run." He huffs out stubbornly.
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 2 months ago
Baekhyun's eyes widen slightly, a smirk slowly creeping onto his features.
"Oh~ how y. Anything else you've been wanting to do to me?"


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junlovebot 2 months ago
can i reserve christian yu (dpr ian) as an alpha wolf please?
SkyVeil34 2 months ago
Who to be uwu
creamsoda 3 months ago
hey bb
may i make a return? if so, can I request Jung Wooyoung please?
jamjari 3 months ago
could i reserve woo wonjae! (27) soloist
unevenstars 3 months ago
I love the aesthetic ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
still dont know what to do.. but so tempted
KUSHPANDA182 3 months ago
Ummmm... !!!!I am alive!!!!

But I'm technically just dead inside :(
bigboybbg 4 months ago
Bang Yongguk as a witch please
gemini_dotcom 4 months ago
may I reserve aaron mitchell (mo) as a vampire please?
EmberEclipse 4 months ago
Could I have Earth Katsamonnat as a witch, please?
e74914c6835c2a778ec2 4 months ago
accidentally left, first rp i ever joined, didnt know that it worked like that
choi beomgyu as a omega
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