❈ peep show


peep show.

a delectable taste test for whats to .

— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 7 months ago
@✻ ⋰ beomgyu c. Jungkook had been a little unsure when the announcement was first made, but the peep show has turned out to be a fun little addition to the Venus, and it's proving to be exceedingly popular among both Pearls and clients.

He has yet to really be in the space all too much, his clientele belonging to those who prefer to touch rather than look- but Jungkook has been itching to try it out. So when he's given an open request for one of the rooms set up for ing, Jungkook had to admit that he was looking forward to it.

The request: new male client, one with a two-way mirror(his eyebrow quirked at that; the men he dealt with demanded he look at them), no costumes or gimmicks. Just him.

Jungkook could do that.

The next day, when it was time for the appointment, Jungkook had forgone the usual Lounge uniform, opting for a white t-shirt that clung to his body like a second skin and grey sweatpants, considering he'd also been told this was the client's first time at the peep show, Jungkook had a feeling a more approachable- more boyfriend-like- look would be better than his usual edgy fashion.

He was greeted by soft, sensual music as he entered the room, but the second he closed the door behind him, it switched off automatically. Jungkook would guess that the client was waiting for him, and the music filled the silence.

The room was simple and sparsely decorated; anyone in the street would walk in there and know exactly what this room was for. The only things of note to him were the mirror that spanned almost the entire wall and the wooden shelving unit that displayed toys, body oils and lube. Jungkook was mildly impressed at the array- there were things he'd never tried.

This was going to be so much fun.

He didn't jump at the soft voice that filtered through after he'd explored the room, though he did look up when the client spoke, lips parting slightly; it was like the stranger was right next to him. He wondered if the sound quality was just as good on the other side. The client sounded nervous, Jungkook thought, and he immediately clocked that this was probably new for him.

"Beomgyu? Nice name." He said, eyes drifting across the ceiling to see if he could find the speakers(he could not) before settling on the mirror. Jungkook only saw himself reflected back, but he guessed that the client- Beomgyu- would likely be seated somewhere in the centre. "You can call me bunny."

He wandered over to the mirror, turning his head from side to side, running his fingers across his facial features; it was for Beomgyu to get a good look at him, but selfishly, he was also taking advantage of the fact that, for once, he could check himself out without needing to be subtle. Jungkook stopped in front of the mirror, his eyes a little unfocused as he tried to pinpoint where Beomgyu could be sitting, and he leaned against it, arms folded above his head, casually leaning his weight onto a single leg.

"It's nice to meet you, Beommie. Are you excited to be here? I know I am," He said kindly, flashing a cocky grin "Am I too your satisfaction?"
✻ ⋰ beomgyu c. 7 months ago
@— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. It's been weeks since Beomgyu found out about this club and was given an invite by his most trusted friend, the only one who knows of his "hobbies". He was initially told that he's able to do whatever he wants as long as he follows the guidelines of this secret yet prestigious club and he admits that the people have been nothing but warm and welcoming, he thinks it's about time to actually do what he came here for. Booking the peep showroom and leaving his card on file, not really concerned if he was going to be charged or not, he headed to the place and was led inside the room that he only sees in movies and such when a person is being interrogated but the other side is decked out with a bed and all of what he expects from such a place, the mood obviously set with the lights and designs inside the room.

Sitting on the chair in front of the one-way mirror, Beomgyu's already starting to fidget as he fumbled with the hem of his shirt. This is something that he never tried before since he only does this with a trusted partner, and so far, ever since he started three years ago, he's only had one partner but was encouraged by the same person to come to this club and try more "options" as per his partner's words.

While pondering if he could go through with this, he almost jumped off the chair when the door of the room in front of him swung open and a man emerged from the other side, which had his mouth gaping a bit at how gorgeous he was, especially his tattoos that adorned his arm. Chewing on his lip, he decided to break the ice as he pressed on the remote he was given to be heard on the other side, greeting the latter in a soft voice yet meek manner.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you. I-I'm Beomgyu. . ."
✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ kai h. "I adore you," left her lips within a breathy moan of her own, that filled the otherwise silent, empty room they situated themselves in. She had spoken those words in haste, without no purpose other than to vocalize her desire and desperation for him as his body spurred her into submission. She needed him, it was clear to both of them, like an addict needed a drug. Or perhaps, something as simple as needing air, because while Xiaoting did not realize it herself, she had quickly grown too attached to this man. She had let him into her heart, letting him brandish his name there, so that he would have a permanent place in her life. So that he consumed her thoughts entirely, suffocating her until he delivered her satisfaction once again. And God, did she relish in this pleasure he gave her, endless moans pouring out from her lips as she wined her hips onto his, head falling back onto her shoulders while her eyes fluttered shut. "I need you," she whimpered. Desperately. Pathetically. "I need you inside me, daddy. Need you to make me yours, again."
✾ ⋰ kai h. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. "you have my word. i promise i'll always be here for you," kai reiterated in breathy sighs just as she commanded and held her close, wrapped within his warm embrace so there's no escape. desperate needy hips rolled in slow painstaking upwards motions and grinded against her core. their eye contact never breaks, gazing right back into those beautiful milky chocolate eyes with his own dark shadowy stare that burned right through. "i adore you, mein häschen." quick to assist did he begin tugging her opened blouse off her shoulders and fiddling with the hooks of her bra until she was left bare. "look how pretty you are," he praised between gentle kisses along her collarbones that trailed down her chest, soon pursing his lips around her perky s to lightly .
✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ kai h. "Promise me," she whispered against him, hot breath fanning out across his flesh where was pressed against. "Promise me," she said again, this time louder—a command laced with the drug of her growing pleasure. She pulled away to look upon his eyes, her own chocolate-brown pair half-opened because her lids were heavy with desire, gaze bleeding with need for him. Eliciting a soft whine, her gaze dropped to her shirt, to where the buttons were bulging because his hands barely squeezed into what little space existed between the fabric and her body. "God," she breathed, lifting her hands from where they rested on his shoulders to undo the buttons of her shirt, desperate to get out of it.
✾ ⋰ kai h. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. kai nodded along to her every word, hooded eyes darkening with desire as if being put under a trance by her sweet angelic voice. "i'll never leave you. i promise." he whispered his vow against the shell of her ear while a hand entangled within her luscious locks, combing through every feathery soft strand affectionately. deep guttural moans slipped out at the plushness of her lips painting his porcelain skin cherry red and the pressure of her thighs squeezing around him. needy hands slipped beneath her shirt and squeezed her soft s, caressing with adoring tenderness. "god, xiaoting.. please me."
✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ kai h. "So safe," Xiaoting repeated under her breath between bated breaths and suppressed whines, as though trying to understand the man's words. "So good." She sighed, rolling her hips down to meet him halfway, shifting once in his lap so that her core was centered on top of his clothed . A soft whine escaped parted lips, and she leaned forward to press soft, open-mouthed kisses upon his jaw, that traveled down his neck, leaving a trail of red imprints in her wake. "You feel that way for me, too. Safe. Good. I want to be with you all the time. Always."
✾ ⋰ kai h. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. low chuckles slipped out when she reacted so easily to the littlest touches. "yes. you make everything feel so good, so safe. you're my angel in the darkness. i want to be the same for you." kai mused as his voice flowed like rich honey, drenching her with sugary affection. all the while he languidly rolled his hips to grind up against her, enjoying the sweltering heat and friction as his thickening bulge forced her bubbly round to lightly bounce at every contact. "please, bunny. i'm begging... i need you. now and always."
✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ kai h. "Is that what you believe?" she asked as Kai picked up her body with such ease, it was as if she weighed nothing. She marveled at his strength with a girlish little giggle, eyes alight with amusement and interest as a wide smile spread across her cheeks. "That you and I are destined to be together?" She tilted her head, eyes lingering upon his pretty face for a moment longer before dropping down to where his hands had busied themselves. "..." she cursed under her breath at the first brush of his fingers, and breathed out a soft whine. "God, Kai."
✾ ⋰ kai h. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. the bridge of his nose brushed along hers to nuzzle together, nipping at her lips one kiss after another. "there is something in my faith we call wyrd," kai mumbled between breathy sighs and plucked her off the ground so they could sit upon the center couch. "every step we take brings us together. like, ah.. /destiny/." then spread her legs wide apart so her thighs straddled his lap. impatiently he hiked the hem of her skirt up to expose her beneath, playing with the lace as he languidly dragged his fingers along her womanhood.
✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ kai h. "Eternal?" she questioned with a hum, that was followed shortly by a moan as soon as he grabbed her , hand large and firm around her flesh. With a smile, she looked up to meet his beautiful, dark eyes, and raised her arms, curling them around his neck. "That's a huge commitment, my dear Huening Kai. Eternal." She chuckled, biting down on her bottom lip. "And what is it that makes us 'eternal?'"
✾ ⋰ kai h. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. "i'm sorry angel. i couldn't help myself with how nice you feel," he confessed with a pout as he took a step back to shut the door. now his back against the doorframe, he didn't waste a second claiming what rightfully belonged to him. tightening an arm around her waist and slithering a palm down to grab a handful of her , massaging through the fabric of her skirt. "that's right. what a clever girl i have~! who we are, the people we ... none of that matters. you and i are eternal."
✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ kai h. "It was the only place I could think of," she replied, halting just beyond the door, then turning around and regarding him with a bit of a shy smile curled at the corners of her red-painted lips. "Since you clearly wanted to me back in the lounge so bad," she remarked, squeezing his hand in her own, before releasing it from her hold. She placed her hands on his chest afterwards, drawing small circles on top of his shirt with her thumbs. "Is that what you like, handsome? For people to see us? For some of my regular clients to know that I favor one of the men I work with?"
✾ ⋰ kai h. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. kai followed her lead after setting ablaze a tiny flame of desire back in the lounge, squeezing the beautiful hand that felt so perfect clasped within his own as he rubbed the pad of his thumb along her soft buttery smooth skin. "you must have read my mind taking us here.. i was really hoping to show off just how pretty you look on my lap." gently he guided them up so he could press cloudy kisses upon xiaoting's knuckles as they slipped into the peep room where anyone could pull up a seat to watch.
✾ ⋰ xiaoting s. 8 months ago
@✾ ⋰ kai h. "We'll be better off here," she stated whilst pulling Kai along to the "Peep Show", her dainty hand in his larger one, fingers laced together. They had just come from the lounge, where the latter had nearly tempted her to beg him to her right there, right in the middle of a gathering of pearls and clients. Nearly, if it weren't for the fear of getting caught by their managers.


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studentofmagic 6 months ago
is karina/winter available?
[comment deleted by owner]
Kaworu 6 months ago
do you need more male clients or male employees?
hyperstellar 6 months ago
love this
realllllmino 7 months ago
offlimits 7 months ago
any specific fc wanted? :/
arcadya 7 months ago
hi can I have jeong bomi of girl crush added?
Oxycodone 7 months ago
uhm, can I ask something?
begone_thot 7 months ago
E u E
Do I even dare?
Purple_gummieball 7 months ago
The way I want to apply but I have many muse in my gucci clutch únù
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