The High Mountains

These are the mountains where precious gold and silver are hidden in the depths of its caves. But beware of Hecate worshippers that lurks in the shadows - ladies of the night, vrykloras and monsters of the underworld.
The High mountains

Temple of Hecate, hidden inside a cave somewhere between the three crossroads and the gates to the underworld


♀︎ Danielle Rose Russell [A] 4 months ago
@Krystal Jung Danielle, a young woman destined to be a part of a pure devout worshippers of Athena, is tasked to seek herbs to cure a disease that is staring to infest Calespiae. Two young woman arrived at the temple with an unknown lesions, chills and aches. The situation can only get worse when one of Danielle’s companion begins to show the same symptoms. It is a matter of time before it seeps through the town. The head priestess calls for Danielle together with other apprentice. They are to gather lavender, sage, chamomile and rose. But it is hard to fine chamomile around Calespiae, the must go to the valley and mountains where the ‘outsiders’ grows them. Then here she is, deep in the mountains clothed with a thick red cloak and lost in the night. She looks around searching for a sign of the other apprentice that is partnered with her. They agreed to meet at the brooks near the road back to the acropolis. The poor girl has been walking round in circles. The towering trees all the same. She thinks she needs to go right or left. The snow starts to rain down. “Oh Athena, where on earth am I?” She prayed


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FallenBloodyAngel 3 months ago
Could i get Dove Cameron
proudshikshin1 3 months ago
Can you add and reserve engfa waraha for me please?
e1dc7bc4eadf1fe57445 4 months ago
oh my god !
I am tempted
orbitinsomnia 4 months ago
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