Tawan and Perth



Tawan & PErth's House 

This house belongs to roommates Tawan and Perth, please knock before entering




Ahn SeongMin [A] 3 months ago
@Perth Tanapon ✴ Seongmin nodded softly giving a small bow as thank you before heading back to the room Perth had shown him earlier. He felt somewhat better but still everything was a lot for him. He felt his anxiety spike walking through the hall to the room but forced himself to relax.

After a quick shower Seongmin changed into a sweater and skirt he found in the closet remembering Perth said that there were clothes for borrowing. With a pep talk Seongmin made his way back downstairs to the kitchen yawning quietly. “Thank you again.. for everything- oh that smells delicious~ I don’t remember the last time I had like a home cooked meal.. I’m sorry if it’s troubling you to do this for me.. can I help with anything?”
Perth Tanapon ✴ 3 months ago
@Ahn SeongMin Perth sighed hearing the younger story, he glared as Tawan went to the room. He already knew it would end badly if the elder stayed outside, so he helped the young boy walked to his room then he patted his head gently "OK, shower and relax I'll make dinner and then will talk" he spokenkindly

He understood the younger wanted someone to save him, but Tawan was dangerous in this form, so he walked to the kitchen and then he began to make some food for them. He made a simple claim shower and for the dinner chicken with mash potatoes. He had fresh fruits for dessert, he felt the wind kicking in from the storm, so he close all the windows and then push a bottom for the hard tarp to cover them. Even the window they had broken was cover now. He chanted a spell so Tawan was not heard nor he couldn't come out of the hallway, as Perth put wood on the fireplace to make the home a bit warm.

Then he grabbed some plates and put the food he had made on the table, it wasn't cold anymore. He knew he had to make his guest feel a bit welcome. So he decided to make sure that everything was done correctly and nothing to be out of place.
Ahn SeongMin [A] 4 months ago
@Perth Tanapon ✴ Seongmin was at a lost for what was going on- it was like Tawan turned into a whole new person, seongmin didnt know how to really react but watch him leave. He stayed in the room though to scared to leave till he knew it was clear- which turned out to be not such a good choice on his part. As he stood there he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stands up once more like they did in the forrest, after turning around and seeing two new strangers Seongmin backed up nearling falling on the alphas bed till both Perth and Tawan came to his rescue. He clung to Perth as he was helped away “Im not dumn- you wernt here and and they were in the house i didnt know what else to do” seongmin frowned following perth.

“No i- i ran away from home my parents were both humans that wanted nothing to do with witches or supernatural beings of any kind.. The only thing i know is from books and what ive picked up from strangers here and there.” although Tawan trusted perth seongmin didnt know the man at all and didnt want to explain his growing up ordeal or lack there of it.

“Ive used my powers i used them today in the forest after i followed Tawan there.. i may be a low level but im sure i can get better. Hyung said youre.. You know alot of magic and um.. Maybe you can teach me some things?”
Perth Tanapon ✴ 4 months ago
@Ahn SeongMin Perth held the young Witch as he sighed a bit he couldn't protect him from the noises, nor the blood that was all over their house now. However he stared down at the young Witch "ARE you dumb? What did I tell you? And worst you made it easy for him to make you a target" he hizzed a bit as he looked for any wounds on the younger body. Then he walked with the younger out of that area as he use his magic to clean a bit of the mess.

He looked at the young Witch "Have you ever learn self defense magic? All witches have protected magic have you ever even used it?" He had so many questions, the younger couldn't possibly be weak. He could feel his power, the younger was a strong at least his powers, he could sense it yet Seongmin was still pure and have not used any of his powers. Perth knew this would be bad especially for a Witch "You do know ... that one's you get a certain age as Witch if you never use your powers you loose have of them right?" He looked at the younger curiously.

(()) sorry c: since I'm on semi-hiatus I don't wanna start the other stuff until I can pay fully attention ;A;
Tawan Vihokratana ฅᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 4 months ago
@Ahn SeongMin () It's ok, I'm on semi-hiatus this next two weeks I'll be a bit busy with work, so my replies will be slow.

[TW: Everything written for this thread was talked about ooc and consent was given. Do not read if you find anything you readytriggering or uncomfortable. Rated M Scene]

Tawan was in his chain when the younger came in, the empty promises plus the lies made the younger an easy target. The alpha didn't like easy, so in a way it turn him off which was a good thing. He sighed a bit as he rubbed his rist from the chains, then he walked out of the room. He went to check the house in the end he was still a bit awake so even if the alpha tried he wouldn't be able to fully take control of Tawan. The elder eyes turning normal yellow again as he was now In control again, he looked around noticing the broken windows.

When he walked into the kitchen he saw them the group of vampires he growl softly as he saw them starring right at him. Perth had come back and he facepalm hard noticing Tawan off the chains, he felt annoyed the young Witch didn't listen, and they both killed the vampires in a gory scene they made sure all of them were death, but something was off they counted and two were missing "Seongmin!" Both males yelled as The wolf ran back to his room seeing the vampire get close to the young with he smirked darkly. Perth walked in using his magic to shield the young with then he walked over and hurriedly take him out as he close the door behind them. Tawan took his time with the witches and the screams were heard all over the place.
Ahn SeongMin [A] 4 months ago
@Tawan Vihokratana ฅᵃˡᵖʰᵃ //sorry bb was laying down when i thought i was working tonight but i dont have to go in till tomorrow morn.

This was different, this- seongmin looked up at the alpha, bare chest, beautiful blue and gold eyes peering at him. And that voice, so deep dark and alluring, seongmins body didnt know what was going on, id mind shutting off any form of its own thinking ability. He walked over slowly listening to Tawan speak. If he let the alpha go hed kill those vampires, hel’ll protect seongmin from evil like he said he would.

“I can put them back after..” seongmin whispered more so to himself as he lifts a hand to the chains, when tawan leaned in he stood still not making a big move or leaning back. He let tawan smell him and whisper, seongmin shivered whining in the back of his throat. “T-thank you..” seongmin whispered, his body now moving on its own, hands shaking as he uncuffs tawans restraints one at a time, the last being one of his wrists. Without thinking seongmin runs his hand down tawans chest looking up with pleading eyes. “Save me Tawan.. Only you can..”
Tawan Vihokratana ฅᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 4 months ago
@Ahn SeongMin [TW: Everything written for this thread was talked about ooc and consent was given. Do not read if you find anything you readytriggering or uncomfortable. Rated M Scene]

(40MIN early)

Tawan was sent to his room by his roommate, he needed to be chain up. He understood perfectly the reason behind him getting lock up, when he was on his heat his ual desires were uncomfortable, he wanted to attack anything that look innocent and sweet. Tawan wasn't like that he was a gentleman at heart and always respected others but when he was turn on he turn into a beast. He went to his room closing the door behind him, he took a quick shower then he put on pants, but stayed shirtless. He went to the corner as he took out the chains from the wall.

Perth prepared special chains that made the Alpha not be too incontrol of him, however if tempted those emotions would be awaken, since t
No one could control those urges. Tawan chain himself then he tried to put himself in hibernation mode, and he did. He put himself into hibernation mode but the alpha was in control, when Tawan eyes open they were a deep gold, blue color as the beast inside him awaken. He growl lowly hating that he was lock down, as he growl a bit more knowing he was going to be lock up foe a week, but then he heard noises.

Tawan stood firmly as he smirked darkly people wanted to play even if he was chain up he could killed vampires but when he heard a soft voice call out to him, his smirked turned evil. As he held into his chain closing his eyes. He felt the young boy walking in falling infront of him, he open his eyes as he spoke in a different voice, his tone was deep and rough "....Little mouse...let me protect you.." he spoke as he looked at thenwide open door. He needed to get freed if he wanted to attack the younger "Just unchain me and the vampires won't hurt you, I promise" he spoke, he didn't lie he could easily killed the vampires, but at the same time it meant Tawan dominate side would take over and that would not be good for the innocent boy.

"I will get rid of them and then you can put the chains back" he suggested trying to make the younger release him from his prison he couldn't get the chains off himself he needed someone else to do it for him. He looked at the younger as he lean close inhaling his scent whispering "You smell so good....." he whispered into the younger ear "It's intoxicating..."
Ahn SeongMin [A] 4 months ago
@Tawan Vihokratana ฅᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Once Perth decided Seongmin was good enough they left the green house and Seongmin was given the tour of the house. He was in shock and awe at everything never having seen anything so big and extravagant. He felt like he was in an old movie with how everything looked.
Once they stopped and Seongmin was given a mother warning he nodded and waved at Perth asking him to be careful. He looked around the room for a moment before leaving to roam around the house to get familiarized with it. Stopping at one of the large windows that showed a beautiful view of the forest Seongmin stopped and just stared out it sighing to Himself. He should call his roommate to let him know where he was but Seongmin didn’t want to answer any questions and really didn’t feel like it. “This is amazing I can’t believe I’m he-“ something cause Seungmin’s eyes from the corner of the window. He froze staring outside seeing not one not two but a whole handful of vampires roaming around. He watches them stop and look around before all turned their head towards the house seemingly locking eyes on Seongmin. The man whimpered ducking, and rushing away.

“T-they’re here!” Seongmin shouted in the practically empty house. He knew Perth was outside but on the other side of the house and he was honestly scared after the vampire from earlier in the forest. He was worried they’d come for him for some reason. “T-Tawan! Someone they’re here!” Seongmin rushed towards the left wing only stopping right in front of it wondering if it would really be okay to cross. But the fear took over and he crossed walking down the long hall for the alpha. “T-Tawan! vampires o-outside I’m scared!”

Seongmin runs down the hall stopping every so often to look out the window. And when he doesn’t see the vampires but instead hears window glass breaking inside the house his worst thoughts start to come true. He runs away searching for Tawans room finding it towards the end of the hall he quickly rushes in closing the door behind him. But when he sees Tawan was indeed chained he grew close worried if this was the right idea. But it had to be. T-Tawan please save me there here- they’re they’re inside” Seongmin rushed over stumbling over his feet reaching out for tawans hand not knowing exactly what him being here and begging for help could do to the alpha.
[post deleted by owner]
Perth Tanapon ✴ 4 months ago

@Ahn SeongMin [TW: Everything written for this thread was talked about ooc and consent was given. Do not read if you find anything you readytriggering or uncomfortable... ]

Perth stared at the younger who kept asking questions as he rolled his eyes. He asked too many question it seem annoying. He didn't know how Tawan dealth with him, he stretched a bit as he looked at the younger "Elixers aren't hard to do, as long as you study for them correctly" henspokr honestly as he yawn then he walked a bit "Come on I'll take you to your room"

Perth started to walk when they walked out he lock his green house. Then he went back inside he wanted to give a tour of the house to the younger "You went to living room, the green house... so this is the front of the house" he walked to the front "Our home is a bit vintage on the inside but we been alive for so long...that we over the years made the house better" he spoke softly as he continue to walk ( The front of the house https://64.media.tumblr.com/dc4399ef888b1675701ca81f1010f1a5/9b5fe6f3fa8b8914-63/s1280x1920/8433733709528b9c7786b5003db3676a454d0373.jpg)

He continue to walked to one of the rooms "This is the kitchen, and on that corner is our snack/drink area. We don't use it that much but it natch the house, so we kept it" he spoke honestly as he walked around "If you want dinner the fridge is full, there a bad door for the pantry and a freezer with meat so u can make food" he offered as he continue to walk "This is our dinning area, yes its huge but we got on a good sale, so we eat here at times to catch up. We also sometimes have friends over so they sit here" he explained as he continue to walk ( the kitchen: https://64.media.tumblr.com/1b8a0fa6ad4623d1b6b1bf754fed8dfc/8c5637d691feefab-f8/s400x600/9e6711714d315c7c46e8bc994d97679b1387a0e0.jpg) (The snack/Bar area: https://64.media.tumblr.com/59c3fcc3e04a7f57c5749916c6ae2922/8c5637d691feefab-39/s540x810/2be011f1c84dc35d65efebc50da40e211cf36d71.jpg) (Dinning room: https://64.media.tumblr.com/ee89f7bdd741bf884b34e35db7251335/8c5637d691feefab-36/s400x600/0e72379ae8d12694b923d409f2cc72f34aead70b.jpg)

Perth started to walk up the stairs as he looked at the younger before they kept walking "Do not go left wing..." he spoke as he walked to the right wing then he open a door "This is our public bathroom, everyone uses it and it's maintain clean" he spoke softly then he continue to walk "Thisnwill be your room for the new few nights" he spoke softly opening the door "The room is clean, there even a walk in closet it with clothes woman and men since we have friends that get drunk and pass out sometime"- he sighed a bit as he lean into the door "You will even have your own bathroom" he spoke softly.
( the room:https://pin.it/7rp4Bm9pw ) (the bathroom:https: //pin.it/35JfZ6Xsf ) (the closet: https://pin.it/3PG8hdrBs)

Perth looked at the time as he raised an eyebrow "I have to go do checks unfortunately vampires and wolf's like to run around this area and we have check points to protect ourselves. They shouldn't be able to get into the house and unless it's a big die emergency do not go to Tawan room?" He spoke as he walked away he went to make his checks out side the home first since he knew if he needed to kill it would be easier for him.
Ahn SeongMin [A] 4 months ago
@Perth Tanapon ✴ [TW: Everything written for this thread was talked about ooc and consent was given. Do not read if you find anything you readytriggering or uncomfortable]

It did sting but seongmin was a big boy and knew he could handle it, a little rubbing alcohol on a sting wouldnt kill him so he didnt mind.

While Perth spoke seongmin listened with an open mind and open ears. “Heat? Heats are bad.. If theyre not good why does he have to have them? Is it genetics?” seongmin wished he had his notebook so he could write this all down for his understanding of the other race. “STay away from the left side.. But what.. Why is he chained? Will he hurt someone if hes not? I-i wont ill stay away.. I dont want to be abad guest.. You two are helping me and i am very gracious.” seongmin smiles softly even through the pain as the elixir was applied. Once the pain went away seongmin started to feel better already, he rolls his ankles ti make sure he can easily walk on them.

“I-i can stay? Are you sure i wont be too much trouble? Thank you Mr.Perth, i r4elly appreciate your kindness! Yours and Tawan’s, ill be forever gratefull~” Wiping away the dirt seongmin looked with aw at how flawless his skin was, not even a scratch left. His eyes widened as he looked up at perth in excitement. “Thats amazing! Can you teach me how to do that too? How long did it take you to master this?”
Perth Tanapon ✴ 4 months ago
@Ahn SeongMin Perth use his own strength to make sure Seongmin was sitting right. He looked at his knees for a bit then he raised an eyebrow. The young Witch probably was new to all magical creatures, hence to why Tawan ask him to take care of him. The elder sighed as he took some rubbing alcohol "This will sting.." he spoke as he started to clean the younger wounds, cuts and everything on his legs. He didn't know how to reply to his questions, then again he had nothing to hide.

"Yes, we're friends... more like brothers. We both have alpha personalities even though I'm human and a witch" he explain as he continue to clean the other leg "Tawan is strong wolf, but... as a Wolf there something he can't avoid ... every other month he has his heat, and with that comes his alpha... and that isn't good. The alpha controls him, he can't control it. It's heating time for him, so it told him to lock himself away" he explain yet he figure the younger didn't understand " Wolfs have ual desires and when their head comes they explode it out and become blinded by their desires. Tawan is no expecting so stay away from the left side wing at all cost. He will be chain up, he can't escape those chains and whatever you do... do not...and I will repeat this do not unchain him... " he warned as he looked at the young Witch "No matter how much ge begs... if not well" he smirks "His screams aren't the only ones ill be hearing" he chuckle a bit.

He took one of the jars and sighs "This is a mix of herbs and some of my own elixirs. It will heal the wound quickly but it will sting for a couple of seconds" he spoke as he started to apply it, then he saw the stormy and the night fall "You can stay here the night. It's dangerous in those woods ... especially around this time.. the vampires roam around, so I need to do checks..before I lock the house" he spoke softly "Since we have a storm you might have to stay here for two days... but lucky for you we have an extra room, and enough food" he spoke kindly. Then he stood up after he finished applying then he gave the younger a towel he waited a bit looking at his watch "OK, clean the dirt of and look at your skin" he spoke as he waited for the younger to see how powerful a small elixir could be if he practice.
Ahn SeongMin [A] 4 months ago
@Perth Tanapon ✴ “This is.. Woah.. you and perth..” Seongmin pursed his lips holding on to the alpha a little tighter wondering if this perth fellow and Tawan are just friends or if theyre something more that goes on between the two of them. Seongmin wanted to ask but it wasnt his place, he was just grateful of Tawan helping him in so many ways.

After being sat down Seongmin watched Tawan leave listening to what he could, the shouting though made him worried if maybe he should just leave.. He can call a cab or something. “O-oh.. okay.. Thank you Tawan.. Please be okay..” Seongmin sighed and waited for this other stranger, a witch is all he knew.

Upon seeing this other man Seongmin shifted on the couch brushing his hair down trying to make a good first impression-but as soon as perth talked seongmin felt himself shrink back frowning. “Im not weak..” he whispered sliding off the couch limping after Perth head lifted as he looked around the large house glancing behind him. “Is Tawan okay? Is he in trouble?” did seongmin do something wrong? Carefully climbing on the table Seongmin pushes down his sock to show his ankle and pulls his shorts up a littl more for his knees, “Um.. thank you for helping me.. Im sorry for burdening you mr perth.. Tawan he says you two are friends..?”
Perth Tanapon ✴ 4 months ago

@Ahn SeongMin Perth was sleeping when he heard the door, he raised an eyebrow curiously as he walked out of his room to see Tawan, his eyes winded as he scuffed "ARE you ing crazy? Your heat is about to begin. Go lock yourself away. I'm not dealing with you like that" he Witch warned the elder. He could see the Alpha discomfort as he cross his arms "What did you do?" He asked curiously.

Tawan told Perth about the young Witch and for some reason it made his eyes twixt he wanted to stay away from anything Witch/Vampire related. However he had brought someone injured and he wasn't heartless, he told Tawan to lock himself away as he walked over to the young man who sat in their living room. He walked over to one of the couches and sat down looking at the young Witch, he light up a cigarette and stared at him "Mmh.... Witch, pure, innocent and weak" he spoke honestly as he smoke "My name is Perth Tanapon.... I'm a green Witch from the north of Asia... " he spoke softly as he smoke "... So your the little mouse" he hummed curiously as he stared at the younger "I take it you can't heal yourself yet?" He raised an eyebrow curiously "Nor been alive long enough to know simple magic tricks..." he sighed a bit. He stood up as he walked over squading down "It's not that bad, so I can heal it fast" he spoke as he started to wall "Follow me unlike Tawan I won't carry you" he continue to walked, since he wanted to take the younger to his watch house. Perth kept walking until he reach his green room, he took out a few jars as he patted the table. "Come on sit, I need to see them closer" he order as he open a few jars. They smelled gross, but he was good with natural medicine.

() this is the green house uwu https://64.media.tumblr.com/f599c899096abb265db5663935823acd/8c5637d691feefab-63/s400x600/152016ea953d081e294e89e5e513f8ffb36307c3.jpg

() this is Perth uwu ♡ https://64.media.tumblr.com/4a09fd66e6d84758a893ea7da92f1318/b941da593de25d9c-10/s400x600/e6c1a45094cad8f9c67de1db67c53085912a7d74.jpg
Ahn SeongMin [A] 4 months ago
@Tawan Vihokratana ฅᵃˡᵖʰᵃ //okie <3 let me know~
Tawan Vihokratana ฅᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 4 months ago

@Ahn SeongMin Tawan listen to Seongmin story it made his blood boil, how could people be so clueless especially with witches. Some witches were born naturally it was the way of life, but the fact that Seongmin parents force him to get tested that irritated his soul. He didn't express that since he understood, his best friend went through the same thing yet he didn't become all the way evil, he stayed in between. He though it would be good to introduce them, so he walked to out skirts of the city were he made his way then he looked at his house.

"This is my house..." he spoke honestly "I stay on campus during the week, but me and Perth stay here during the weekends" he spoke honestly as he walked inside the house slowly. The house was small on the outside but big on the inside. When he walked in he took off his shoes then he slowly walked and put Seongmin down on his living room I'm the carpet "Please stay here I'll go check if he's around" he spoke gently as he walked to get his friend. When Tawan found Perth they both seem to be arguing, and they were Perth told Tawan to go lock himself away. Tawan walked back sighing as he squared down "Please listen to Perth ok? I have to do something...so... I'll see you again some other time" he was bad at good byes then he walked away.

() the living room uwu ♡ https://64.media.tumblr.com/5cbcdebb705bb9735066cda536ec2e3f/8c5637d691feefab-d6/s400x600/927852aeeabec38e9c813a14df21596f8c2e8b0f.jpg

() ima do also the started for Perth uwu so give me a second eue
Choi Chanhee ⚸ [A] 4 months ago
@Tawan Vihokratana ฅᵃˡᵖʰᵃ //nuuu don’t be gentle lmao hahaha
Tawan Vihokratana ฅᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 4 months ago
@Choi Chanhee ⚸ () IMA BE GENTLE eue with u JKJK not this character >_> LMAOO
Choi Chanhee ⚸ [A] 4 months ago
@Tawan Vihokratana ฅᵃˡᵖʰᵃ @Perth Tanapon ✴ //here you are bb


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junlovebot 2 months ago
can i reserve christian yu (dpr ian) as an alpha wolf please?
SkyVeil34 2 months ago
Who to be uwu
creamsoda 3 months ago
hey bb
may i make a return? if so, can I request Jung Wooyoung please?
jamjari 3 months ago
could i reserve woo wonjae! (27) soloist
unevenstars 3 months ago
I love the aesthetic ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
still dont know what to do.. but so tempted
KUSHPANDA182 3 months ago
Ummmm... !!!!I am alive!!!!

But I'm technically just dead inside :(
bigboybbg 4 months ago
Bang Yongguk as a witch please
gemini_dotcom 4 months ago
may I reserve aaron mitchell (mo) as a vampire please?
EmberEclipse 4 months ago
Could I have Earth Katsamonnat as a witch, please?
e74914c6835c2a778ec2 4 months ago
accidentally left, first rp i ever joined, didnt know that it worked like that
choi beomgyu as a omega
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