
The gardens of Havenwood Manor are a haunting blend of beauty and decay, where once-majestic hedges now twist and gnarl like the fingers of the dead, and once-vibrant flowers wilt and wither in the shadows. Overgrown and unkempt, the gardens are a labyrinth of tangled vines and twisted pathways, where the air is heavy with the scent of decay and the echoes of forgotten laughter linger in the stillness. Amidst the crumbling statues and weathered fountains, the sound of rustling leaves and distant whispers hint at the presence of unseen forces lurking just beyond the edge of perception. Despite their eerie allure, the gardens of Havenwood Manor are a place of darkness and dread, where beauty fades and nightmares take root
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priest 2 months ago
can I get jeff satur as a guest please?
derealization 2 months ago
I want to reserve lee felix as a hunter
krillin 3 months ago
I'd like alexandra daddario as a guest, please
bigboybbg 3 months ago
Bang Yongguk please
[comment deleted by owner]
thekilla 3 months ago
One of the bestest rps I've seen ♡♡♡♡♡ amazing work such hard work you've put into this. All the details I'm so impressed!! May I have huh yunjin as a guest please? I'd wish for a nightmare and hunter later on when I figure out my muses uwu
-valentino 3 months ago
So this is what you've been up to.
Astarion 3 months ago
omfg can I reserve Moonbyul (Moon Byulyi) as a hunter?
cthuwu 3 months ago
Could I reserve Fukutomi Tsuki as a guest?
melanie [A] 3 months ago
officially open <3 I'm just in the middle of adding some more rooms~
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