✐ main hall

| main hall of school |

minseok 10 years ago
@galaxy Minseok blinked in slight shock, that Yifan would address a teacher in such a manner but he quickly joined the other at his seat ignoring the glares he got from other students in the room. He hated it when they stared...it made him feel more uncomfortable then what he already felt. Was it because he was spending time with Yifan that they were feeling a little jealous perhaps? That he didn't know nor did he actually really want to know or have a need. The younger gave him a brief, quick smile before focusing his attention back on the lesson that was starting to begin trying to ignore the hateful or odd stares he was recieving.
galaxy 10 years ago
@minseok The taller student smiled when they made it to the classroom, he notices there was a handful of kids already in there. He opened the door for Minseok to walk in behind him then followed him inside. Just when he was about to make it over to the desk the teacher called out for his name. "Mr. Wu I see that you have finally decided to join my class in amidst of your 20 absences to my class. Please come up to my desk." He sighed heavily when the teacher brought him out in front of the other students like this. It was embarrassing when the teacher said how many absences he had in the school semester. "Yes Mr. Hwang?" he questions his teacher.

"Why are you suddenly showing up to my class? Usually you'd be hanging out in the halls and doing your own thing as far as I have noticed." Mr. Hwang tells his student while writing down on a sheet of paper. Yifan replies back to him, "I'm just showing up because I want to show up. Is there a problem with that? No? I thought so." He went off to his seat in the back of class, in the corner, and slouched in his chair. While he sat there he looked at Minseok from across the room.
[post deleted by owner]
minseok 10 years ago
@galaxy (Oh don't worry that's alright ^^ I hope things get better for you)

"Never try to use unfamiliar items...okay got it." Minseok finished writing everything before tucking his small notebook in his jeans pocket. "Okay thanks! I think I can understand it a little bit better than before." A grin spread across his face, rubbing the back of his neck. "I hope this helps...that really means a lot of you to help me with this." Out of all the students in this school, not one student had ever been this much help to Minseok: Most would just ignore him or mock him as usual if he was to ask them a certain question.
galaxy 10 years ago
@minseok Yifan thought about anything else he could possibly tell Minseok. Maybe he should tell him about not to use toys he isn't familiar with whenever he was having with someone. That would have been good advice. "I have one more though, never try to use any items you are not good with. Like for instance if you want to use electrocution on them you might want to see a professional before doing it. It could cause some damage to happen if you're an amateur." He explains briefly.

[sorry if it im going through a rough time right now]
minseok 10 years ago
@galaxy "Don't move too slow, have a dominating aura..." Minseok muttered writing everything down in his notebook. "Okay I think I can handle that part: What other advice do you got?" This upcoming test he had was something that was mandatory to pass, so he took any sort of advice from anyone that he could get. A grin spread across his face hearing Kris talk about how slow he was at first. Though he supposed that we all started off from somewhere after all. Just by the way Yifan was acting it was obvious to Minseok, he was the dorky type. Cute of course. But a little on the dorky side.
galaxy 10 years ago
@minseok "Aw why can't I poke your little squishy cheeks!" he was about to poke them again but he stopped midway and put his hands into his pockets. With an amused smirk on his face then jubilantly chuckled to himself. He listened to what Minseok had to say about the thing and slowly nodded his head trying to get the idea of what he meant. "Obviously, you look like the type to be submissive." He bluntly brought up, "Tips on how to get used to topping people? Do you mean like when the dominating person tops you or when you're the one doing the topping -- how do you get used to it?" He was confused by what the student was telling him. Yifan wasn't always the brightest kid among the pack, he always acted dorky even though he looked like a cold cool guy. "Um if you mean on how to get used to be being the one topping people then hears a tip from a well-known topper. First off, you'd want to make sure that the bottom isn't in any pain. Especially if you're both doing some roleplaying by using some stuff like hot wax, whips, or other stuff like that. If it's their first time try to go slow but not too slow, you really don't want to keep them waiting. I did that once and," he suddenly began to laugh at a memory, "I got slapped on the head for moving so slow. Second you'd gotta have this dominating aura around you, something masculine to get the submissive to submit to you."
minseok 10 years ago
@galaxy "Oi don't poke me like that!" Minseok huffed, swatting Yifan's finger away but cleared his throat to continue his question. "A-Anyway. In we're talking about how if you're normally a sub or dom to switch it up a bit: I'm typically a 'submissive' so I don't know the first thing about how to dominate someone." A thoughtful frown crossed his face, pursing his lips a bit. Yifan seemed like the guy who would have an answer to his question, seeing as he appeared to be the type that was the dominate one in relationships. "So do you have any tips on how to get used to topping people?" He was so used to being the one recieving pleasure but would like to give it to someone else for a change.
[post deleted by owner]
galaxy 10 years ago
@minseok Yifan nodded his head as a yes to the exclamation. "Yeah that's me. I know it's because I don't really talk because if I do run my mouth I'll get put out of class. Me and the teacher, Mr. Park, let's say that we're on not-so-good terms. I'm always skipping his class because I don't really need it at all, this is probably the only time I'm coming there. So if you see him glaring at me or speaking to me kind of informally it's because of that." He took off his hat to comb his fingers through the tangles of his bleached blonde hair then put the cap back on. At the mentioning of he puffed his lips. "I have some tips for it, what's the assignment about basically?" He looked at Minseok just in time to see a faint blush on the other's cheeks. Like an idiot the taller man grinned and poked the fleshy cheeks. "Aw how cute!"
minseok 10 years ago
@galaxy "No way that was you?!" Minseok's eyes widened before a grin spread across his face. "I can't believe I never noticed you. You were so quiet to." Now it made him feel better knowing someone else was in that class as well, well someone he kind of liked anyway at least. "Ah so you're the president of Club eh?" The younger male laughed softly at that. "I always wondered who the president was but never realized it was you. Say you got any tips for ? I only know the basics like but, well I have an assignment pretty soon and...well you know." A faint blush crept over his face. Even if Yifan seemed like a nice guy, he still partly felt a little embarrased admitting he needed assistance with this particular class of his. This was a recommended class and he had to pass it.
galaxy 10 years ago
@minseok The blonde chuckled to himself when he saw the stifled laughter from Minseok and looked down at his feet shyly. His ears perked at the sound of class, one of the student's favorite classes yet he never attended it. "I have that class too! I mean, like, have you ever seen a kid sitting way in the back of the class in the corner?" He says to the smaller male as he proceeded to walk to the classroom. "Well that's me actually. I never go to the class because I'm always hanging out in the hallways skipping it." He had no shame in admitting that he was a skipper, going to other places instead of his normal classes. Yifan had only gotten caught once and that was when a teacher caught him receiving a from a student in the bathroom. Sure it was allowed but Yifan wasn't supposed to do it outside of the classroom and resulted in him being sent to in school suspension for a day. "I have a few classes for first period I have Positions, second period there's , third -- I don't know because I don't go to it -- and fourth I have Seme Class, then I get to have a three hour break and right after that it's fifth period to go to the Club. Which I am president in." He spoke rather smugly in the end of advertising his little club he came up with.
minseok 10 years ago
@galaxy Minseok stiffled a laugh seeing Yifan's hat fall off his head but composed himself after clearing his throat to answer his question. "Oh. Well I uh...I have a class next hour." His face flushed red with embarrasment. It's not that Minseok was embarrased of the class, just he didn't like admitting out loud that he would take such a class in fear of being humiliated or mocked at. He preferred just keeping it to himself only to say if he was asked and that was that. "What about you? Are you sure you don't mind taking me? Don't you have one of your own right now?" He asked, shifting the books under his arm over to his right one blinking curiously.
galaxy 10 years ago
@minseok Yifan nodded his head at the guy, "You're welcome. It was no problem actually, those guys shouldn't bother you again no time soon. Once they've got a look at this face they're bound to never cross the line." He pointed to his sharp and cold-looking face. Even though he appeared to be unapproachable Yifan was really a nice and dorky guy. He had his mean moments here and there but he was mainly a dork. A compliment if he was called that to his face. "It's nice to meet you Minseok. Wu Yifan your knight in shining armor." To be funny he bowed to the other male, placing a hand over his stomach and slowly bowing down the hat he was wearing falling off and revealing his blonde hair. "Ack!" He picked it up and put it back up, the lid of it facing backwards. He grinned meekly then straightened up, "So what class do you have next Minseok if you wouldn't mind me escorting you there."
minseok 10 years ago
@galaxy Just as one of the boys was about to throw a punch at Minseok, they were instantly pulled away from him and instead of expecting punches he cracked one eye open seeing Yifan before him sighing in relief. "Oh...Thanks for that," He muttered bowing his head out of respect. "If it wasn't for you they probably would've kicked my for trying to stick up to them." A frown crossed his face as he remembered the countless times in which that actually happened throughout his years here. But he shook his head to snap out of it, straightening his clothes a bit. "Ahem. Anyway my name's 'Kim Minseok'. Who're you exactly?" A light smile managed to cross Minseok's face, seeing as Yifan seemed like a pretty friendly guy compared to those other one's at least.
galaxy 10 years ago
@minseok "Mr. Wu where are you going?" A teacher called out to Yifan when he was caught roaming the halls yet again. The blonde stopped dead in his tracks freezing up at the sound of the low voice. He knew it was a male teacher, one of the worst to be exact, he slowly turned around on his heel to face the guy. The teacher stood a few feet away, standing right next to his classroom, arms folded over his chest. His eye glasses were perched high on the bridge of his nose and a frown made the wrinkles on his face more definite. As if this dude wasn't grumpy-looking enough.

Yifan merely grinned in amusement of the teacher catching him in his skipping act. He looked at the time on his cell phone, 12:04, only one more minute. This gave him enough time to talk trash to the teacher. "Oh hey there Mr. Jung I didn't see you there? What I'm doing you ask? I'm just patrolling the halls you know, making sure everyone is in class." He lied and looked from left to right with a smug grin. "So far there's no one in the halls but me. Now if you'd excuse me," As if on cue the bell to go to third period rung and students rushed out into the hall. Yifan's tall height made him stand out in the hallway and he waved at the old man. "I have to get to class!" He ran off hearing the faint, "Mr. Wu!" being yelled over the sound of students speaking amongst themselves. He laughed heartily going towards the main halls. The main halls had a set of stairs which he needed to use to get to his third period class on the second floor of the school.

As soon as he made it there he noticed a group of boys towering over someone in the corner. Yifan was curious and listened to what they were saying. It sounded like crude insults and mockery was being said at someone. He didn't know who but he was angry to know this kind of bull went on in the school. This was a school of all places, there had to be bullies here and there. Yifan grumbled under his breath, "This better be worth it." Sauntering up he randomly grabbed a boy by the collar of his shirt and pushed him up against a wall. He was hanging off the floor as he grew scared when the blonde's cold glare met his own. "What the hell are you doing to this kid?" Yifan questioned, he received whimpers as a reply and he smirked amusingly. "So you're scared of me huh?" Using that as an advantage, the taller man dropped the boy on the ground recklessly and stepped back. "If I ever see you and your rats trying to pick on someone again," He cracked his knuckles, "You will all be dealing with me. Now get to class! Go on now! Scram!" They all scrambled to get to their respective classes.

He turned his head over to the guy in the corner and grabbed his hand. "Hey dude are you okay? I'm sorry that happened to you, some kids here are just dumb as hell." He says and rubbed the back of his neck.
minseok 10 years ago

Minseok was trudging silently through the ever so busy and bustling school hallway, with his head down and his nose buried in a book that was surprisngly pretty interesting despite him not being much of a reader. It was a horror novel titled 'Pet Sematary' by a very well known author: He normally wasn't fond of such novels, but, this one intrigued him for some reason. As the younger male continued walking hover he bit his lower lip hearing other students shout something crude and uncalled for at him then laughed afterwards. He hated it when they stared or mocked at him. Finally having enough with the taunts and teasing, he slammed his book shut and turned around glaring fiercley at the ones mocking him. "Don't you guys have anything better to do besides mock me? Now go on and leave me be." He hissed.

Though perhaps that was a mistake.

The guys narrowed their eyes dangerously advancing towards him, causing the younger to curse and back away. "M-Maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all." He murmured, squeezing his eyes shut as he waited for the beatings to come.
luhan, sehun's one and only [A] 10 years ago


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lachrymose 9 years ago
sorry lay left
TheChuz 9 years ago
Tao left because kris and no one replies back when I post on the wall
alwayslovingSHINee 9 years ago
Hi, I:m oon mibile so I am unable to see the description, can you send me it please? xx
DeadPooled 9 years ago
Chen left, but thanks for having me c:
-silHOEette 9 years ago
baekkie is leaving.
thank you so much for having me
-dorms- 9 years ago
Yongguk needs to go on semi-hiatus until oct 11
-silHOEette 9 years ago
ey. i thought i said something earlier, but i suppose not
baekkie is going on hiatus for a little while because of personal problems
i'll be back soon, hopefully
zidian 9 years ago
I would like to join
But i'm not good at 3rd
I can do 1st detailed but not 3rd OTL

do you think i can make it in this rp? :/
__mochi__ 9 years ago
applying for twin kris and dae... And for some reason I cant read anything on the rule room so im sorry orz
violaistmia 9 years ago
Can you add suho?
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