°Kitty Room




caretaker - OPEN - the one and only human allowed in this room, in charge of making sure the kitties are safe and that there is plenty of food and milk for them.
pays 5 points each day a survice is preformed





Things to remember

The one and only room that no humans, other then the caretaker, are allowed in. Here kitties can play, relax, meet new friends, and get out all their cat like urges. From the high hanging bridges and beds to the wall platforms and feline cabanas below, complete with fresh milk and food always out for the taking, it's a perfect place for hybrids to just have fun!



Donghae 9 years ago
/meows as i hop onto a shelve and then to the bridge that is connected to the ceiling/
Donghae 9 years ago
/looks around the place in my cat form/
/lay down, my tail neatly tucked under me and closed my eyes/
▲Tao 9 years ago
@▲Hyunseung /goes to you.
How is... You...?
/completely unsure of my sentence.
/smiles at you.
▲Hyunseung 9 years ago
@▲Tao Nice to meet you, Tao~
/eye smiles and purrs again
that's good to know~!
▲Tao 9 years ago
@▲Hyunseung /smiles.
Uh... Tao...
/shakes head.
Me... Ani... I! I am good!
/beams and nods.
▲Hyunseung 9 years ago
@▲Tao Hi there!
How are you?
▲Tao 9 years ago
@▲Hyunseung /waves.
▲Hyunseung 9 years ago
Anyone here~?
▲A-TOM 9 years ago
@▲Hansol *Giggles laying over you kissing your lips softly.* caught you~
Hansol 9 years ago
-rolls out onto the ground- Wah! -sprawled out onto the floor-
[post deleted by owner]
▲A-TOM 9 years ago
@▲Xero *carries you in my arms kissing you softly slipping my tongue in your mouth.* "yummy I found you
▲Xero 9 years ago
@▲A-TOM -squeals loudly- omo!!! -chuckles softly- hehe hi hyung
▲A-TOM 9 years ago
@▲Xero *opens the box purring as I found you both." *I smiled *

"Now come out ~"^^
▲Xero 9 years ago
@▲A-TOM -hears you coming, bites my lip from letting out any noise you might hear, cuddles closer too hansol-
▲A-TOM 9 years ago
@▲Xero *looks around the room checking under the big bed before coming back to the big boxes.* "hmmmm maybe they're in the closet" -o
I thought before running off to the closet not seeing anything * "hmmma maybe the boxes?"
▲Xero 9 years ago
@▲Hansol -gets in with you, let's the top close and cuddles into you, smiles softly-
Hansol 9 years ago
@▲Xero -crawls inside the box and curls up into a ball, thankful for being small and short for once-
▲Xero 9 years ago
@▲Hansol -giggles softly- that sounds like a good too me -whispers back, holds opens the box and hears atom call out- let's get in now his coming
▲A-TOM 9 years ago
*3,2,1 ready or not here I come!" *I called before running freely through the room searching for xero and hansol.*

"Hmmm where could they have gone?" *looks quietly *
Hansol 9 years ago
@▲Xero -nods and giggles and looks around too- Ooh, let's hide in those boxes~ -whispers to you and points at them- I think they're big enough for us to fit. -snickers quietly-
▲Xero 9 years ago
@▲Hansol Nee~ -giggles and grabs your hand- come on sollie we gotta hide before tommie finishes counting~
-runs with you away from atom and looks around for a spot to hide-
▲A-TOM 9 years ago
@▲Xero *kisses your lips softly* "baby start thinking of your hiding spot" *giggles lightly spanking your *

"Why not hide together?" *Giggles*

"You two are so cute."

*covers my eyes* "I'm going to start now."
"99,98,97,96,95..." *Begins to count down*
Hansol 9 years ago
@▲A-TOM Ooh, I like this game! -grins- Sounds good to me~ -puffs my cheeks and starts thinking of a place to hide-
▲A-TOM 9 years ago
"So let's play hide and seek." *sits with xero in my lap kissing your cheek. * "I'll count and hansol and xero can hide."

@Hansol "Sound good Hansolie?" *pokes your cheek*
Hansol 9 years ago
@▲A-TOM -kisses back and sits on my knees with a smile-

@Xero: -waves back and hugs you- Hi~ -eye smile-
▲Xero 9 years ago
@▲A-TOM -giggles, blushes brightly and snuggling into your lap-

@hansol -smiles brightly- hannie hyung!!!-waves happily at you-
▲A-TOM 9 years ago
@▲Hansol *pulls you closer to sit next to me kisses your lips softly;

"Yaaaay were all here."
▲A-TOM 9 years ago
@▲Xero *kisses your lips your tongue real quick before sitting upwards.*
Hansol 9 years ago
@▲A-TOM -walks in and looks around, sees you guys and waves- Hi!~ -smiles brightly-


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ukiyo_ 7 years ago
Would it be okay if I reapplied as Zelo? I was here before 3 years ago, and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic with a need to re-read how I rp-ed back then. Please accept me
charliebrown 7 years ago
lost my muse and siwon had left...so donghae is taking his leave..had fun here
75bd8d51488fd100f027 8 years ago
Doing a character clean up, so making an official note
Jeongmin departed, sorry~
Kpop56 8 years ago
So like when do I get reaccepted back into the rp or do I have to reapply?
kittie25 8 years ago
I applied to the rp, I hope it was good.
XernieHika 8 years ago
Is this application still open. Of so Can you reserve 17s junhui?
AnnieWookieLover 9 years ago
Re-applied as Hyunseung!
rentastic_ 9 years ago
Re-Applied as Tao.
Kpop56 9 years ago
Why was I removed? I asked to be on hiatus... -__-
Taengsic 9 years ago
AHHH! I accidentally left ToT please accept me back! I was Siwon btw
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