
Last post 9 years ago
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What's my rules?

L i v e - L a u g h - L o v e
L i v e - L a u g h - L o v e
01. The only way you'll get kicked out is if you break your pledge or you're too rude.  Please try to be on every three days...hopefully, it's most addictive than that.
02. Yes, just like roleplay LOVES drama. Go ahead and break that face. Bully younger kids. Do whatever the heck it is you please. However, there is no god-modding or public . Don't know what either or is? Just message me.
03. Please roleplay on the group pages. I know that a lot of people like to get notified on the walls, but it really is the only way to get points and give yourself a name here.
04. I don't care if you cheat, if you put on a fake show for other characters, just do whatever it is your character wants to do. Be you. I can't stress that enough. Be active and do you!!
05. Just like old times, I require all profiles be made within the first three days. Don't forget to add plots - if you add plots, make being sisters/brothers a option, making enemies (which no one likes to do but it's funnier that way) you'll get to rp more. It's that simple. Put yourself out there! Don't be scared! We are all in the same boat!
How to join our little clan
Applying is rather simple. Just fill this out and submit it after you request your idol in the comments! I'll approve as soon as time allows.
Characters name:
Job (Whatever you want):
Dream Job (What do you want to become in the rp?):
Were you referred? By who?



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PinkSmoke 8 years ago
Kyungsoo left
ByHeart 9 years ago
This was my first ever roleplay back in 2011; well when it was on aff. This role play was a crazy bat--drama-loving family. I was one of the first to join too. Ah, those were the good ol' days, when we barely knew how to role play. ;; such great memories.
bubbling 9 years ago
woohee is leaving ;;
MajoraTwilight 9 years ago
Leo is leaving :( Thanks for accepting me though!
NotSoGwiyomi 9 years ago
Bummie has left.
xicewolf 9 years ago
Sorry, Chinhwa is leaving. thanks for letting me join and good luck with the rp
jungeunki- 9 years ago
leaving baekhyun, sorry. </3
9fe87b06c06ff8141990 9 years ago
leaving jongin, bae the old feeling of hurt is returning.
totoro- 10 years ago
Im so sorry Irene is leaving but thank you for having me
ANGEL-WINGS 10 years ago
Seohyun left sorry
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