
Admin(s)AhSongyi and boredgirl
Last post 9 years ago
Tags kpop   3rdpov   1stpov   straight   nonau  
July  3rd, 2015
Newly opened!
If you join, we will make sure you're happy to be here. Please do. -v-
Oh, and.. lots and lots of lurvs for you!
Month date, 2015
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1.First of all. As you know, the most basic rules in the world is, favorite this rp before you join, apply or whatever! I WILL check if you favorite or not. 
2.Second of all, please comment if you want us to add a character that is not on the list.
3.I repeat, the password is, one of the admin's character's name. Easy right?
4.PLEASE, don't be rude here. If you're rude.. We hate you.
5.Please be active here.. If you're not active, well, we will give you just ONE more chance. So, please be active, okay?
6.Oh right, forgot to tell you. If you join this rp, PLEASE talk to people. When you talk ooc, use brackets [], (), {}.
7.If.. you're.. leaving.. Please comment. Don't make us think that you're still here when you actually not here anymore. That's rude..
8.Don't be shy here. That's not good. Except for.. if you're shy.. about feelings. Heheh
9.If you need any help, just ask any admin here. We will help you if we could. Lastly, please enjoy while you're here! Hope you LOVE it here.

Birth date:
How long do you think you will be here?:
Password: (one of the admin's CHARACTER's name)



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EXOtic-sone 9 years ago
krystal left, sorry ;;
removed myself as co-admin too
XernieHika 9 years ago
Minah would be leaving. I was not active in here. Sorry^^
watasiwasones 9 years ago
Add and reserve Joy for me?
-traplord 9 years ago
CL has the leave.
heolgirl 9 years ago
add + reserve wenday for me
XernieHika 9 years ago
can you add and reserve Minah from girl's day
-traplord 9 years ago
Please add and reserve CL.
puddin 9 years ago
I shall help with the coadminning /slapped
Add Taeyeon for me?
EXOtic-sone 9 years ago
reserve krystal for me jsy o/
thank you c:
Charamber 9 years ago
Are they idols or not? O-o
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