
Last post 9 years ago





◜Read Everything
◜               It is especially important that you read all of the history pages.                             ◝

1. Favorite the roleplay and upvote if you can, please.
2. This is a historical AU, so not only are you not idols but you don't have access to modern luxuries.
3. While we are using the names of real places in ancient Korea, we are taking serious artistic liberties.
So, don't use us as a citation for your real history knowledge.
4. You may have three characters, but they may not both be of the same class or gender and you should try to fill each kingdom. You must be active on each character or you will be reduced to one.
5. The inactivity sign appears after a week of no posts! Please post in the groups at least twice a week so the roleplay looks active. Always welcome newcomers either with a wall post or a private message asking them to plot. These kingdoms are close to each other and all three share a border, so travel is possible.
6. While all ual orientations are allowed because even back then they existed, royalty does not have a choice in their spouse being the opposite gender. You may not ignore your spouse or put less effort into your replies for them, but you don't have to be in love with them.
7. Stay true to the royal, historical theme. If we see you veering from the intended course we will message you only once to explain what changes need to be made. 
8. Put up your character's bio on their page within two days of being accepted. DPs have to match the timeline (no obviously modern clothes/technology). The password is your favorite drink. Make sure to include their class, kingdom, family/significant connections, biography, etc.
9. Keep to M rated rooms, walls or PM. Other mature topics should be limited to walls and PMs (PM only if it's triggering). Get permission for things like injuring another character, ual assault, etc.
10. Godmodding and metagaming are two huge no-nos. Ask if you're not sure what those are because you'll get a strike if you're found guilty!
11. We should never see emojis or chatspeak outside of the OOC room. Put effort into your replies! One-liners are a no-no. Any POV is allowed.
12. Royalty have official, marriage-bound relationships assigned to them (betrothals, etc.). The admins will randomly assign these betrothals and use the king of each kingdom as the messenger for this news (i.e., we'll tell them to announce the marriage). Nobility and commoners can begin courting after reaching 50 activity points. Marriage can occur once 200 activity points are reached. All pregnancies must be approved by the admin. Same couples cannot adopt as they were not legally recognized and in fact were frowned upon in ancient times. M-preg is not allowed.
13. Have fun and be realistic! Ask the admins any questions you might have.

We reserve the right to reject biographies if they don't fit with the storyline. Royalty have to work with the bio points we provide but can expand on the existing material. You may make your character no more than two years younger or three years older than they are in real life.

Character name:
◟                                                                                       ◞

咖啡  layoutshop


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tamedaro 9 years ago
Sehun left, clearing chara list due to ooc commitment. Thanks for having me!
aspera 9 years ago
yura has left. thank you for having me.
jeonha 9 years ago
sorry to be a nuisance, but now I'm kinda second guessing my character and have some questions.

1. kim soohyun, changmin, song jaerim, ji changwook, so jisub, or top?
2. with the royal advisor position, would it be something like an eunuch or government official type of role?
jeonha 9 years ago
add and reserve choi seunghyun, please and thank you.
islander 9 years ago
Hello. I am heavily considering joining this rp, but had one question beforehand. So I notice that you require for DPs to be appropriate to the time period, but many characters won't have pictures available where they are actually in historical clothing. Can you clarify how you're defining "fitting"? Thanks!
bangnaruto 9 years ago
Can you add and reserve Tiffany Hwang? Thank you.
exhoe12 9 years ago
( ) actually may you reserve Luhan for me lol
exhoe12 9 years ago
Add and reserve do kyungsoo
aspera 9 years ago
add & reserve kim ahyoung (yura) please? thank you.
_QUEEN_ 9 years ago
applied as Jiyeon
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