
Admin(s)AuddlyEnough and torterra-
Last post 6 years ago
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1. No godmodding
2. Anything goes
3.If none of the available characters appease you then you can create your own chracter type
4. We need a kind and queen of all the suits so if they're available apply for them!
5. No ooc drama ic drama is fine
6. This is the disney verson of wonderland so if you want your idol to be mickey mouse (or any other disney character) please say it on your application
7 If you want a second character just upvote
8 There is no limit on characters however, if you fail to keep all your characters active you will loose the least active ones first, and you have to be able to remember to switch your character to the appropriate one before replying to a post. 

Character Availablity 

Queen of Hearts
Queen of Clubs
Queen of Spades
King of Diamonds
King of Hearts
King of Clubs
King of Spades
March Hare
Tweedle Dee
Tweedle Dumb (prefer these two to be played by twins or look alike people, but up to you)
Low Cards (2-10 pick your suit)
Chess Queen Black
Chess King Black
Chess Queen White
Chess King White
Knights Black
Knights White
Rooks Black
Rooks White
Bishop Black (2 total)
Bishop White (2 total)
Pawn Black
Pawn White
Jabberwocky (You can be a freerange creature or belong to someone specific or let someone win or capture you to be on their side, up to you.)


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crowniebbo 6 years ago
can you please add ham eunjung from t-ara?
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