
Last post 9 years ago


harry potter themed roleplay

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The houses

•  headmaster: unavailable.

• ( g ) gryffindor: will close when too many.
• ( r ) ravenclaw: will close when too many.
• ( h ) hufflepuff: will close when too many.
• ( s ) slytherin: will close when too many.

core and elective classes

defense against the dark arts
history of magic
flying (first years only)

*note: for electives and extra-curriculars, click here.

Special titles

head girls and boys: there is one head boy or girl for each house. they lead prefects and in most cases, the student body. — co-admins // closed.
prefects: only open to those from fifth to seventh years. they have authority over other students, they may give detentions and take away or add points. when applying as a prefect, it is required that you have longer and more effective writing samples than when applying as normal students, we do not want illiterates prefects as these roles hold important responsibilities. also, as a prefect, your character's overall behavior and personality should fit in as one of a prefects. these skills are required. — 
gryffindor; (b)3/3 (g)3/3
ravenclaw; (b)1/3 (g)0/3
hufflepuff; (b)2/3 (g)0/3
(b)2/3 (g)3/3

*Note: prefects are chosen on first come first serve basis. however, if we find you abusing your power, you will be reprimanded and stripped of your title.


hogwarts' Handbook

01. please favorite the roleplay. upvoting is optional but very much appreciated.
02. this is a thirdpov-only roleplay, so roleplay accordingly. firstpov isn't allowed for roleplaying but is acceptable only in ooc, which will have no correlation to your character. keep your paras at least four sentences long. if you persist after warned, you may be kicked out.
03. this is an au-roleplay taking place in the harry potter universe. your characters are not idols. exo, bap, fx, snsd, etc., does not exist.

04. you are allowed to roleplay in designated rooms and on walls, but be aware that you should roleplay only where your character should be. stay in your own house and your own dormitory. you may not enter teachers' territory unless given permission or invited. if you are confused, ask an administrator and they may grant you permission.
05. , yuri, and hetero are allowed. limited and yuri. keep to pms. only fourth to seventh years may .
06. one character per person. depending on activity, we may allow another in the future but not as of now.
07. no god-modding (controlling another character, mary sues, or glorifying your character). if the admins find out, you will be warned up to two times. your third results in expulsion.
08. be active! at least reply to someone once or twice a week. (password: harry potter antagonist.) inactivity bears two warnings which will be posted on your wall. we will be checking inactives weekly. if you are inactive 24 hours after your second warning, you will be kicked out. you are only excused through hiatus, in which you should notify an admin and give a specific time span.

09. please do not be biased. no face-chasing here or you will be warned for behavior. participate in the ooc room and get to know people, rather than plotting with only certain others. 
10. use brackets ( () [] {} etc. ) to indicate ooc. 
11. smoking, drinking, , murder, illegal conduct, marriage, and pregnancy are not allowed. we're students. 
12. teachers and creatures will be npcs (non-playable characters, in which you roleplay them yourselves.)
13. rare abilities are hands-down not allowed. no excuses here.

How to join

01. comment and we'll list you in the masterlist. reservations last three days. ask for an extension if needed.
02. format for years would be: first - 14 / second - 15 / third - 16 / fourth - 17 / fifth - 18 / sixth - 19 / seventh - 20. 
03. application format is; 
character and group:
blood (pure, half, muggle): 
prefect (yes/no;refer to the left):
writing style (semi, para, multi, mirror):
writing samp

04. once we add your character, apply in that format.
05. finish your profile within a week and start plotting/roleplaying!
name, year, house, blood:
     prized possession
participation in triwizard tournaments (optional): yes/no
strengths and weaknesses:
self-made charms, hexes, and charms (required admin approval before usage):








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paperdogx 8 years ago
can you reserve baekhyun for me, please? c:
awesomegilbird 8 years ago
chanyeol left
Chocopa 9 years ago
I LEFT ;_;
Chocopa 9 years ago
I`m worried of this rp x.x more and more people leave *cries*
Melody94 10 years ago
I'm sorry but Minho is leaving, I got tired everyone leaving me alone and the few people I was roleplaying with abandoned me, so I thank you for the good times you created for me and I hope you the best is a good rp but I am just too lonely here u.u
Yukiko 10 years ago
yoona is leaving, sorry
DamnDaehyun 10 years ago
Daehyun is leaving. I'm recently becoming too overwhelmed and it's snatching away the little daylight that I have. Thank you for accepting me and trying to roleplay with me.
bigboybbg 10 years ago
is this place active?
Chocopa 10 years ago
Hi... ehm.... Could you set Hakyeon on semi hiatus??? Had too much on my mind lately and well schoolwork x.x
pandaboo 10 years ago
Tao left. Real life is getting busy.
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