
Last post 8 years ago
Status [M]
voodoo academy
This school... There’s no place like it, for things like us. The demons, the werewolves, the ghosts, the vampires, the incubi… We’re all welcome here. In fact, it was built for us. All of our ancestors worked together for the first time to build this school. So then creatures like us could reach our full potential. The only problem is, to survive in this human world; we have to act like a normal school full of normal, human students. Of course, there are a few real humans here. Heh, ers.

Some come here to learn, there’s quality teachers and many classes to choose from to suit any of your interests. Some get forced to be here by their parents or guardians. Some come here to pick on other creatures, some to kill, and some just come to belong. Either way, we’re here, and we have to co-exist. Will you find love, make friends, or make enemies?

belong here

♛ = headmaster

❝ = teacher

1. Two characters per person if you've been active for 2 weeks.

2. No hybrids allowed. No murder allowed, unless the person is a human and comes back as a ghost and they consent.

3. Drama is allowed and very much welcomed. But no OOC drama. Don't go overboard either.

4. The password is belonging

5.  Each creature has a certain limit of powers. You can choose from the power list.

6. If I even see you bullying/bashing someone, you're out.

8. and mpreg are allowed, but limit it, please. This is a school.

9. Comment your desired character and we will add and reserve them for you.

10.This is a only roleplay. Teacher x Student is allowed too.
Character Name:
Age: (if you're a vampire, you can alter your age)
Creature: **not accepting anymore humans at the moment, message PlaidRusher if you have any questions**
Password: (Just tell us if you can't find it. As long as you tried.)
Teacher? what subject?: choose 1-2
Student? what subjects are you studying: choose 2-4

After you apply: ~ Comment who you applied as. 
credits goes to wildtemptation.
Teaching Spots Available In:
Art,  Gym, Cooking, Mechanics, Independent Studies, Nurse, Math, Languages, History, Detention


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rentastic_ 8 years ago
Minki left.
last_one_standing 8 years ago
Lee Minhyuk (BTOB) left.
nubivagant [A] 8 years ago
# cleared and closed
lovely_war 8 years ago
Applied as Minhyun
lovely_war 9 years ago
Hi! Um.. Is it possible for you to add Minhyun for me?
CharismaticGirl 9 years ago
Zelo is leaving, but key stays^~^
proly-yea 9 years ago
is there any way i could apply as baekhyun?
nubivagant [A] 9 years ago
-- updated
katsuki 9 years ago
I hate to do this as I enver got the chance to really rp here. But Myungsoo must leave. due to real life right now
LivingWithYG 9 years ago
Seunghyun is leaving due to inactivity
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