Newsletter #2: Welcome Jihoon


❝ きみはペット❞ Welcomes Our First Master Lee Jihoon


Upon the opening of the place, our first master has come to stay, having the hopes and desire that he can find someone and call them his own.  ❝ きみはペット❞ has already issued a previous exclusive press release statement. Today have made yet another statement, this time it is regarding their First master:

"We are very glad to anounce that we have been able to find our first master named Jihoon, after accepting our first two pets Shannon and Dasom. We really have high hopes that young master Jihoon will find a pet to call his own."

Both female pets are now joined by the first master we are left to wonder who will come to the place and who will be able to find happiness. For now we will have to keep an eye and ear out, in hopes for more news on the new masters and pets.

Stay tuned to find out more about the other pets  and masters living here. All at ❝ きみはペット❞, where you can find your purrfect hybrid to love  

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