Important Updates [[MUST READ]]

Dara-slash-Jinki-slash-Mir here! (aka everybody's favourite Head Admin *cheers*)
I'm just going to run through a few important updates with you all.
1. Roleplay Requests room;
Recently I decided to create a room specially dedicated to roleplay requests.
Yes, people have been using the OOC for this purpose but sometimes RP requests
get lost this way. So, from now on, this room will be open for all of your roleplay requests needs.
It is also a place to advertise open plots.
I will personally scour all of your profiles looking for open plots
and will post them in the Roleplay Requests room for a wider audience to see!
If I miss yours or you come up with a new plot idea, post it in the comments of the Roleplay Requests room :)
2. Roleplaying on walls/pm;
I know there are quite a few of you that joined a while ago and may have forgotten some of the rules.
So I thought I could refresh you on one particular rule :)
7) Please RP in rooms and don't hide on walls!
Now, I have noticed that there are quite a few of you that purely RP on walls or in PM.
Firstly I'd like to say thanks for roleplaying! It keeps the roleplay alive.
And I don't want to quell your enthusiasm or freedom to roleplay.
However, sometimes the rooms get neglected :/
It is a shame when rooms are created but aren't used.
So, from now on I'm going to keep an eye out for the frequency of wall RPing compared to room Rping.
Don't frett! You can still roleplay on walls and PMs! :)
However, if you don't roleplay in rooms at all, I'm going to have to think about changing the rules.
So I'll be looking out for those who do not roleplay in rooms*. And I have my ways to tell ;)
*OOC rooms don't count
If your reason for roleplaying on walls is because there is no suitable room for the plot,
suggestions for new rooms can be made at the Ideas Room.
They will always be considered and most likely accepted!
3. OOC chat;
Please use it!
That's all :)
Please please please comment below (with your character/s name) if you've read this!
I need to know who has seen it :)
~ Dara/Jinki/Mir <3


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noona37 8 years ago
Yoona has read this :)
Chocopa 8 years ago
Hamin/kujou/ Jun .k has read thid hohohohohoho
Yunho4ever 8 years ago
Yunho has read this
fireandfury_risen01 8 years ago
minah and hara have read this! :D
BabyGee 8 years ago
Hyuna has read this~
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