Status [M]

"This court is now in session."

Hongbin has been accussed of the assassination of the late King Seokjin!

It is for this heinous crime that he has been taken to court!

Hongbin, how to you plead?

"Not Guilty"

A decision must be made as to the fate of Lee Hongbin.

Will he face life imprisonment? Execution? Or will he be found not guilty of this crime after all?



How it works

Those who voted for Hongbin in the last part of this event - you will be the prosecution.

You will be allowed to interrogate Hongbin by asking him one question each. These questions can be based on his alibi, his motive, the circumstances surrounding King Seokjin's death, whatever you deem appropriate.

To present your question, you must go here and announce the following "[CHARACTER NAME] begins interrogation: [QUESTION HERE]" or alternatively, you can present it in a roleplay paragraph style. Make sure you write it as a post to Hongbin.



Those who voted for someone else in the last part of this event - you will be the defence.

You will be given the opportunity to channel your inner Phoenix Wright!




This means you can call one witness each to the stand to ask them a question. This witness can be another suspect or someone you believe will be able to prove Hongbin's innocence (this MUST be a member in the roleplay). If you do not wish to call another witness then you may ask your question to the accussed.

To call a witness or present a question to your client, you must go here and announce the following;

"[CHARACTER NAME] calls forth the witness [THEIR NAME]: [QUESTION HERE]"

or, alternatively; "[CHARACTER NAME] wishes to present a question to their client; [QUESTION HERE]". Or alternatively you can write it in a roleplay paragraph style. Make sure to write it as a post to the witness you have chosen or, alternatively, Hongbin.


Who is the prosecution?

Soojung | Hamao | Hyuna | TOP | Sunny | Ken | Jongin | Yunho | ???*

*nine people voted for Hongbin but only eight people told me they had. If you are the ninth person, please let me know.


Who is the defence?

Baekho | Minah | ???*

*three people voted for suspects that were not Hongbin but only two made themselves known. If you are the third person, please let me know.



All questions and their answers will be listed in the EVENTS room under OOC JUNK.


Those who did not participate in the last stage of the event, never fear!

There will be other events in the future that you can participate in!

For now, sit back and enjoy the show!


Any further questions, PM Dara/Mir/Jinki!

Comment your character name + "Holmes, you've cracked the case!"




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Calliope 8 years ago
Hamao, holmes you've cracked the case
Jjongpuppy 8 years ago
Jonghyun, holmes you've cracked the case
kimch29 8 years ago
TOP, Holmes you've cracked the case!
Yunho4ever 8 years ago
Yunho,Holmes you've cracked the case
a9c3430aa9ef480adf6c 8 years ago
Hongbin Holmes you've cracked the case
baby-groot 8 years ago
Jaehwan Holmes, you've cracked the case.
Moguri 8 years ago
Baekho feels that our Holmes have not yet cracked the case!
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