
I finally have a date for when I'm moving. The office of the complex I live in said we'll be starting the transfer to the new place next Friday. So, I am going to be very busy the next 2 weeks or so.  I have to help pack and clean for a family of 6; plus a friend moved out and left her room a complete trash pit so I have to do a ton of cleaning there as well. 

I will try to get on later at night and do replies but sometimes I'm too tired or I just want to relax and play video games or watch Kdramas. This doesn't mean I don't want to rp it just means I don't have the muse to reply that night. I'm hoping to get everything done early enough to be able to rp before the move.

I will be checking in every few hours in case anyone needs admin help. I might rp in IC because of short easy replies but IDK yet. 

Those that have my KKT can message me anytime if you need anything or know someone else does.




Admin Yoongi~


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GetYourFreakyOn 6 years ago
Woohyun has read this
dangerzone 6 years ago
oo read this~
rikanovaak 6 years ago
TaeTae, ChimChim, Jongin and Hobi read this.
vronvron 6 years ago
Chanyeol /Hyunwoo has read this~
Good luck and try not to overwork yourself
MinSugaJjangJjangMan 6 years ago
Bean and Jun read this~
Good luck with the moving sweetie
ashflower 6 years ago
Seth, Julien, and Ken has read this.
kurokawa 6 years ago
Jooheon and Gabriella had read
rantani 6 years ago
Eunwoo, Yoon, and Javier read~ good luck with moving! I know how tiring and draining it gets :)
Eryn13 6 years ago
Chihoon has read! Hope you have a decent time moving and its not super chaotic for you
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