Event Update!


Okay! Auctionee spots are now closed! The rest of you can either be bidders or, if you don't want to participate in the auction, pm an admin for a special challenge to check you off for activity! Comment down below your character(s) and which option they're doing so we can add you to the list! We'll open the auction starting tomorrow and keep the auction up for three or four days! In the meantime, feel free to chat in the IC room and get to know everyone~ Thanks for sticking with us, guys


Admin Dongwoo


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Jhopeexoticvip 3 years ago
Jiyong is bidding
-Faeya 3 years ago
Wooyoung here and bidding <3
ChaosGoddess 3 years ago
Yeosang is here, and an auctioneer I believe
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