Spring Event!


spring event

The time has come! We've heard people asking, and it's finally here! What we admins have decided to do for this spring event is a fun little competition. Welcome to our Best Dressed Contest! If you would like to participate in the contest, pm an admin with your submission of you dressed in your absolute best as a spring bunny, and we'll put it on the event page that we'll make public shortly~ There'll be a link there where everyone can vote for the best dressed. We'll have prizes for our top three winners, so everyone do your best and have fun with it! UPDATE: If your muse doesn't have any spring bunny themed outfits normally, send in two pictures, one of your muse and one of an outfit you'd like them to wear. Admin Earth will razzle dazzle a collage of the images together to count for your submission, so feel free to get creative!

- Admins Vincent and Earth

April 14, 2023. Friday. 05:17pm.


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meannhoe 1 year ago
hehe id love to but neither one of my muses have ever had anythign to do with bunnies.. at least as far as i know?
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