the pixel gallery
the pixel gallery
the pixel gallery
Hello hello! This is pixels here. Just wanted to say thank you very much for clicking and using my layouts! If there is ever a problem with them, do not hesitate to inform me (contact via pms preffered). Other than that, I have nothing much to say aside from the fact that I do not take requests. Again, thank you for visiting and please look/scroll right for the lovely guidelines I have for using my layouts.
You can also find me at the following locations.
NOTE 10 FEB 2020: This gallery is coming off of hiatus. It's been about 8 months and I figured I might as well reopen the gallery since I'm still coding.
rpr use。
rpr use。
rpr use。
Please favorite the thread if you plan on using one of my layouts. Upvotes aren't required but are very much appreciated.
Comment on the thread when using a layout so that I know you're using it. Please make sure you use the specific layout name(s). Those who are caught not doing so will be blocked.
You may customize the layouts to your liking but do not use them as a base code or take snippets from them, do not claim them as yours, and do not remove or tweak the credit. If you catch anyone doing this, please do let me know via PMs as soon as possible.
Again, I am not taking requests. This is a gallery and I code at my leisure. When and if I do start taking requests, I will let y'all know.
In order to use my layouts, you'll need basic knowledge of html. Do not PM me a question about things like changing colors or pictures. Only message me if something isn't working or is messed up.
Please enjoy all of my layouts and let me know if you ever have a problem with one of them in PMs.
aff use。
aff use。
aff use。
Please create an account and favorite the thread if you plan on using one of my layouts. Upvotes aren't required but are very much appreciated.
Comment on the thread when using a layout so that I know you're using it and link to where you'll be using it. Please make sure you use the specific layout name(s). Those who are caught not doing so will be blocked/blacklisted.
Know that my layouts are edited to work specifically on RPR and may not work well on AFF. For this reason, I ask that you have a little more knowledge of HTML coding than basic knowledge.
You may customize the layouts to your liking but do not use them as a base code or take snippets from them, do not claim them as yours, and do not remove or tweak the credit. If you catch anyone doing this, please do let me know via PMs as soon as possible.
I am not taking requests for AFF either. I am not on AFF and do not have much experience coding there since I'm here. This and The Reverie Network are the only galleries I'll actively code at and I code at my leisure.
In order to use my layouts, you'll need basic knowledge of html. Do not PM me a question about things like changing colors or pictures. Only message me if something isn't working or is messed up.
Please enjoy all of my layouts and let me know if you ever have a problem with one of them in PMs.
Here is a list of recommended galleries I know and like here on RPR. These are listed in no particular order and I have a lot pending still.
- The Coding Project
- Coders Unite
- The Reverie Network
- Sparkly Layouts
- Freudian Slip (no link)
- Yours Truly
- Everlasting
- Voyeurism
- Bacardi
- Cluster
- Visual Dreams
- Neoteric
- Immortal
- Rose Quartz Boutique
Here is a list of recommended coders I know here on RPR.
- Pending...
— 10 February 2017: Created the gallery.
— 12 February 2017: Opened the gallery.
— 12 June 2017: Revamped the gallery.
— 24 June 2017: Achieved featured status.
— 10 February 2018: One year with the gallery.
— 09 April 2018: Revamped the gallery.
— 25 June 2018: Revamped the gallery + added archives and updates features.
— 10 February 2019: Two years with the gallery.
— 11 June 2019: Gallery went on hiatus.
— 10 February 2020: Three years with the gallery + gallery revamped and coming off hiatus.
— Username/RP: Reason here
— Username/RP: Reason here
— Username/RP: Reason here
— Username/RP: Reason here
— Username/RP: Reason here
— Username/RP: Reason here
— Username/RP: Reason here
— Username/RP: Reason here
— Username/RP: Reason here
— Username/RP: Reason here
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