i'm so over it


I am on vacation and the last thing I want is someone to create a problem with my friends when they have the problem with me. I get blocking by association but I wouldn't do it, because your friends are probably better people and I do not know your friends. But let this be the last time I ever have to mention to you, you know you who are and don't further a problem with people you don't know, and most likely have no clue about whatever fued you are trying to start. I don't care about that mystery person who told you to block me because you were in your feelings about what happened. Block me and keep it moving, because I have moved on from the day everything was "sorted" out and that was months ago, and I stress, months ago. I don't care about some post you made because you obviously have not learned anything from the first time. I have left that problem to the people involved and it should be dead. You should not be going around hunting down my friends like they did anything to you. You could have done that months ago when everything was happening but you are now creating a mess with people you don't know. But since you are still thinking about what happened, let that situation be a learning moment for you. I hope it sticks and you are mature to the people you come across later, thank you. Yeah I'm blocked but I hope your friends have eyes for you because this is your problem.


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2b2028157644e510079d 4 years ago
tyunning 4 years ago
:( <3
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