living in boxes


it's been  6 years since i've been living in the city i currently am.

a year ago, my dad sent the last box from our old house, another city i used to live.

a box of books, manga and movies. he knew it was important to me, so he sent it over.

now, i'm back to putting everything in boxes once again.

diving things that i need with me and things that aren't essential to live.

i had boxes for year, boxes since i was 8 years old.

been finding old diary pages and text messages.


all these years, every year i clean my room, i had boxes still...

each year i got rid of one and just last year, i was able to put everything in one big box.


when you move, that's when you realize, all the material stuff you don't need.

because when you move out, you take only what you can carry.

old boxes don't matter because in the end, you forget what's inside.

if you don't remember about it, then, it wasn't as important as you once believed.


i guess, the hardest part of moving, is knowing what's to come.

losing friends is always the hardest part. no matter how close you are.

wondering, which friendship is gonna die this time.



this is something that's been keeping me awake at night.

if you have been around, you know about my sleepless nights

and ed up sleep schedule...this is not my first experience moving.

but this is the first time i'm moving out on my own... and is still as hard as the first time.

that one time when i was eight years old. try to explain to a child, she won't see her friends anymore.


in the end, i know i can make it. but it doesn't get easier with time.  




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bluebelle 4 years ago
I’m so proud of you bb. I’m so happy you’re taking this next step and taking charge of your future.
<3 I’m here for you.
DNABleached 4 years ago
You're stronger than you think you are and you can do this. ♡ I am proud of you.
astraltia 4 years ago
You know I'm here. Always.
Even if you just need to cry.
zidian [A] 4 years ago
i'm just being emo rn...
just thinking about being an adult...please don't mind me
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