26 useless facts.


while we are at it, let me throw some more random useless facts about me out here in the internet. i've calmed down a little after watching some youtube.

1. i'm 1.50 exactly.

2. i've been in seven different schools, including uni.

3. i love camping, i've done camp trips that take 12 hours on foot to get to the camping spot.

4. i had a turtle named Kibum (i was a huge ukiss fan)

5. speaking of, my first concert was u-kiss, back when dongho was still part of it.

6. but, my parents love going to concerts, so they taken me to a bunch of them since i was little.

7. i fell off an ATV once

8. my favorite anime/manga of all time is d.gray man

9. where i took the name "walker", a lot of people ask me if that's my last name, but no- is not...is just a name from my fav anime character.

10. i made my instagram account with the only purpose of following Kim Daeil from 24k. (dont judge me, he posted everything in there and it was hard to get updates on 24k)

11. when i was little, i loved peas so much, one time i ate so much raw peas i got sick and now hate them since then.

12. i wanted to be a drummer and be part of a band.

13. or a tattoo artist.

14. my fave band during my teen years was Mago de oz.

15. i worked as extra once, for a tv show.

16. i've been doing dance cover since 2011

17. i never skip a page of a book, no matter how bad it is, i gotta finish it.

18. my friends almost break my nose during my birthday, for smashing my face on the cake, all the way down to the tray.

19. i had zombie dreams with continuity, i swear it looks like a movie in my head.

20. i once had a dream about meeting b.a.p. but i knew it was a dream so i didn't want to see them, instead i decided to hang out with their manager.

21. my favorite movie is Inception

22. and i love watching all space movies, no matter how bad they are.

23. i'm obsessed with this number because of the movie "the number 23"

24. my birthday, April 19. gives 23.

25. i love all chocolate, except the ones with the cherry inside. i'm a very picky eater is not even fun. hnn not proud of it.

26. and that's all i can think of atm. if you made it this far, well damn, thanks for reading, i hope at least it kept you entertained.


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ELFminnie 4 years ago
toffee 2 hours ago Reply
You're cute

-fairybread 4 years ago
"18. my friends almost break my nose during my birthday, for smashing my face on the cake, all the way down to the tray."
i shouldn't be wheezing dkfjdjjf
beanie-weenie 4 years ago
You're cute
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