Edit: to the last post


So after 5 years, I am here to say the two words that hurt the most to say.

Good Bye.

I have a list of people to say goodbye to and it is really long, and I have nowhere and no idea where to start. I guess I can start from the beginning..

So uh.. Descent of Full Moon, that RP, that was the first RP I ever joined, wolves are my favorite animal and always will be, I love wolves. To RP as one with powers, it was awesome, DinoPunch made the RP and it was amazing, I made some good first friends there, sadly, none of them are here anymore and I miss them. I was Ravi in there.

Next is White Howl, my first time being a co admin, I remember Admins Taecyeon and Taemin. To both of you I am sorry, I am sorry that I wasn't good enough, it was my first time being a co admin, we constantly fought because of things that were so trivial, and most of the time.. It was my fault I am so sorry for hurting you two, I hope you two are okay wherever you are. That was the first and last rp I ted in as well, I miss the Jiyong that was in that RP, that was a fun RP. I came back to it on this account but it was inactive at the time.

Next is what is now known as VC Ent Au.. I was a co admin there for a tiny while until an unfortunate event happened and everything went to complete . I apologize to everyone that was involved in that situation. I could have prevented it if I decativated my account. But I didn't and everything happened how it did, I am still sorry to the five people that I hurt.


Rising Stars Ent Au, I am sorry for the pain that Admin Crush had to endure during these times. Being led under false pretenses, I am so sorry for what happened to you, if I could take it back I would. I would rather be hurt then see what happened and why you left. I want you to be happier and healthier

Amplitude, Admin Taem, I am sorry that I abandoned you without saying a word, it was not right of me, I should have said something to you. I do care about you a lot, I really do, I am sorry that I couldn't do better for you.

Big Hit Ent Au, the rp that got me back into RPR, you guys really helped me and saved me, I really appreciate it, everyday I am thankful for what everyone did there. I really am, I think you all are amazing people, I miss that RP so much, even though Jinyoung was a complete brat. 

And now we are at the present... I am sorry that I am not good enough or strong enough to stay on this site and be friends with everyone. I called everyone fluffballs because you made my day brighter and I really meant it. I have a dedicated friends section below.

ThisIsMyLife: Girl, my fellow state girl, you are gonna finish school, get that degree and be a kick person, I know it. Don't let anyone else bring you down because they aren't worth it. You have created a place where people can be themselves and that is the best thing about VC, your co admins are amazing, each and every one of them.

Tenpachi: The best person to RP Ten ever. I respect you so much, you knew how to keep me grounded and how to keep me in check like Vivaldi and Vronvron, you became my support after they left. I miss them greatly, and I am going to miss you greatly.


fuccboiwonho: Literally the biggest Monsta X stan out there besides myself, you are an amazing person and I respect and appreciate you so much. I am sorry that I couldn't be Kihyun for you, I really am, but I am sure there are better Kihyun's out there than me. Find them and show them how great of a Wonho rper you are :).


Swampert: I love you, but you know that already. Whenever I needed anything, you were just there, you didn't ask why, when, who, what, where, how. You just came and helped me, I am gonna miss you so much, a lot of people know how much you help me. Swampert is an amazing person to whoever reads this, you would be lucky to have them as a friend.


LixLixNavidad: Ahhhh, omg, you always support me, you have my back, you tell me when I am wrong, you support me always, I am sorry that I couldn't bring Greedy back like I said I was going to, you are an amazing person, take care of the two girls below for me okay?


Spring: Okay now im gonna start crying... You are ing amazing. You gave me a chance, and a chance and a chance. You never let anyone tell you what they thought of me you always had my back, Im really going to ing miss you. Thank you for getting me into ATEEZ and into TXT. Jinyoung and Soomin were the two most confusing dynamics I have ever rp'ed with ever. I enjoyed every second of it and that is because of you. Do well in school, please be healthy, do not overwork yourself either, I still have to hurt your boss too.



Beanss: My little sister, I have literally been here seriously watching you grow up. I was so happy when you graduated, I wasn't there for it or here for you but I was so happy when I saw that you graduated, I couldn't contain my excitement. Then you opened Brilliance, and I was so happy for you, you have no idea. That RP is all you, it has you written all over it and it is yours, do not let anyone take that away from you. I have been through so much with you and you just have always been there for me and I couldn't be there for you when you needed it, I am sorry. Please stick with Han, Spring, Queen, and Swampert, they will protect you, they are so much more stable than I am right now. They are really good friends to me. Please focus on school and your health and your siginifcant other. Take care of them please because they mean a lot to me too, they have helped me more than they know or realize. Chenyu is an amazing person, I had to say that to make you not be sad because I know he would make you feel better after reading all of this


Joyous: You are my longest friend on here, I didn't know how to help you when you needed it or wanted it, I am sorry. I always came to you with everything and every problem I had. You would never leave me, you would make me say what is wrong. I never extended that out to you and I am sorry. I didn't know how to tell you that I was leaving when I figured it out a week ago. I am sorry I couldn't tell you, I regret not telling you, things could have been different. I am so proud for everything you are doing recently, your writing and your stories are so good. Your ideas are so creative, it is amazing what you have done.


To everyone else on my friends list: You all have helped me so much, I am sorry that I can't stay and be a friend that can handle simple conversations or long talks anymore. I want you all to know that you are stronger than that one person who wants to bring you down. You are stronger than the one bully. You are stronger than a group of people.


 If I could have one wish, it would be that everyone please stops the fighting and the drama on here, please, work things out organically, that is all I want. 


 <3 I love my fluffballs <3






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chikookiehope 3 years ago
I just saw this :(
I'm sorry to see you go after we met again after who knows how many years
WeBoom 3 years ago
Take care Christian. We love you
popcornyhx 3 years ago
much love to you babes <3
JiwoosGxnshot 3 years ago
I'm sorry you're leaving...
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