Is anyone surprised im still here? Im sure not


The day I came here to say I was going to delete everything, I was very decided to leave everything behind. But I couldn't bring myself to deactivate this account, in perspective, this account is almost as old as my Facebook profile. Deleting this, felt like deactivating any personal account or social media. I came to the conclusion that I'm probably not gonna delete this and it's okay...


you all have been really sweet to me, i had many breakdowns and you guys are still here reading me and taking your time to write me and text me and leaving me comments making sure i'm okay and I could never thank you enough. Because you all have been here when I feel at my lowest and for that thank you from the bottom and my entire heart. 

these last weeks have been very hard for me, I'm still trying to get there but it's rough... and I'm gonna be honest, I miss the feeling of roleplaying. The feeling that it gives me, the thing I miss the most is going to a partner and cuddle and talk until I find myself falling asleep. I miss that sensation a lot. I wish I could do that without the drama that inevitable comes with it.


even now, I'm trying to figure myself out to try my best in the future; it's been some time where I'm aware i kept putting the blame on anything else when my relationships failed, but I'm taking the time to also figure what's going on with me, so if I join or come back at this again, I won't repeat the same mistakes. I want to be good to a partner but I, first, want to be good for and to myself. I still don't know how to do it or where I up, to try to solve it, but maybe someday.


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psycheux 3 years ago
healling is a long process, but we are always here whenever you need someone to talk to! ><
hobiebrown 3 years ago
We'll be right here waiting for you. Just take your time, yes?
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