Permission to dance opinion?


I love BTS but I can't lie their past few releases sound all the same to me. I enjoyed butter and dynamite a bit more than permission to dance though, it doesn't fit my personal taste at all. The sad thing is that the concepts seem so similar as well. Many people think they sound like bops but I guess I'm not in the category. They don't have to include Ed Sheeran, I think they are perfectly capable of creating their own music while keeping their own personal style and label as well. They are so talented, I hope to heard more songs that they have produced themselves. Peronally I'm a huge fan of every song that includes Hoseok somehow in its production. I LOVED Dionysus.


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beanie-weenie 2 years ago
I agree. Though they said this music was super grown up and I think they did a whole 180 ngl cause their music just bleh now. Ion even count them as kpop anymore that's just how their songs sound to me now. If their company buys out the rest of the competition kpop is going to . I'm tired of this western sounds that's why I don't listen to the radio. It's not original ugh.
sparklygayassglitter 2 years ago
I think they're trying to create songs that are easy to digest for the American audience now that they've broken into the US market like they've always wanted so their latest releases have been songs that sound like something you'd hear on the American radio. They're probably milking their high and bts/kpop rave imo.
EmberEclipse 2 years ago
nunchi 6 hours ago Reply
Out of their english releases, Butter was the only one that I truly enjoyed. This new song is a little underwhelming to me, not gonna lie. I love my boys but I hope they'd resume making music with their own styles and stuff bc that's what made them who they are :"( i miss it.

this is how i've been feeling for a while now. i use to be such a hardcore fan, but since they have been trying to make us americans "happy"... I've found myself losing interest, which . Life Goes On really hit me because it reminded me of the Bangtan I got into back in late 2014 to an extent. I just wish that the agency would allow them to focus more on their own styles and uniqueness. By all mean, they should experiment and stuff! That's part of being an artist, so that's fine, but I just wish they wouldn't make it their permanent sound and style.
9e5c60e417fc4ac5e06f 2 years ago
Out of their english releases, Butter was the only one that I truly enjoyed. This new song is a little underwhelming to me, not gonna lie. I love my boys but I hope they'd resume making music with their own styles and stuff bc that's what made them who they are :"( i miss it.
chikookiehope 2 years ago
I haven't seen it yet, but since dynamite, I haven't been as excited by their music.

I just have my fingers crossed that they stop trying to appease western culture soon so that i can go back to being excited for their releases. I love them so much, but it's sad to see them not use their talents how they used to
summerdust 2 years ago
I want them to sing songs again in Korean. I mean I still need subtitles to understand it but idk I like them singing in their own language more. And maybe a different concept too.
AureliaL 2 years ago
Tbh I think they're trying too hard to please the American/international listeners that their English songs sound mediocre. I'm an ARMY myself and I'm quite pissed with the American management because they are not letting the boys express their true selves in the English songs. Scooter Braun is going to bring em down smh

The song is a "feel good" song though.. But totally won't get them a Grammy
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