Kinda Hiatus Part 2 Electric Boogaloo? (TW Quarentine)


Without saying too much in concern of the trigger warning I placed in the title... I tested positive. Pretty sure everyone knows what it is.

Luckily, it is the variant which has cold symptoms so its mostly like a really bad flu. Alongside the y timing since I love Christmas.

I know its a weird update but I wanted to keep everyone I talked to and write with up to date since I kinda disappeared off the map for a while.

Apologies for any worries and I am gonna rest up with some writing, Christmas chocolates, movies, Genshin Impact (MY BABY GOROU) and tea.

Its Christmas Eve tomorrow so I hope everyone is having an amazing holiday already.


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SeaSiren 2 years ago
Feel better, love <3
b3ba8f591200cf8dab9d 2 years ago
continue to rest and recover, bun!
i hope you could still enjoy christmas despite it all. take care and i wish you a very merry christmas uvu
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