
Tags plots 

Plot 1:
Muse A is a girl who just lost her parents at the age of 17 years old. Her mother and father to an unknown reason to her decided to end their life, so that is exactly how A founds her parents. In their bed hugging and with a gunshot at their head. She didn't understand her parents reasons since they were both rich, successful, in love, and happy people. They had what everyone else desired.
Since A was only 17 she couldn't stay home, so instead she got shipped to her father's stepbrother in the mountains. To a hard life, to something she wasn't accustomed to and to a person she didn't knew how to act around. Finding himself with a young woman, he didn't knew what to do with, he tried his best to keep away from her, provide the food, and giving her a ride to the town if she required it. Though as much as he tried to keep himself away from her, he couldn't not when her screams awoke him in the middle of the night, or when he found her creep into his bed in the middle of the night, or when he found her almost with the white powder beneath her nose, and her eyes glazed.

Plot 2:
A hated the sight of B, how not to when she was wearing his ring, and yet he found her in his bed in his penthouse with his father. He found his supposed fiancee riding his father like a cow-girl. So when his father announced his marriage to B, A couldn't understand his anger, moreover he couldn't understand why she would come on to him. Why B would be in his house, why she would manipulate situations for them to stay alone, for the roles to be switched. For A to cheat with B while she was basically being his new "step-mom".

Plot 3:
A naive woman seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses, the aspired young journalist that wanted to show the positivity and the good in everyone and everything. So when she got the chance to interview B the ex-con, the drug dealer and humantraficker she thought she would find a man who regretted his past and a man who wanted to change his life, she certainly wasn't expecting to find herself meeting the still arrogant, hard and ruthless man, and certainly not finding herself keeping going back to find more about him and his life.



by marilyn_monroe 


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