I don’t want to be all talk, no action


So I'm gonna run a non-au 

But I have a couple ideas in mind, based on the comments from my last blog.

I'm gonna have to do a beta-test with a group of ten people first.


Please comment if you would like to participate and which face claim from what generation:

• Second (and or first) generation idols:

Needed: 1 male and 1 female

• Third generation idols: 

Needed: 2 males and 2 females

• Forth generation idols: 

— CHOI SAN (Ateez)

Needed: 1 male and 1 female or 2 females

• Fifth generation:

Needed: 1 male or female from any group that debuted this year 2023.

This is gonna be a TEST roleplay before the official opening, it will be experimental, trying to resolve a few issues that we have seen in the last couple months/years.

it will be NON-AU. If you're looking to only ooc chat / chat in this test, please refrain from joining. 
this beta roleplay will be done so we can try a couple things out and see if we can salvage some of the old school roleplay ways. 

keep in mind that im gonna need feedback, active people and willing to try different things and give insight so we can make it work. 

yes, I know there isn't an official 5th gen yet and I know idols from 2023 are still young, but I / we can't pretend they don't exist and it is a test run. If it doesn't work. Then said idols won't be allowed. But for the sake of this experimental roleplay, only one will be allowed.


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preciosa 9 months ago
hiya! random passerby but i did read your previous blog and seeing that you actually want to put in the work and give it a shot i'd love to join up and hopefully be of some help!!

fc name and group: jang wonyoung ( ive, ex-izone )
generation: 4th gen
_rainy 9 months ago
i would totally be down to participate, though i'm unsure who i could go as for now.
i'll keep you updated!
xsoulx [A] 9 months ago
Not looking for 10/10 activity.
A good 5/10 is good enough in case anyone is interested ❤️
themis 9 months ago
not sure if i wanna join (got a lot on my plate rn and hitting capacity of rps) but all the support for this rp i hope it goes well!
Unholy 9 months ago
Being one of the old-school role-players, I feel like you’re asking a lot from the community. I’d love to test this out but I’m too tired and busy now. I don’t know if you’ll snag any actual old school writers due to responsiveness and/or responsibility.

Also and I don’t agree but some would argue actually trying to rp the idol is considered disrespectful to the idols. To what reasoning and degree I do not know as that opinion isn’t shared.

What I do howeve applaud is your willingness to teach the younger generation how to do like it used to be. To reach some etiquette. That’s a whole job ij itself and I wish you the best of luck.
comets 9 months ago
xsoulx [A] 9 months ago
Context is in my last blog

First come first serve reservation here in this blog post.
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