A simple question for everyone :)


What do you like about roleplays, and what don't you like about them?



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KUSHPANDA182 8 months ago
Ppl should just roleplay and not worry about what others are roleplaying, unless they want to involve themselves. And I wish I had a answer for your question...lol I don't. It's the fact that the roleplayers themselves don't want to see certain things. So if u don't like it just don't look or read it? Don't join a roleplay you know you won't feel comfortable in and than expect that place to just change it's rules because one roleplayer can't stop being a victim or whatever the issue may be. Lol

I like all roleplays even crack ones. I just end up leaving crack sooner or later cuz my heart is into more semi-lit places. Except because I am a slow writer and you know this and I'm sure a few other people do that does kind of give me the impression that I just might be too slow for some people. But no overall still just love role playing and I have no real issues with anything.

And also as being one of the people that do reach out and ask to roleplay I really do hope that those who are saying that they're afraid to reach out and all... I do hope that you will be able to one day get over that fear because it's just role-playing It's not like anyone online to asking you for literal nudes or something... For real like just ask someone to roleplay if you want there's really nothing hard about it it's the role player themselves that make things hard. We are all here for practically the same thing, so.... u wanna put confusing feelings in the mix... I can't roleplay with a person like that. So I do appreciated and like it when I find someone who isn't afraid to just let the ideas out and let their thoughts fly. I don't like miscommunication. No thanks, I'm not a teenage drama queen anymore xD
Kaworu 8 months ago
I like rps that are open to any kind of plot, from fluff to angst, from short to detailed. My muse shifts a lot so I eventually get bored if there isn't balance. As for what I dislike, it's drama, whether it's ooc or unplotted ic drama.
Unholy 8 months ago
I do like the ability to rp in text form (like what love sick does wheres its in text because its online) but also having a place to fully write in para when i have time and mentality.

I don't like when people join a roleplay and then don't ever come out ever. How do you expect people to get an idea of your character outside of reading if there's even content to read? Do we need to make a plot room for them to show suggestions? Very few people have the courage to be like do you wanna rp? Half of these people just ghost you anyway, so you extended effort with 0 result because they wanna pick and choose. If you wanna write ing GET OUT THERE.
-jewel 8 months ago
Keikeu 14 seconds ago Reply
1. Expressing your writing through creative freedom

2. Cliques

cliques is the big reason why a lot of roleplays get boring tbvh
Keikeu 8 months ago
1. Expressing your writing through creative freedom

2. Cliques
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