exo pairings for aff HELP

Tags exo 

okay so as you see in the title, I need help picking exo pairings for my fic on aff.

so far I have-

Kray and Sekai for sure.

I am pretty damn set on Xiuhan.

I would like to have Baeksoo, but with the others I'm concerned.

I was originally thinking Sutao and Chenyeol, but then I think I might like it better as Chentao and Suyeol.

Please someone help me!

I'm dying here


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WhiteBunnii 10 years ago
I love Xiuhan <3
exoticinspirit 10 years ago
I lovvveee chentao
DamnDaehyun 10 years ago
NI like the idea of SuYeol but ID LIKE CHENYEOL
laynicornsarereal 10 years ago
hmmm I kinda like the Chentao and Suyeol cuz it's different :D
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