I'm a loner so...


rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them



1. If you are a girl, have you ever thought of dating a girl? And if you are a boy, have you ever thought of dating a boy?

Nope, never had that certain attraction to girls, or anyone for that matter :P

2. Have you ever talked to me OOC? What do you think about me? Or what did you think of me at first?


3. How would your friends describe you? If you don't know then how do you think they would describe you? (recommended by Taoismexo) 

haha, I suggested this one :P, lets see... I have friends with different personalities so it will vary

its either "a walking embarrassment or the sole definition of embarrassing" or "the most retarded and weirdest human being... wait she might not be human" and other etc. you should get the idea by now XD

4. Are you in love with someone here in RPR? Or you might like him/her? (Curious)

nope, never thought of liking someone here until you mentioned it, still not gonna happen c: long distant relationships are pretty hard

5. Why are you even answering this?

because you are kewl and I am kewl and everyone is kewl and--- /chaired/ okay I'll shut up now

6. Pick one:

a. Megan Fox  or Jennifer Lawrence? I don't know

b. GD or ZICO? I don't know

c. Drake or Kendrick Lamar? I don't know

d. Miley Cyrus or Demi Lovato? and I think you know my answer already. not bothered.

7. How cheesy you are? Tell me the most hilarious pick-up lines. umm... how about, are you a cool looking rock? cause I'll pick you up and.... okay maybe this one you're so hot I can make pancakes and waffles on you all day.... okay maybe I can't do this :c

8. The most embarrassing thing that you have done in public? And it made you laugh there after? (Again, Taoismexo)

hehehe, my suggestion again... so... I have done a whole load of embarrassing things in my life, too many to count so I'll just choose one or two that isn't thaaat embarrassing... maybe. so I was out with my friends and was on a escalator, turns out we needed to catch a train very very soon so we decided to run up the escalator ( it was going upwards ) my friends were infront of me and went up quickly and normally. I ofcourse had to do the embarassing and ALMOST tripped while running up it ( I was wearing flats so... I'm not sure if thats the reason or is it just me ) like half way tripped, another almost trip came after and then one more before I actually tripped. I laughed at myself and I wasn't sure but I think people were staring... maybe they weren't I didn't notice because I was trying to breathe after laughing non-stop.

9. You think you and I can rule the world, together? (Anything. I am so random)

yus, yus I do, in fact I believe we will rule the world together and I shall get all the food, games, internet, music etc. I want

10. Which part of you, (body or whatever) are you proud of?

I am proud of my ability to be able to smash my face and glasses (it didn't break woohoo) into a thick pole when trying to hug it (maybe its better off not knowing why) I'm speeshow okey?


11. If I were a fruit. What would I be? (AND SELCA! PLEASEEEEEEE~~~~~)

Lemons beacause lemons are sour and I like sweet things, but lemons are nice okay don't hate the lemon (omg I kept spelling lemon as leamons ._. I changed it though)

SElca? what. umm... should I? uhhh... but you already know what I look like buut... I guess some people don't 

I accidently deleted the few selcas in my phone (because friends saw._.embarrassing cause I don't usually have selcas) and I don't usually have selcas in my computer and I'm too lazy to take another. but somehow I managed to find this one which has 4 photos in one... bad luck for me.... I'll cover 3 of my faces and show you one. (I hope I scared you awey ^-^ I am actually kinda scared at the green and blue one though o-o) *the camera quality is bad, might explain the odd colors)


(p.s: I'm gonna take this photo down at some point in time for reasons unexplained)



okay so now for my queeeestions :DDDD

I don't really have much in mind but here:

1)ummm... what's your real name?

2)country you are living in right now. 

3) height (okay I just wanted to see if I'm taller than anyone because at the moment... I'm not too fond of it cause of *cough*mylilsister*cough*)

4) okay no more "personal" questions, be honest with me, how am I like in OOC as in walls and stuffies. I'm actually surprised that none of you are scared of me yet.

5)How did we meet cause I don't know how I meet half of the people I know.

6)If I invited you to ride flying chairs with me would you come?(I'm being serious.)

7)It's my birthday soon, what are you gonna get me? /chaired/ okay pretend I didn't ask that. okay my question is I WANT A SEEEEELCA AS WELLL :D PLEEEEEASEU ^-^

8)What is your biggest fear and why? (I want to know your weakness >:))

9)Tell me something that I don't know about you.

10)I'm sorry, I said no more personal questions but... I already asked one. anyways, How do I act in rps? I'm just wondering

11)Do you think I would pass as a guy in an rp if I tried?


okay, there you go. heres the tagged people and refering to the title that is the reason why I have less than 11 people tagged : Akazicova, inukagmirogolovekpop, infinitelyVIXX, -BaoBui-, Stand_by_you, sugenlover93, pandacakee

(.-. basically all the people I have on my friends list, only reaches up to seven.)


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buckwilds 10 years ago
/dead laughing
I will answer you tomorrow.
And thanks for....loving meh--/SLAPPED
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