*flails everywhere*


So I have a job interview today

and I don't have a clue what to wear

I am freaking out rn

I feel like if I don't wear the right thing they are going to throw me out

I know that's not gonna happen


I still feel like I should look good

but I don't know what all the other applicants are wearing

I wish I could find out

that would be nice

instead of me getting freaked out and ranting here 

because I'm sure you guys are hitting your head on the desk because I'm an idiot

oh well

get brain damage then, see if I care


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NoLychee 10 years ago
You are no idiot! I had the same things on wednesday!
I bet I'm way too late to say anything but just wear something plain/modest (is this the right word?)
But I bet whatever you chose it'll look good! :3
SweetBaby 10 years ago
Hahaha Just pick something.
i'm pretty sure you will do fine and look fine in whatever you pick
Now Breathe~~
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