Cirque de Démonique info.


Circus positions: (Don't mind the spots shizz, they don't really matter. orz)

Acrobat (5 spots)
a performer who is represented in a quite number of circus genres. Most often an acrobat's scope of works includes such various works such as jumps, balancing, and other kinds of works involving strength and adroitness on the very circus ring surface where only a minimum number of apparatuses are present. The most typical examples are: "acrobatic column", where acrobats jump by pushing off their partners' shoulders, standing one-atop-one, and weight-lifting pairs, where an acrobat serves as gymnastic apparatus to his partner, and vice versa.

Antipode or antipodist:  (5 spots)
it means circus acrobats who do acrobatic feats when lying on a special bed, trink. Antipode's job is often a job of juggler or reverse equilibrist, where legs, that are stronger than arms, show the same dexterity in feats specific to arms. Most often a ball as well as small cask and rug are used in such acts. And these things are used by the performer to juggle with them at various rates and in different sequence. Icarian Games are an isolated kind of this genre.

Equilibre (5 spots)
A balancing act, widely abundant circus genre, it is included in all the branches of acrobatics; balanced stand on hands or feet on still or moving support is the simplest form of it.

Animal training (5 spots)
Animal training for the purpose to provide animal performance before the audience. Although more than 120 years have passed since Wilhelm Hagenbeck created the animal training system, named "soft" or "pain-free" one, this system's name is still more popular than its meaning.

Contortion: (5 spots)
A circus genre in which a performer displays how his (her) muscle are flexible and joints mobile. One of old poster name of this genre is "The Snake Woman". As these acts are performed by women in most cases and feature specific movements they are very popular among male audiences in circuses. (Technically bends their body into all sorts of unusual and nasty shapes that not most people can do.)

Clown: (5 spots)
A circus actor, a performer of comic tricks (acts). There are a great number of various clown lines: carpet clown, buff-clown, auguste, eccentric clown, music clown, etc.

Juggler: (5 spots)
A circus actor (performer); in the simplest case of juggling, he (she) uses different ways to throw and catch the same or different articles.

Illusionist: (5 spots)
A conjurer working with sophisticated apparatuses together with a team of assistants. (In other words, those people who performs illusions =_=)

Hoopers: (5 spots)
Generally refers to artistic movement and dancing with a hoop(s) used as a prop or dance partner. Hoops can be made out of metal, wood, or plastic. Hooping combines technical moves and tricks with freestyle or technical dancing, and is typically accompanied by music. In contrast to the classic toy hula hoop, modern hoopers; a) user heavier and larger diameter hoor, and b; frequently rotate the hoop around parts of the body other than the waist, including the hips, chest, neck, shoulders, thighs, knees, arms, hands, thumbs, feet and toes.

Trapeze: (5 spots) 
Is a short stick bar hung by ropes or metal straps for support. trapeze acts may be static, swinging or flying, and may be performed solo, double, triple or as a group act. (Technically, it's those people who flies around the air on those swing thingies.)

Tightrope walkers: (5 spots)
Walking along a thin wire or rope, usually at a great height. One or more artists perform in front of an audience.

Magician: (5 spots)
Obviously performs magic tricks

Magician's assistant: (TEMPORARILY CLOSED)
A pretty chick who helps the magician, or a guy if you're like Ren (lmao). But a girl magician can have a guy assistant.

Mind reader: (5 spots)
Can read people's minds or knows neat tricks to make it seem like that.

Puppet: (5 spots)
Get's tied up in strings and is either controlled by a puppeteeror is good at making it look like that.

Mime: (5 spots)
Doesn't say anything, acts it all out. (Like charades!)

Target: (5 spots)
Get's shizz thrown at them from Impalement artists... Hey, what else what I was supposed to say?

Impalement Artists: (5 spots)
Throws stuff that could injure people but their aim is so good that it misses their living targets.

Spectator: (5 spots)
Someone who comes to watches the show and gets addicted to it.

Does stuff with fire; fire eating, twirling, dancing, just making it appear in their hands.

Ringmaster: (One spot)
Let's just say that (s)he's the host. One of his/her responsibilities is to maintain the smooth flow of the show, or at least an appearance of it. He/she may be called upon to fill time by talking or by joking with a clown if an act is not ready for it's appearance. (S)He's the most visible performer in the modern circus, and among the most important, since he stage-manages the performance, introduces the various acts, and guides the audience through the entertainment experience. His/her opening line is "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages..." drawn out in a dramatic old fashion. 

Now, if the position you want is not here then comment down the name and what it does and I'll add it in. Also, all those were from wikipedia, Channie and also from this other site that I can't be bothered going back to check. orz


So everyone, I, Chanyeol, am in charge or magic. So far, I'm the only magical creature here but that will soon change... You guys don't get to choose if you're magical because I'm really mean. 
the password is: splendiferous
If I decided you have magic powers, I'll PM you and ask, you can say no, of course, but you can't ask me if you want to be a magical creature, got it? I'll pick interesting people for me to train in magic, because I am the head after all, not that any of you know :P

So watch out, ehehehe~



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soojmooj 11 years ago
Is there a puppeteer?
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