100 Truths: Stolen from Out-of-Control



1. Real Name: Estefania [Yeah, good luck pronouncing it xD]

2. Nicknames: Are you kidding? I got so many... Stef, Steffy, Teffy, Tiffany, Steffany, Alice, Kitty, Rose... I THINK that's all >.>

3. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Elementary School: um... in Mexico and here...

6. High School: Class of 2012 mothertruckers!

7. College: Kindaish

8. Hair color: black

9. Tall or short: Short Q.Q 5' 1/2" I say 5'1" >>

10. IM or email: text 

11. Skirts or Jeans: jeans, but once in a while I guess skirts

12. Phone or Camera: both... 

13. Health Freak: pffft, I should be fat with all the junk I eat but noooo, I'm somehow underweight >.> <.<

14. Orange or Apple: orange 

15. Do you have a crush on someone: Hmmm.... there's Jonghyun... he's a crush *nods slowly looking around innocently*

      I love someone though. Shh! it's a secret!

16. Eat or Drink: I love to eat but I do get real thirsty sometimes ;)

17. Piercings: I got two on each ear. the seconds were done at a friends house hehe

18. Pepsi or coke: I would have to say coke *shrugs*

19. Been in an Airplane: Yes, but not since I was 14 *sobs*

20. Been in a relationship: yes

21. Been in a car accident: fender bender.... the girl was a real b****

22. Been in a fist fight: does Karate count?

23. First piercing: I was a baby, second piercing day before graduation

24. Current best friends: Nissy, Bai, Jae. 

25. First award: It was when I was in Mexico, don't remember. I just so good I got into the escolta

26. First crush: boy in Mexico, his name was Ernesto and he and I were really close ^///^

27. First word: I think it was mama... (damn, why can't I put accents here -.-*)

29. Last person you talked to in person: Nissy

30. Last person you texted: Jae

31. Last person you watched a movie with: Nissy

33. Last movie you watched: Oblivion

34. Last song you listened to: Jay Park, Welcome

35. Last thing you bought: popcorn and soda

36. Last person you hugged: Nissy (stop being a being all over my post, aish)

37. Favorite Food: um.... damn... probably steak... love me some steak... mmmm.... *Q*

38. Favorite Drink: Agua de limon agria that my daddy makes :3

39. Bottoms: um... leggings... show that

40. Flower: Roses and orchids

41. Animal: Why you do this to me? No, I shall not answer this. Cannot. Will not. YOU WILL NEVER KNOW!

42. Color: Red, black and gold

43. Movie: At the moment? The Hobbit... yeah, that's right. Nerd. And PROUD! babam! Of all times.... possibly Narnia, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

44. Favorite subject: Anything foreign language... cept German... yeah... >.> Like german people, not the language (before people get all hissy at me)


HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X in the brackets if yes)

45. [x] Gotten Baptized.

46. [x] Celebrated Halloween. (um... a couple of times...)

47. [x] Had your heart broken. (let's not get into that)

48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.

49. [x] had someone question your ual orientation. (well.... my best friend's grandma... lmao thought we were together xD) 

51. [] got pregnant. (purity ring ya'll... n proud :P)

52. [] had an abortion.

53. [x] Did something you regret.

54. [x] Broke a promise. (unfortunately)

55. [x] Hide a Secret.

56. [x] Pretended to be happy.

57. [x] Met someone who changed your life. (you have no idea)

58. [x] Pretended to be sick. 

59. [x] Left the country. (I'm NOT in my country pffft)

60. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. 

61. x] Cried over the silliest thing. (ask Jae, he teases me about it)

62. [x] Ran a mile. (I should do it again sometimes... *sleeps*)

63. [x] Went to the beach with your best friend. (hahaha... good times... Nissy, go away)

64. [x] Got into an argument with your friends. (yeah, not fun... *sigh*)

65. [x] Hated someone. (hurt my friend I don't like you... period.)

66. [x] Stayed single for a whole year. (over that, seriously)



67. Eating: nothing *glares at Nissy* 

68. Drinking: nothing (she doesn't feed me *still glaring*)

69. Listening To: Nissy

70. Sitting/Laying: Sitting

71. Plans for today: watching nissy clean maybe? Um... meeting someone? talking to my best friend

72. Waiting for: the day I can see someone

73. Want kids: yes

74. Want to get married: yes

75. Career: actress or flight attendant

76. Lips or Eyes:damn... both

77. Shorter or taller: I'm short... but I don't care? *shrugs*

78. Romantic or spontaneous: both for sure... but people say I'm a romantic... 

81. Hook-up or relationship: relationship

82. Looks or personality: Personality... don't judge a book by its cover



83. Lost glasses/contacts:  I don't think so

84. Snuck out of the house: walked out and went on a walk cuz I could

85. Held a gun/knife for self defense : no...

87. Broken someone's heart: Yeah... and I think more than once... I don't even know how... 

89. Cried when someone died: Yeah... *sigh*



90. Yourself:  for the most part

91. Miracles: yeah

92. Love at first sight: I used to, honestly, now, just think you can feel a connection and see where it goes from there...

93. Heaven: Yes

94. Santa Clause: no and never did... don't feel bad for me

95. on the first date?: ya'll

96. Kiss on the first date: maybe

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: you have no idea... cept maybe that person...

98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yeah, thankfully

99. Do you believe in God: Yes

100. Post as 100 truths?: I guess... why not?


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Out-Of-Control 11 years ago
No kissing on first date? Grams thought you were with your best friend? That's hot...
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