☆ SkyHigh Academy ☆ ¦ ★1st & 3rd-Pov » + Accepting - OPEN ★¦ Join Now ♡


Halo Halo ~~!!


I'm here to promot and advirtise my own rp. If you are looking for a rp to have fun you can come here, and have fun ~~ 

give a look at it, maybe it can interest you ~~ ^^ 

A lot of character to use ~~ <3




At RoleplayRepublic

Sky High




Greetings »

Are you being hunted? Are you don't know what's your place in the world? You don't have finds and can't find love because people don't understand you or accept you the way you are without judging you? If that was happened or had happened with you, come here, to the SkyHigh Academy, and you will find a refuge, to hide or to find yourself and find your place in the world; you will find love and friendship, people will not judge you for what you are, instead people will lvoe you, will care for you. If you really are searching for that kind of thigns and place, so you had come to the right place. Welcome to the SkyHigh Academy~~!!.

The Basics »

Established on: 14/09/2013
Head Admin: Yuukina
Status: We’re Open!
Population: 53
Writing Style: Detailed Script and Para
Universe: AU
Rating: Mature, +17
Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy

Updates »

Mar 28

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Mar 27

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Com sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. 

Who are we? This school had existed for quite some decades, more precisely since the sixteenth century. At that time the building itself did not have the same name. It had served as a shelter for several species of the underworld, but also served for these same species do their various rituals. Over time, and with the help of some humans, this building had pass from a shelter for various species to a place where education is a focus. Welcome to the Sky High School of Arts, the best school in the world.

Although now being a school, existe some people that had been possessed by some ghost that existe inside the building, ghosts of people that had died inte the hand of rituals that some species had do in the past, in the sixteenth century, but let's forget that and have fun, romance, friendship and hapiness.

Roleplayer Statements

"Example: Although slightly inactive, the roleplayers here really take their roles well and give me as a writer an amazing experience! If you're looking for a Roleplay that will not only help pique at your creativity but also allow you to improve your writing, this is the place to be." — Anonymous

"Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo." — Roleplayer Name


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