Status [M]

Hello! Welcome to Roll Deep RP! A place where anyone can join and be who they want to be ^^

request list ^^**~~__--==++

01. Favourite in order to be accepted. Upvote if you like it here. 02. This is a 3rd/1st detailed, /yuri/straight rp. 03. Respect to be respected. NO OOC DRAMA. THX. 04. Make your story CREATIVE. 05. , killing, ect. is allowed, just talk it out with your rp partner. If you decide to kill off your character, PM Taehyung 06. RP IN THE ROOMS. THEY'RE THERE FOR A REASON. 07. There is four days of inactivity, you get two warnings than you're kicked out. Feel free to join again. Comment in the hiatus room or PM Taehyung.don'ttouchme 08. Comment your character, reservations lasts TWO DAYS. Put up a profile when you're accepted. 09. No face chasing. 10. Look at "Specimins." to see who you choose to be as a creature. 11. You may have two characters, but they have to be different from each other AND BOTH MUST BE ACTIVE. 12. Any Asian race accepted!

Name: Kim Taehyung
Age: (16+) 16
Group: BTS
Creature or Human?: Human
Password: (Did you read the rules section?)

M-preg is allowed. Yuri couples, you can go to the donar room. The "mother" of the child will carry them for 3-6 weeks real life time, before the baby(ies) are born. It's up to you and your partner when you want the birth to occur within this window of time. Mothers can have up to three babies in their tummy. Post in the Nursery room when a "mother" is impregnated and fill out the application form. Roll the dice for each baby to find out if they are a creature or human. You may rp them yourselves OR you can put them on the masterlist and you can get someone to rp them for you.




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