This Video Spoke Too Much Truth.

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During September 11, a classmate of mine shared a video pertaining to the tragedy that occurred on the very same day 14 years ago, on our school's facebook group.  However this was different in that it shared the repurcussions that an entire community of people faced because they happened to share the same religion as the terrorist group involved in the destruction of the twin towers.  This spoken word describes how the narrator has suffered the consequences, how she was suddenly regarded as 'dangerous' because of her faith and in many ways I can relate to her.  I went through a cycle of self hate before I could accept myself and my beautiful religion.  During middle school, I watched my fellow muslim classmate get called a terrorist constantly and did nothing to stop it -- I still hate myself for not doing anything.  Without further rambling from me, here's the video:

If this doesn't work here's the link to the video: .


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cancel 8 years ago
PEOPLE DON'T KNOW HOW BEAUTIFUL THE MUSLIM RELIGION IS. IF PEOPLE ACTUALLY EDUCATED THEMSELVES LIKE GODAMN THANKS IGNORANCE. It pisses me off so much that people associate terrorism with the world 'Muslim' because I've went to a Mosque and educated myself and all I could say is that my life has changed after learning about it. It's a religion of love and kindness, not hatred and terrorism wtf. Man, people piss me off. We talking about 9/11 and making assumptions of how Muslims are all terrorists, when we could all say the same about white people being terrorists for creating slavery for African-Americans. It's a one-one situation if you put it like that(not that I agree), but to make the situation equal.
cancel 8 years ago
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