Login problems today


There were problems with people logging in today (or the past few days) which should be resolved now. I'm not sure about the specifics of how that happened, but it looks like the server ran out of memory and one of the services just decided to stop working so I had to restart it. I'll need to get a clearer picture of how that exactly happened since that's never happened before. In the meantime, it looks like a rare occurrence for now and you're all fine to log in.

Update: Ironically, considering the old RPR seems to log people in just fine, it might be the fact that the new and the old share the same server resources and one steals from the other. RPR doesn't really have the funds for more servers so I'll have to figure something else out.


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RoseEcho 8 years ago
Thanks for working it out! ^^ I thought I was kicked out at first ha
neutrali 8 years ago
oh well thanks for fixing!
bangnaruto 8 years ago
Thank you for fixing everything!
flightofdeath 8 years ago
Thank you! I was really scared there ^^;;
You did a great job of fixing it so fast!
JCH21753 8 years ago
Thanks for fixing it! Everything looks okay now, and yeah, the old one was working just dandy.
05eb34c50e33534ff795 8 years ago
Thanks so much
KokoaLR 8 years ago
Yeah... I have a problem with log in just now but now.. It's back to normal
dumbfoundead 8 years ago
Whenever I tried to log in, the site would accept my information but I wouldn't be redirected to my profile, it'd just refresh and I'd end up on the log in page again, however; if I entered the wrong password, I would receive the message saying so. But yeah, I could log in to the old RpR just fine.

I've also had some issues with my messages. It happens every so often and so suddenly but with certain people, our conversation would disappear all together.
pixels 8 years ago
Thanks for the update!
astraltia 8 years ago
So we can log back into the proper website rather than use the old version?
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