One of My RPs


Entertainment Personnel || Gummi Studios & Republic Entertainment || All Orientations Allowed || Need Trainees and CEOs and Staff || Open and Accepting ||



Gummi Studios is run by (insert name) and Republic Entertainment is run by Kim Jaejoong(Admin). Trainees may pick the company they wish to be in. Admins will place them there. After that they are in the care of e CEOs. CEOs will tell admin Lalisa where each trainee will be placed. They decide the band or if the trainee will go solo. CEOs will also come up with band names. Password is DAB KING. Please enjoy your time. Have fun, work hard, make friends, fall in love...


Please join I need idols and another CEO! Please.



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shinyechan 7 years ago
the link doesn't work ;;
but i'm interested in joining though
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