Personal Message



Kim Taehyung  |  51 Years Old looks 21  |  A werewolf  | collage student 
Kim Taehyung was born in a small pack of werewolfs, even though only three of them where his really family he thought of the others as family to, his mother was the most generous and strongest mother in the pack, his father was the aphla but he was always kind to his children, taehyung and his older sister. Taehyungs life was the best there was, he had everything that he wanted, a loving family and great friends. He he turned 19 all of that changed when they were driven out of their home by people since they wanted the forest for themselves. Taehyung remembered that day so vividly that it comes back to him in his dreams. They manged to get away in time but it wasn't to the place they thought, they ended running to where another stronger pack lived and watched in horror as his family was killed in front of his eyes, but lucky for taehyung he manged to get away with just a couple of cuts and bite marks. He has trust issues and observes everyone that he meets unless he has a day where he feels a little down that's when he let's some of his gard down. He also has a dear of rain since that was when everything he loved was taken away from him and he as afraid that it will happen again to him.
Taehyung has chestnut coloured hair that matches his fir in his wolf form, his eyes are dark nearly black and it's like you can see to his soul and that he sees into yours to, but when he gets angry they go completely black. If you treate him kindly he will be kind back to you, he lives by three rule, love others like you want to be loved so if your mean or cheek with him he will do the same back. Just like any other werewolf he has anger problems which can come and go at ant time or if you annoy him, he isn't easily swayed at all so don't even try though tricks on him. Taehyung is also pretty easily distracted when it comes to food or nature so don't think he's being rude or anything when he doesn't answer you when those two things are around.Taehyung loves to go around on his own most of the time not really liking anyone to bother him sometimes, and then sometimes he would love to have company and a lot of people around him. You could call him "a lone wolf" since that is what he is.
He loves to eat cookies and chocolate pies so if you give him that or even buy it for him you will have a friend for life even if he didn't like you a first, he also really likes meat so don't even try to eat his food or he wouldn't be happy and since he is a wolf to he sometimes hunts for his own food now and then if he doesn't have money to buy any food.
He dislikes people that think that they know him just by looking at him which is true since he is different on the inside and also different on the outside to, litraly. He hates it when people try to take his food unless he offered them it. And what he hates the most is liers.


Status: taken by Jin hyung  Craving: cokkies and chocolate 
Orientation: biual Listening to: save me - BTS
Writing Style: Both 1st & 3rd POV Thinking about: where I can find food


L Don't be afraid to talk to me or ask me to rp because I'm really sweet if your kind to me ^^
I love to rp 1st and 3rd so which ever your more comfortable or which ever one I feel like doing then that's the pov we will use ^^
If we do I mostly only bottom but if you are only good at that I can try to top in but I can't promise anything ^^" 
And last but not least you can ever post a random start or as me to rp and I will reply ^^
I hope we can have fun together :)