

POV/LENGTH: I prefer 3rd pov for serious roleplay but I can always keep up with 1st. Just hit me up if you want to roleplay!

Poke me after 3 days I am usually active but I might miss some replies!

 now - by moon jongup 
awake universe 
Music has always been Jongup's escape somehow. He started writing his own song lyrics in the age of 13. He took piano lessons like every other teenage with the request of his parents when he was 8 but soon he fell in love with the instrument. He learnt playing guitar by himself and started composing songs and in a young age he became a producer and the co-ceo of the Mega Entertainment owned by a young singer.

Jongup had taken from his parents when he was only 8 years old to trained in martial arts in order to protect the government. He learnt martial arts and improved himself in using gun and knife. At first he was an obedient child but then he realized the truth behind the system. He didn't want to match with a random person and he escaped before the elections. He soon joined the rebels but they don't trust him. So he needs to prove himself and show his betrayal towards the government. He might be a little cocky and sarcastic but he is not that annoying in the end. Though he is usually cold towards people at first.

Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 

Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 

Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 

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Credits for layout ;  Credits for pictures to their owners