
— kim doyeon (sh) [A] 1 minute ago Reply

i like ten's nose i wanna boop it

— lee gwangmin 1 second ago Reply

love u ten

— bang sungjoon [A] 27 seconds agoReply

ten, you a real one

— lee gwangmin 1 minute ago Reply

i love ten
you are my left lung

— goo hara 22 seconds ago Reply

you're acute angle, remember that tenten

— kim jihun 4 seconds ago Reply

ten makes me happy even though he physically harms me a lot

— hong jisoo 2 minutes ago Reply

ten you're like bread
except you're that really nice
thick cut French toast cinnamon raisin bread 




ONE. I'm on when possible and not always on when it says I am.

TWO. Detailed writer who loves to both plot and improvise, but prefers the latter. Plotting along the way is also a choice.

THREE. I normally ignore my wall, especially if I'm talking in rooms. If you send me a message, eight times out of ten, I'm responding late.

FOUR. I reply late to everything and hardly check my alerts. Don't rp/talk with me if you can't deal with that.

FIVE. I tend to make a lot of typos and leave out words. Probably because I type too fast, and probably because I don't notice. Bear with me.

SIX. You don't need to remind me I owe you a reply. I definitely know and will update you on why I haven't responded yet.

SEVEN. I am not my character. In the chat, I do get lacy and will talk ooc about things, but when it comes to actual roleplaying, me and my character are two different people. Don't get us mixed up.


backstage accident : (open to anyone) so, idk how it happens, but a fire starts backstage during a music show or something and everyone has to evacuate. it's really your fault that it happened, but TEN gets blamed for starting the fire because he happened to be lost at the time and doesn't have an alibi for when he was missing. the issue (or at least him being blamed) doesn't go public, but ten gets scolded for something he didn't do and wants you to come forward before something else happens.

closet foodies : (open to anyone) every other night or so, TEN sneaks out to go get food and then crawls into his closet to gobble it up. maybe it was the frequent trips you caught him going on, or the crumbs in the closet, but you figured him out, and maybe you want in on this. or maybe you want to help him out of this.

sticky notes : (open to anyone) so, you guys have known each other long enough to pick up on subtle hints and notes from one another, even though you guys don't meet up or talk a lot (or maybe you do). it starts out with small gestures in passing and smiles with hidden meanings, and it gradually evolves to literal notes being left or passed around between people and subliminal messages on social media, tv shows, and the like. no one outside of you and TEN knows about it or has really caught on, and you aim to keep it that way.

waste basket: (open to anyone) you and TEN make it a weekly/monthly thing to write out letters, take pictures of things, or create a tangible expression of your feelings just to throw them in a waste basket. not always are they bad feelings, not always are they good—they're just something so strong you want to get off your chest, but can't. call it a cleansing tradition of some sorts.

fan antics : (open to anyone) TEN won a coupon or something to the spa and was off minding his business there, just doing his thing. you also happened to be at the spa for whatever reason, and he sees you on his way out, exchanging a casual greeting and going on about his day afterward. some weirdo leaks the whole spa thing on the internet and fans start to ship you and TEN, make fanfics and junk. TEN finds out about the fanfic thing and reads a couple, finding a few he actually likes on the low and starting to wonder what you're like in person. next time he sees you, he accidentally slips that he reads fanfics about you and him and then things get awkward.

whatever happens, happens : (open to anyone) you and TEN have that kind of friendship where you can just sit on your phones in silence and call it hanging out, where you borrow each others things like shirts and wallets, where you can fight over silly things and make up shortly after, and where you can talk about the most personal topics without feeling really awkward. you guys are friends and not worried about embarrassing yourself or whether or not one of you will catch feelings because you're cool with how things are. your relationship is really simple, and you and TEN are a-ok with that, so whatever happens between you is whatever.

keeping distance : (open to anyone) somebody gets friendzoned and it works out okay at first, but they can't seem to get over the other no matter what they try and it causes some #drama in everyone's life. this drama and tension sits between you and TEN like a giant zit between your eyes—large enough to cause discomfort and so in your face it'd be hard not to catch onto it.

benefits make friends : (open to anyone; can go with above) you and TEN met or got close because you decided to make out or something one time, but then you realized you might actually want to be friends. the benefits are nice, but there's nothing like good ol' friendship and fun.

title : (status, rating, etc.) text

title : (status, rating, etc.) text

title : (status, rating, etc.) text








Maecenas fringilla laoreet orci, et blandit nunc pellentesque et. Nam pellentesque id lectus eu accumsan. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer sit amet orci in tellus tincidunt consequat. Mauris ut ex vulputate, euismod elit in, ultricies lectus. Pellentesque faucibus facilisis velit vel dapibus. Suspendisse ipsum risus, aliquam eu nisi consectetur, rutrum molestie felis. Duis non felis lacinia, scelerisque est laoreet, volutpat dui. Vivamus consectetur magna in ex fringilla sollicitudin.