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pun: wat do a ghost wear when its raining outside???






choi yoojung
❝ curioser and curioser ! ❞
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   NP : And July by Heize ft DEAN
her personality takes after alice’s starkly in her curious and gullible ways: naive, easily fooled, and exuding pure innocence -the only difference being that she is less cautious and judgmental.
she comes from a deeply rural area and so everything in the city appears to be a wonderland. used to being alone, she insists on things going her way and is easily irritated when things don’t go as planned.
set thickly with an accent and an endearingly terrible sense of fashion, yoojung is always on the hunt for something new, and often recklessly throws herself into some stupid situations.
she doesn't consciously remember much. her vivid imagination and nearly identical personality are the most of what remains from alice. from within her mind, yoojung constantly yearns for an adventure as intense and insane as alice’s from wonderland -people generally don’t remember words and actions, but they always remember the way they feel.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sapien massa, lobortis a dolor ac, cursus mattis eros.
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam sagittis libero in dui cursus volutpat. Praesent a auctor orci, a lacinia nulla. Aliquam ultricies lectus quis nibh porta vestibulum.
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna.
Not Taken.
Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna tempor id. Suspendisse eget leo erat. Sed sem eros, tempus et lectus nec, luctus mollis augue. Donec laoreet accumsan risus, quis ullamcorper sapien fermentum id.
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out of character
GMT :  -7
Writing Style :  3rd (semi para/~200 words for fastest replies, but flexible)
Reply Speed : 6 / 10

Disclaimer : im coming back after like years forgive me if i goof up
i prefer third, but can also do detailed first (I’m super nice and flexible pls just ask) as stated above, semipro yields fastest results. i come on randomly all day but i’ll probably reply when i have a computer. i love plotting (i thought i could wing but i can’t -im actually incapable lul) I’m a er for romance so hmm with some cute n flirty plots, but i also love super intense angst. I’m generally okay with all genres and i love them all equally, so i’d love it if we could plot based on characters instead of genres (my only exception is that i don’t full on )