Personal Message

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Myoui Mina has always been one to keep to herself. she never really cared for anyone else, though she knew it was something important. she could be a brat to people at times, and there would always be something unsettling inside of her. She knew it was a bad habit, and even though she never said it out loud, she always cared for others. rather than expressing it, she simply snubs her nose at others, though she has a very uneasy conscience.

Mina is plagued with a hot temper. she doesnt know how to handle her emotions very well, so whether she cares or not, it's often kept silent. due to this, she's selectively mute, hardly ever speaking. when she does, she's usually sarcastic. she has a very motherly aura about her, and she silently shows her favoritism by taking care of people she likes, though those she doesn't like, she clearly ignores or shows the dislike. she's extremely talented, and she spends a lot of time working with her element.

as long as you can get past her defenses, you may actually enjoy her presence.

1. call me luna/moon
2. gmt -8, california
3. not always online, so dont trust the online sign and whatnot
4. plot preferred, but i can wing too
5. 3rd or 1st det, but i can do anything; usually, i just mirror
6. respond better to tags
7. poke me after a day or two; im usually just being lazy
8. come rp with me!


Donec posuere vulputate ultricies. Aliquam laoreet lobortis vestibulum. Nam molestie commodo purus vel euismod. Sed dapibus dictum velit. Curabitur euismod tempus turpis non fringilla. Quisque suscipit, tellus quis malesuada egestas, ipsum sem accumsan mauris, sed pharetra lorem nisl vel ipsum. Sed finibus tincidunt facilisis. Vivamus molestie, eros vel dapibus euismod, felis nisl convallis arcu, vel semper lorem augue at odio. Nullam rhoncus, felis sed hendrerit varius, mauris nisl molestie magna, non hendrerit neque risus vitae nisi. Suspendisse pulvinar erat nec pretium pulvinar. Phasellus nec imperdiet felis. Vivamus porta erat quis porttitor aliquam.

Vestibulum rutrum sodales turpis id eleifend. Donec consectetur enim ac diam elementum, et gravida urna aliquam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam congue eros non semper porta. Fusce a leo in sapien feugiat accumsan ut ut metus. Nam iaculis porttitor magna, sit amet dapibus dolor fermentum id. Sed fringilla, sem iaculis pretium ultricies, leo lorem rutrum elit, eu malesuada nulla tellus id sem.

Sed pulvinar, libero eget porttitor aliquam, ipsum orci varius velit, sed fringilla diam lorem et orci. Aliquam luctus eget libero a sollicitudin. Donec eget dapibus risus, nec malesuada leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus mattis eget dolor a auctor. Curabitur a neque ut nunc facilisis lobortis sed euismod urna. Ut vel aliquet justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur a bibendum augue, nec suscipit justo.