Personal Message
     Jaebeom-ah, my love and my whole world, I’ve never been very good with words— but there are just a few things I needed to say. I could go over all the things that we are, that have brought us to where we are in such a short time, but I don't want to waste time on the things we've already said and that we both already know. Instead, I needed to try and tell you how you make me feel, and what you mean to me, now, while I have the time to do so with a clear head.
     You've called yourself a person who blends into the drywall since I met you. To me you are the brightest star, the most vibrant piece of art, and the most beautiful song. You have lit up my life, and made me feel a depth of emotions that I've never felt before. I can't promise to always be happy, like some people do, but I feel everything with passion because of you. I know that my days will never be boring when I'm with you.
     I love you, Park Jaebeom. I love your smile, your laugh, your sense of humor, your kisses, and your love. I love the way it feels to be wrapped in your arms, the warmth of lying in bed beside you, and just how it feels to be called your baby boy. I love you, all of you, from head to toe, and every single centimeter of you. It may seem silly, or selfish, but I do hope to be able to spend the rest of my life by your side. I promised to love you, always, and now I promise I will stay with you for as long as you'll allow me to be the one by your side.
with love from
your baby boy
park jaebeom
❝ I make my own money, I don’t make money through my artists. ❞
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   NP : Love My Life - Jay Park ft. pH-1
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Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna tempor id. Suspendisse eget leo erat. Sed sem eros, tempus et lectus nec, luctus mollis augue. Donec laoreet accumsan risus, quis ullamcorper sapien fermentum id.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sapien massa, lobortis a dolor ac, cursus mattis eros.
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Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam sagittis libero in dui cursus volutpat. Praesent a auctor orci, a lacinia nulla. Aliquam ultricies lectus quis nibh porta vestibulum.
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna.
Taken by Buhan.
Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna tempor id. Suspendisse eget leo erat. Sed sem eros, tempus et lectus nec, luctus mollis augue. Donec laoreet accumsan risus, quis ullamcorper sapien fermentum id.
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GMT :  -5
Writing Style :  1st & 3rd
Reply Speed : 6 / 10

Disclaimer : I work weekends
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sapien massa, lobortis a dolor ac, cursus mattis eros. liquam erat volutpat. Aliquam sagittis libero in dui cursus volutpat. Praesent a auctor orci, a lacinia nulla. Aliquam ultricies lectus quis nibh porta vestibulum.