Personal Message

Date of Birth
27 February 1996


Something about Ten you don't already know
– If he weren’t an idol and couldn’t pursue dance, he would be a mangaka
– He’s legally blind; his left eye is better than his right eye
– Suffers from schizoaffective disorder
– Can eat a lot of food and can eat without swallowing (what even is a gag reflex)
– Likes to take things apart or set them on fire
REALLY likes fruit
– Has a strong sense of smell and taste
– Moans when he eats
– Always listening to music
– Is easily startled and quick to fight
– Screams a lot for no reason
– Sometimes belches in the middle of talking like Rick Sanchez
– Has an intense fear of bugs
– Faints at the sight of blood

Bad habits of his
Biting his lips raw, chewing on things that weren’t meant to be chewed on, singing loudly in the shower, smoking (vaping, actually)

Is he messy or clean?
He's messy in a way that is organized to him.

Does he like to clean up?
He dislikes having to clean; tends to clean up after himself so he doesn't have to do so later.

What are his sleeping habits?
He likes to sleep in the ; snores but snores softly; drools occasionally; tosses and turns a lot; usually sleeps on his stomach and/or sides; likes to cuddle his pillow

His on-camera personality:
bubbly, energetic, sweet, friendly, charming, quiet

His off-camera personality:
apathetic, straightforward, stubborn, independent (to a degree), carefree/free-spirited, kind of a jackass, very flirty and the type to hookup but not settle down, picky eater, can be hard to please


Other things to know:
– Likes to play games; videogames, card games, board games, you name it
– He eats candy and grinds his teeth when stressed out, and he'll rub his s when thinking about his stress/stressors or food
– He can lie to your face and act like he means it, but can't hide how he really feels about something (body language, man), and he lies about a lot of things
– He doesn't like to take his meds sometimes, so he's a little loopy at times, but is generally okay
– He cannot tolerate silence for extended periods of time (he will panic and freeze up)
– He likes to play with beads and beaded objects
– He's an HSP (a highly sensitive person)
– He doesn't mind getting close to people, but never completely trusts them until he feels absolutely safe around them
– he has a collection of seashells, rocks, and a special collection of soaps labeled after all the things he wants to cleanse himself of (ie. anger, sadness, anxiety, guilty, etc.)
– he reads a lot and reads different types of books and articles
– he enjoys journaling, doodling, and sending handwritten letters
– he drinks a lot of coffee and soda, and he always carries gum
– he's messy and doesn't move a lot when he doesn't have a lot to do (like, he'll literally sit in one spot for hours)
– he cares a lot less than people like to think and has developed a complex because of it
– he laughs for no reason, and sometimes at completely innapropriate times


Farrah Gray

“We have to learn to face our fears and push ourselves. If you’re living on earth and you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much room. When you push past the fear and realize that what you feared was not a big deal, you gain more confidence.”


current levels

mood 54%


muse 79%


quality 62%


speed 41%


activity 90%


basic information


ten ten, ben ten, eleven, chitta



date of birth

27 february 1996

place of birth

bangkok, thailand


member of nct; singer, dancer


panual, demiromantic

relationship status

single; not interested

writing style

script & para/novella

pov preference

3rd if script, 1st or 3rd if para/novella


history / about

Mauris lacus quam, consectetur pulvinar lectus non, facilisis convallis felis. Aenean mattis enim vitae metus tincidunt aliquet. Sed finibus a leo vitae aliquet. Duis finibus mauris fringilla suscipit hendrerit. Ut a consequat neque, et tempus lacus. Vestibulum sed quam nisl. Sed maximus nibh quis imperdiet dictum. Sed condimentum turpis eu ullamcorper interdum. In rhoncus augue sapien, sed varius enim fringilla egestas. Duis fermentum eros sed sapien iaculis, ac condimentum urna iaculis. Sed faucibus sapien id turpis dapibus elementum.

Nunc tincidunt felis eget leo sodales commodo. Donec vitae venenatis dui, id tristique lacus. Vivamus sagittis mattis tortor ac accumsan. Suspendisse purus erat, interdum eget metus ut, dignissim consequat nisi. Proin non sapien hendrerit, euismod est a, rhoncus felis. Nulla facilisi. Morbi nec sollicitudin massa, non ullamcorper dui. Fusce euismod dictum ultrices. Vestibulum sed sagittis tortor. Maecenas facilisis, metus nec pulvinar bibendum, orci massa scelerisque arcu, ornare sagittis est metus quis enim. Pellentesque massa elit, mattis a nibh vitae, laoreet euismod mi.

Nunc suscipit est metus, non mattis quam posuere at. Vivamus eu nunc turpis. Maecenas quis lobortis diam. Maecenas iaculis lacus in tempus tempor. Fusce eget fringilla metus. Proin ornare justo turpis, ac tincidunt enim eleifend id. Nullam vitae erat libero. Sed ullamcorper congue pretium. Nullam pretium odio vel auctor cursus. Fusce lacinia orci a est pharetra, at eleifend ex sodales. Mauris eget semper arcu. Vestibulum iaculis vulputate sem, vel egestas augue ornare eu.



name: here.

date: here.

status: here.

Sed semper tellus in tempor volutpat. Vivamus viverra dictum lorem ut egestas. Fusce pulvinar, augue vel malesuada pulvinar, nisl velit mattis diam, sed dignissim magna massa nec lorem. Nullam at pretium nunc, pharetra iaculis enim. Aenean pellentesque nisi a ante feugiat porttitor. Ut leo metus, aliquam et mauris sit amet, maximus congue tellus. Vivamus tristique ligula ipsum, id euismod quam pellentesque vitae. Suspendisse consectetur enim blandit sem consequat, et congue eros euismod. Nulla vitae sagittis libero. Suspendisse ultrices venenatis leo in tempus. Mauris luctus consequat placerat. Vivamus consequat sodales sapien ac cursus. Etiam posuere ex dolor, efficitur bibendum magna lacinia vel. Sed ornare, mauris nec aliquet viverra, libero tortor pulvinar nisl, vel laoreet nisi tortor sit amet nisl.


personality / quirks

On-Camera Personality:

bubbly, energetic, sweet, friendly, charming, quiet

Off- Camera Personality:

apathetic, straightforward, stubborn, independent (to a degree), carefree/free-spirited, kind of a jackass, very flirty and the type to hookup but not settle down, picky eater, can be hard to please


– If he weren’t an idol and couldn’t pursue dance, he would be a mangaka
– He’s legally blind; his left eye is better than his right eye
– Suffers from schizoaffective disorder
– Can eat a lot of food and can eat without swallowing (what even is a gag reflex)
– Likes to take things apart or set them on fire
REALLY likes fruit
– Has a strong sense of smell and taste
– Moans when he eats
– Always listening to music
– Is easily startled and quick to fight
– Screams a lot for no reason
– Sometimes belches in the middle of talking like Rick Sanchez
– Has an intense fear of bugs
– Faints at the sight of blood
– Likes to play games; videogames, card games, board games, you name it
– He eats candy and grinds his teeth when stressed out, and he'll rub his s when thinking about his stress/stressors or food
– He can lie to your face and act like he means it, but can't hide how he really feels about something (body language, man), and he lies about a lot of things
– He doesn't like to take his meds sometimes, so he's a little loopy at times, but is generally okay
– He cannot tolerate silence for extended periods of time (he will panic and freeze up)
– He likes to play with beads and beaded objects
– He's an HSP (a highly sensitive person)
– He doesn't mind getting close to people, but never completely trusts them until he feels absolutely safe around them
– he has a collection of seashells, rocks, and a special collection of soaps labeled after all the things he wants to cleanse himself of (ie. anger, sadness, anxiety, guilty, etc.)
– he reads a lot and reads different types of books and articles
– he enjoys journaling, doodling, and sending handwritten letters
– he drinks a lot of coffee and soda, and he always carries gum
– he's messy and doesn't move a lot when he doesn't have a lot to do (like, he'll literally sit in one spot for hours)
– he cares a lot less than people like to think and has developed a complex because of it
– he laughs for no reason, and sometimes at completely innapropriate times


out of character

ONE. I'm on when possible and not always on when it says I am.

TWO. Detailed writer who loves to both plot and improvise, but prefers the latter. Plotting along the way is also a choice.

THREE. I normally ignore my wall, especially if I'm talking in rooms. If you send me a message, eight times out of ten, I'm responding late.

FOUR. I reply late to everything and hardly check my alerts. Don't rp/talk with me if you can't deal with that.

FIVE. I tend to make a lot of typos and leave out words. Probably because I type too fast, and probably because I don't notice. Bear with me.

SIX. You don't need to remind me I owe you a reply. I definitely know and will update you on why I haven't responded yet.

SEVEN. I am not my character. In the chat, I do get lazy and will talk ooc about things, but when it comes to actual roleplaying, me and my character are two different people. Don't get us mixed up.



PLOT TITLE [ GENRE, RATING, STATUS, ETC ]: Vivamus rutrum interdum nisl, vel tristique mauris aliquet ut. Curabitur in venenatis metus, ut facilisis metus. Nunc ac sagittis odio. Sed nec mauris ex. Etiam magna metus, mattis ut ullamcorper nec, rhoncus et orci. Sed feugiat, massa sed convallis ultrices, libero metus condimentum lectus, vitae facilisis turpis lectus id nunc. Curabitur aliquet hendrerit dolor sit amet euismod. Etiam sed eros accumsan, cursus turpis vitae, rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum lobortis lectus pharetra purus aliquam facilisis. Nunc ac diam feugiat, lobortis lacus facilisis, molestie ante. Mauris viverra sagittis dui a varius. Praesent eget viverra nisi. Pellentesque venenatis dictum eros eget euismod. Proin maximus massa neque, vel congue odio tristique ut. Maecenas congue purus at mauris tristique placerat.

PLOT TITLE [ GENRE, RATING, STATUS, ETC ]: Donec nibh felis, sagittis a varius in, placerat id ipsum. Suspendisse euismod sapien metus, euismod fermentum magna molestie ac. Nunc tempor iaculis maximus. Duis nec semper dolor. Maecenas ut ex vehicula, dapibus leo sit amet, congue nibh. In venenatis leo in ipsum gravida blandit. Donec auctor pulvinar tellus ac dictum. Curabitur rutrum suscipit turpis et porttitor. Donec semper odio massa.



who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.