
kim minhak

Born Kim Minhwa to parents that both spent a good portion of their lives in the United States, his mother born and raised there and his father spending most of his teenage years there after his family moved when he was 14. This was a great advantage to Minhak because even though his parents moved back to Korea just a few years before he was born, their views were very americanized and open minded so even though it came as a surprise when their child insisted he was a boy from a very early age it wasn't hard for them too accept. Wanting nothing more than for their child to be happy they raised him as boy, even moving to another area when people began critisizing their parenting. 

He started dance training when he was 5 altough he'd been dancing since he could stand on his own. Some time after that he began attending extra art classes for painting and drawing. 

Problems didn't arise until some years later when Minhak hit puberty, something that left a 13 year old Minhak confused and uncomfortable in his own body for the first time in his life. While other boys his age were getting taller and looking manlier his own began to look more feminine and the bleeding started. Although he had less of a problem with the bleeding and more so with the way his body looked. This was quickly noticed by the other boys he attended school wiht and they would relentlessly asking if he was sure he was boy, but, of course, at this point even he was questioning it, something his mother did her best to put to rest. 

His father, now the CEO of his late grandfather's Tech company, did his best, pulling strings to find a doctor that would make it possible for Minhak to have access to hormone treatment despite his young age. Eventually he managed to find someone that would keep the exchanges quiet as Minhak prefered for people not to know he wasn't born as a male. 

Unfortunately by this time he was already needing to wear clothing big enough to hide his body or bind his chest, he was forced to do this in school since clothing were required to fit properly. Once he'd been on hormones for a little over a year however his parents took him to Japan over a school break to get him top surgery so he wouldn't have to hide so much or be so uncomfortable. The teasing about his feminine looks eventually stopped but the comment about his evident lack of height did not.

In high school he took classes at NY DANCE Academy. He currently attends Korea National University as a dance major while also taking a good number of art classes as well. 

He is not currently still taking hormones, though he has them, as he finds it to be quite a hassle to remember (Note: Remembering to do certain things isn't something he's great at). Since He no longer lives at home he has no one to remind him to take them.

history / about

Minhak is a very easy going person despite those rough school years. He still does his best to hide the fact that he was not born male and so far the only people that are aware are his parents and the people he works with as his identification still has him listed as female when he applied for the job thanks to the fact that it can't be changed legally until the age of 19. Naturally, around people he doesn't know he's rather quiet.

Most people that know him see him as rather soft but that persona changes when he's dancing, something that tends to take people by surprise.









Quisque nunc dui, sollicitudin at odio non, auctor varius lacus. Pellentesque at tortor dui. Phasellus dapibus semper felis in efficitur. Donec tempus rhoncus auctor. Cras pharetra ipsum ipsum. Sed ut finibus sem. Aenean sollicitudin scelerisque enim, eu viverra libero lobortis non. Morbi rutrum tellus nec ex placerat, ut dictum purus egestas. Vestibulum eget congue ante, sed ullamcorper nunc. Donec elementum sapien at est imperdiet porta eu et lectus.

the one i cherish

I. Mauris ex lectus, sollicitudin et accumsan id, luctus et tortor.

II. Suspendisse convallis pretium mi, quis interdum libero vehicula eu. Vestibulum id finibus nulla.

III. Maecenas sodales justo quis ante rhoncus scelerisque. Pellentesque mattis pulvinar nunc, vitae luctus nunc sodales a. Suspendisse quis urna turpis.

IV. Donec suscipit, tellus et rutrum finibus, arcu dolor interdum sem, in feugiat turpis ante a nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque porta lobortis lectus. Integer tincidunt, mauris ut aliquet eleifend, nisi justo interdum dolor, laoreet rutrum nisi dui id elit.

V. Nulla faucibus urna quis nunc pharetra imperdiet eget et metus. Integer sagittis, orci quis luctus rutrum, velit ipsum tincidunt arcu, at sagittis ipsum sem vel quam.

VI. Etiam porta rutrum tempor.

VII. Sed sit amet magna eu sem mollis scelerisque.

out of character


friends / icons


August 20, 1997


162 cm


animal caretaker


dance major






sans bottom sur.